New API methods are added:
GET /restrictedLocations – get restricted locations configured per account
GET /consortiums – to get a list of company consortiums
GET /subConsortiums – to get a list of company sub-consortiums
GET /reviews – to get all reviews for selected product type and period
POST /reviews – to create reviews
PUT /reviews/{id} – to edit reviews
New parameters are added to the existing API methods:
GET /orders:
parameters “clientName”, “manualBookingDateFrom” and “manualBookingDateTo” are added to the request
parameters "servicesCount”, “manualBookingDate” and new array "destinationLocationIds" are added to the response
PUT /orders/{orderId}: parameter “manualBookingDate” and new array "destinationLocationIds" are added to the request
PUT /orderServices/{processId}: parameter “bookingXR” is added to “serviceExchangeRates” to the request
POST /orderServices: parameter “bookingXR” is added to “serviceExchangeRates” to the request
POST /manualModification:
parameter “bookingXR” is added to “serviceExchangeRates” to the request and response
parameter “serviceCreationXR” moved to “serviceExchangeRates”
PUT /manualInvoices/{invoiceId}: parameter "transactionDateTime" is added to the request
GET /airlines: parameter "airlineCode" is added to the request
GET /suppliers:
parameter “name” is added to the request and response
parameter “limit” is added to the request
GET /searchFlight: parameters "longConnectionTime" and "nightFlight" are added to the response
GET /notificationTemplates:
parameter “localeCode” is added to the request
parameter “templateLocales ” is added to the response
PUT /notificationTemplates: parameter “localeCode” is added to the request and response
POST /notificationTemplates:
parameter “localeCode” is added to the request and response
parameter “templateLocales ” is added to the response