Reservation Initiate Response returns final price and availability of the requested offer.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
TransactionIdentifier | Unique transaction ID generated by GP Travel HUB. This attribute must be further passed on Step 2 to identify the booking request. | 0...1 | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
0...99 | ||||
TransferReservations/TransferReservation* | Represents booking information. | 1...1 | ||
ResStatus* | string (“Reserved”, “Request denied”, “Requested”) | The reservation status that can be one of: "Reserved" - means that transfer is available and can be booked. "Request denied" - means that supplier denied this request and transfer can not be booked. "Requested" - means that GP Travel HUB has done best effort to ensure that transfer can be booked, however, this status doesn't guarantee, that transfer will be booked. This status usually denotes, that supplier doesn't support two-pass booking. | 1...1 | |
TransferReservations/TransferReservation/Transfers/Transfer* | Represents a transfer details. | 1...* | ||
TransferReservations/TransferReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest* | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 1...* | ||
For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 1...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Describes transfer offer. | 1...1 | |||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||
TransferSegments/TransferSegment | Describes Pick-Up and Drop-Off point of the transfer. | 0..1 | ||
For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 0..1 | |||
0..1 | ||||
Total* | Total offer price for all requested travelers. | 1...1 | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||
1...1 | ||||
Contains general information about transfer. | 1...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
RateCode* | string (1 - 64) | Offer code as returned by supplier. | 1..1 | |
RateName* | string (1 - 255) | Offer name as returned by supplier. | 1..1 | |
PromotionCode | string(“DI”) | Indicates whether the offer comes from Dynamic Inventory. Note: This functionality supported for limited suppliers. Please check with GP Travel HUB development if you are interested in specific supplier. | 0..1 | |
AvailabilityStatus* | string ("AvailableForSale", "OnRequest") | Offer availability, whether it is immediately available (AvailableForSale) or on request (OnRequest). | 1...1 | |
BookingCode* | string | An unique offer identifier for further transfer reservation step. | 1..1 | |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1..1 | |||
Type* | string ("Group", "Individual", "UNKNOWN") | Identifies if the transfer is private (“Individual”) or public (“Group”) or undefined (“UNKNOWNmi”). | 1..1 | |
RPH* | integer (1) | A transfer identifier. Must start from 1 and must be unique within booking. Together with ResGuestRPH this element allows to allocate passengers in transfers. | 1..1 | |
For more information see Transfer Availability Response section. | 1...* | |||
1...1 | ||||
0...1 | ||||
0...1 | ||||
AdditionalQuestions/AdditionalQuestion | Remarks from supplier. Note: This functionality supported for limited suppliers. Please check with GP Travel HUB development if you are interested in specific supplier. | 0...* | ||
ID* | string (1 – 32) | Contains unique remark identifier. | 1...1 | |
TypeDescription | string (“Boolean”, “Numeric”, “NumericRange”, “Text”, “RegExpText”, “List”) | Contains short description of remark type. For more information see "Remark Types" in Glossary. | 0...1 | |
TypeID* | integer (1 – 999) | Contains unique remark type identifier. The attribute can be set to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. For more information see "Remark Types" in Glossary. | 1...1 | |
QuestionText* | string | Contains remark text. | 1...1 | |
IsPerPerson | boolean | Specifies if the remark is related to the whole offer or it is related to each guest individually. If it is set to "true", the remark is related to each guest individually. If it is set to "false", the remark is related to the whole offer. | 0...1 | |
IsMandatory | boolean | Specifies if the remark is mandatory. If it is set to "true", the remark is mandatory. If it is set to "false", the remark isn't mandatory. | 0...1 | |
MinValue | integer | Specifies min and max values for remarks with TypeDescription=”NumericRange”. | 0...1 | |
MaxValue | integer | 0...1 | ||
RegExpValue | string | Specifies regex for remarks with TypeDescription=” RegExpText”. RegExpValue can take on values ([A-Z]{2}). | 0...1 | |
MultiSelection | boolean | Attribute for remarks with TypeDescription=” List”. The attribute specifies whether it is allowed to choose multiple between the options from the list of ValidValues. If it is set to "true", multiple choice is allowed. If it is set to "false", multiple choice isn't allowed. | 0...1 | |
AdditionalQuestions/AdditionalQuestion/GuestUniqueID | Сontains possible response for remarks with all TypeDescription for specific travelers. | 0...* | ||
ID* | integer | Unique remark identifier. | 1...1 | |
AdditionalQuestions/AdditionalQuestion/GuestUniqueID/ValidValues/Value | string | Contains the response text for question for specific traveler. | 0...* | |
Code | string | Corresponding to the code from ValidValues/Value element. | 0...1 | |
AdditionalQuestions/AdditionalQuestion/GuestUniqueID/AnswerValues/Value* | string | Contains the response text for the question. | 1...* | |
Code | string | Corresponding to the code from ValidValues/Value element. | 0...1 | |
AdditionalQuestions/AdditionalQuestion/ValidValues/Value | string | Specifies possible answer for remarks with TypeDescription=” List”. | 0...* | |
Code | string | 0...1 | ||
For more information see Transfer Availability Response section. | 1...1 | |||
0..1 | ||||
For more information see Transfer Charges section. | 1...* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
TransferCode* | string (1 - 32) | Transfer code as returned by supplier. | 1..1 | |
TransferName* | string (1 - 255) | Transfer name as returned by supplier. | 1..1 | |
TransferCodeContext* | string (1 - 32) | Supplier name who provides this transfer. | 1..1 | |
OperatedBy | string (1 - 255) | Indicates what exact company operates this transfer. | 0..1 | |
TransferDuration | double | Shows duration of transfer in hours. TransferDuration=”3.5” means that the transfer takes 3 hours and 30 minutes. | 0..1 | |
HotelCodeSupported | boolean | Identifies if Hotel Code is submitted for transfer reservation. | 0..1 | |
AddressSupported | boolean | Identifies if free Address submitted for transfer reservation. | 0..1 | |
| For more information see Transfer Availability Response section. | 0...* | |
TransferDeparture* | Transfer’s departure point as it is provided as supplier’s offer. Attributes are the same as were specified in TransferDeparture element in Transfer Availability Request. | 1..1 | ||
TransferDestination* | Transfer’s destination point as it is provided as supplier’s offer. Attributes are the same as were specified in TransferDestination element in Transfer Availability Request. | 1..1 | ||
VendorMessages/VendorMessage | For more information see Transfer Availability Response section. | 0...99 |