Excursion in GP Hub – is a tour product that represents entertainment activities like excursions, concerts, etc. All excursions are characterized by location, where they are held, start date/time and duration. Additional attributes like descriptions, images, etc. may present as well. Each supplier has own classification of excursions, descriptions and image types, so all these details are mapped to GP HUB standard values.
Excursions can be one-time and periodical. The second option means that excursion could repeat on different dates.
In terms of place and time there could be the following cases:
Fixed location/time – is usually provided in description and cannot be changed by user. Note, that if it is excursion then in this case it starts from certain time; if this is a ticket then it could be taken from ticketing office any time during opening hours.
Selection from pre-defined list of options – e.g. excursion starts several times a day or from several starting points and user can select from them.
Enter manually – it is guaranteed that excursion can start from any place (usually, from any hotel) and thus user can enter starting point manually.
GP Travel HUB allows developers to make applications that can:
Get list of excursions with availability and prices according to the requested criteria;
Search for excursions,events, concerts, matches in the cities or even country;
Get excursion description;
Get excursion cancellation policies;
Make excursion booking;
Check status of the reservation;
Cancel excursion.