GPTE API Release 9.4 (28 June 2023)
New parameters are added to the following API methods:
GET /companies: “consortium” and “subconsortium” are added to the request and response
POST /companies: “consortium” and “subconsortium” are added to the request and response
PUT /companies/{id}: “consortium” and “subconsortium” are added to the request and response
GET /ownProductDiscounts: “numberOfNightsDays” and “freeNightsStartingCondition” are added to the response
GET /prices: “numberOfNightsDays” and “freeNightsStartingCondition” are added to the response
POST /ownProductDiscounts: “numberOfNightsDays” and “freeNightsStartingCondition” are added to the request
PUT /ownProductDiscounts: “numberOfNightsDays” and “freeNightsStartingCondition” are added to the request
GET /searchAccommodation:
“soldOutReason” is added to the response for accommodation unavailable due to minNights restriction
"internalSuppliers" and "externalSuppliers" are added to the request
“RoomOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET /additionalOptions: “processId” is added to the request
GET /searchTransfer:
“transferCategoryCode”, “productVariantId”, "internalSuppliers" and "externalSuppliers" are added to the request
“TransferOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET/transferAdditionalOptions:“processId” is added to the request
GET /searchFlight:
“FlightOffer” > “pricingSourceType” and “tariffRecommended” are added to the response
"internalSuppliers" and "externalSuppliers" are added to the request
GET /additionalFlightOptions:
“processId’ is added to the request
"ExtraMealOptions” is added to the response
POST /prepareFlightBook: “specialRemarkRM” is added to the request
POST /fillFlightBookingData: “specialRemarkRM” is added to the request
GET /searchTrain: “TrainOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET /searchCarRent:
"internalSuppliers" and "externalSuppliers" are added to the request
“CarOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET /additionalCarRentOptions: "processId" is added to the request
GET /searchActivities:
“excursionCategoryCode”, “productVariantId” , "internalSuppliers" and "externalSuppliers" are added to the request
“ActivityOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET /activityAdditionalOptions: “processId” is added to the request
GET /searchInsurance:
"internalSuppliers" and "externalSuppliers" are added to the request
“InsuranceOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET /searchVisa: “VisaOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET /searchOwnExtraService: “OwnExtraServiceOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET /searchCruises:
"internalSuppliers" and "externalSuppliers" are added to the request
“CruiseOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET /searchDynamicPackages: “DynamicPackageOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET /searchPackages: “RoomOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
GET /searchPackageTours:
“departureAirportCode” is added to the request
“soldOutReason” is added to the response for accommodation component unavailable due to minNights restriction
“discountDetails” is added to the response at the level of components
“DynamicPackageOffer” > “tariffRecommended” is added to the response
"pickUpCityId", "dropOffCityId", "dropOffDate" and "pickUpDate" are added to the response for car rental services
GET /packageTours: new array "itinerary" is added to the response
POST / prepareDynamicPackageBook: “extraBaggage” and “seats” are added to the request
POST /prepareBookSaveOrder: “discount” is added to the response
GET /orders:
“agentCompanyConsortium” and “agentCompanySubconsortium” added to the request
“bookingMethod” is added to the request and to the response
"ServiceDetailsFlight" > “pricingSourceType” is added to the response
"serviceDetails" -> "departurePlace" / "arrivalPlace" > “trainStationName” is added to the response
“ServiceDetailsFlight” > “specialRemarkRM” is added to the response
“FlightSegment” > “marketingAirline”is added to the response
“Service” > “productVariantId” is added to the response
“SalesTermsType” > “discount” and “commissionVatAmount” are added to the response
“Discount” > “name” and “amount” are added to the response
“ExtraService” > “required” is added to the response
“serviceDetails” > “departurePlace” / “arrivalPlace” > “cityId” is added to the response
GET/downloadOrders:“agentCompanyConsortium”, “agentCompanySubconsortium”, “bookingMethod” are added to the request
POST /orderServices – new parameters for the following product types:
“marketingAirline” is added to the request and response
an array including parameters “type”, “birthdate”, “departureAirportCode”, “arrivalAirportCode”, “departureTerminal”, “arrivalTerminal”, “flightNumber”, “flightClass”, “bookingClass”, “seatsPrebooked”, “mealIncluded”, “seatNumber” per each traveller
accommodation: “roomType”, “mealType”
transfers: “pickUpPoint”, “pickUpTime”, “dropOffPoint”, “dropOffTime”, “oneWay”, “groupTransfer”, “duration”, “contactNumber”
excursions: “durationTime”, “durationDays”
“productType”: new value ‘CAR_RENT’ is added including parameters “pickUpPoint”, “pickUpTime”, “dropOffPoint”, “dropOffTime”, “vehicleCategory”
PUT /orderServices/{processId : .+} – new parameters for the following product types:
“marketingAirline” is added to the request and response
an array including parameters “type”, “birthdate”, “departureAirportCode”, “arrivalAirportCode”, “departureTerminal”, “arrivalTerminal”, “flightNumber”, “flightClass”, “bookingClass”, “seatsPrebooked”, “mealIncluded”, “seatNumber” per each traveller
accommodation: “roomType”, “mealType”
transfers: “pickUpPoint”, “pickUpTime”, “dropOffPoint”, “dropOffTime”, “oneWay”, “groupTransfer”, “duration”, “contactNumber”
excursions: “durationTime”, “durationDays”
“productType”: new value ‘CAR_RENT’ is added including parameters “pickUpPoint”, “pickUpTime”, “dropOffPoint”, “dropOffTime”, “vehicleCategory”
POST /manualModification:
“applyClientAdjustedPrice” is added to the request
“transfer” > “arrival” / “departure” > “trainInfo” > “cityId” is added to the request
array “travelers” > “mealType” and “roomRph” are added to the request
array “rooms ” is added to the request
“required” is added to the request and to the response for extra services
serviceDetails” > “departurePlace” / “arrivalPlace” > “cityId” is added to the response
Accommodation: “roomTypeName”, ”roomId”, “mealTypeName”, “roomMealTypeId”, “earlyCheckIn”, “lateCheckOut”, array “extraServices”, parameter “deleted” for Early Check-in/Late Check-out and Extra Services are added to the request and response
Flights: “departureTerminal”, “arrivalTerminal”, “flightNumber”, “serviceClass”, “lastTicketingDate”, array “extraServices” are added to the request and response
Activities: “durationDays” and “durationTime” are added to the request and response
Transfers and Car Rental: array “extraServices” is added to the request and response
PUT /orders/{orderId}: array “servicesOrder” is added to the request
New API methods were added:
GET /suppliers – added new method allowing to get available suppliers by product type
PUT /serviceComments/{processId : .+} – added new method for adding, editing or removing a comment to Supplier for all services