New API methods are added:
GET /b2C – to get the list of available B2C websites on the installation
GET /orderHistory – to get details on the order history
GET /orderSummary – to get orders summary by “summaryKey” from GET /orders method
GET /orderCalculator – to get order calculation and settings
PUT /orderCalculator{orderId} – to modify order calculator
POST /orderManagers – to update request and service managers for list of orders
New parameters are added to the existing API methods:
GET /orders:
“customerPaymentDueDateFrom”, “customerPaymentDueDateTo”, “supplierPaymentDueDateFrom”, “supplierPaymentDueDateTo” are added to the request
“supplierPenaltyStatus”, “customerPenaltyStatus”, “supplierPenaltiesTooltip”, “customerPenaltiesTooltip” are added to the response in the “Service” array
"mandatoryFieldsRequired", “productNameForSupplier”, “serviceSentToSupplier”, “serviceSentToSupplierDateTime” are added to the response on the level of service
“extraServiceName”, “extraServiceProductType” are added to the response in the “serviceDetails” array
“summaryKey” is added to the response
GET /orderFxGainLossDetailedInfo: “remark” and “bankTransferDetails” are added to the response
PUT /orders/{orderId}:
a new array “servicesInfo” with parameters “serviceSentToSupplier” and “processId” are added to the request
“active” is added to the request
GET /manualInvoices:
“dueDateFrom”, “dueDateTo”, “payDateFrom”, “payDateTo”, “customerName”, “supplierName”, “limit”, “offset” are added to the request
“invoicesCount” is added to the response
GET /manualInvoicePaymentMethods: “orderId” is made optional
GET /invoicePaymentMethods: “pspBankFeeAmount” is added to the response
PUT /manualInvoicePaymentByKey: array “exchangeRates” with “exchangeRate”, “currencyFrom” and “currencyTo” parameters is added to the request
GET /privateClients: “showClientsWithoutNames" is added to the request
GET /communications:
“communicationDateFrom”, “communicationDateTo”, “createdDateFrom”, “createdDateTo”, “modifiedDateFrom”, “modifiedDateTo”, “subject”, “accountType”, “accountName”, “assignedToId”, “stage”, “type”, “typeNEQ”, “limit”, “offset” are added to the request
“visibleForClients", “visibleForSuppliers”, “count” and “processId” are added to the response
“contractId” was renamed to “contactId” in the response
POST /communications:
“visibleForClients" and “visibleForSuppliers” are added to the request and response
“contractId” was renamed to “contactId” in the request
PUT /communications{communicationId}:
“visibleForClients" and “visibleForSuppliers” are added to the request and response
“contractId” was renamed to “contactId” in the request
GET /notificationTemplates: “AGENT_DISTRIBUTOR” value is added to the "recipientType" parameter in the response