Multi-Level Distribution Chains is the ability to re-sell your travel products via some intermediate companies (usually either some wholesalers or agency chains or other Tour Operator), who have their own sub-agencies.
The main concept about them is that they can get from you Net rates (that are usually composed as your Net rate from supplier + your Markup) and can configure their own clients and own markups for them.
This allows to involve multiple companies into the distribution and automate search&book processes for all of them on the same platform.
At the same time, please, note that only Tour Operator Level 1 (licensee owner) will be able to configure travel products and connections to suppliers. While other distributors in chain will be able to sell them, but not create&manage own products.
This is depicted on the following diagram:
The main capabilities of this module are:
Register Tour Operator accounts as clients (so called Tour Operators Level 2)
Ability to log in as Tour Operator Level 2 and configure own Travel Agencies with own sales conditions for them (markups&commissions)
Search&book travel products both within Tour Operator Level 2 account and their sub-agencies
Get analytics on turnovers and actual amount due with regards to suppliers and clients on any level of distribution chain.
Creation of such distributors is very similar to what is described in the previous section about Agencies. Just select the company type “Tour Operator” in case you want to give them ability to create their sub-agencies and use ability of multi-level sales.
How it works:
Tour Operator Level 1 (supervisor of your company) logs into the system, goes to My company -> Clients legal and creates new company with type “Tour Operator” and configures sales rules for him (e.g. markup +10%).
Tour Operator Level 2 logs into the system and goes to My company -> Clients legal and creates his own sub-agencies and configures sales rules for them (e.g. markup + 20% and commission 15%).
Travel Agency beneath Tour Operator Level 2 logs into the system and makes a booking. After that every company in the chain sees this booking with corresponding net and gross prices in their accounts.