GPTE Viewing Hotel Reservation
The reservation contains all information on the hotel that you have booked.
To view the newly-created reservation,
On the Reservations menu, select the required reservation from Reservations list.
Hotel information: in this field you can see the hotel name and the hotel address.
Check-in: the time when the service is started.
Check-out: the time when the service is finished
Stay duration: the number of nights that the tourist stay at the hotel.
Supplier: the name of a supplier (GDS) of the given hotel.
Room: in this field you can see the room category.
Meal type: in this field you can see the meal type.
Note: Meal type are room type are added on the reservation details page for booked hotels
Additional services: in this field you can see extra services included in this reservation.
Guests: in this field you can see names and family names of tourists booked on this hotel, their nationality, contact data, email.
Custom fields: in this field is it configured the following information of a separate corporate client: Information, Values, Conditions. For more information see Custom Fields.
Comments: additional information about this reservation.
Status: the current status of the order.
Price: up-to-date price of the booked hotel for the tourists specified in the order.
Supplier’s price: supplier's price of the hotel.
Client’s price: price at which the service was sold to a travel agency. The figure in brackets shows the amount that the agency is to return to a tour operator.
Penalty: information on penalties provided for each hotel according to the rules of the current tariff.