Hotel Descriptive Info Request is used to get full descriptive information about the hotel including a hotel's address, hotel’s text description, images, contact information, amenities etc. provided by supplier.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| PrimaryLangID | | For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | |
HotelDescriptiveInfos/ HotelDescriptiveInfo | | | Contains info about hotel requested. Several hotels can be requested here. | 1...* |
HotelCodeContext* | string | Specifies the context the HotelCityCode and HotelCode should be taken from (supplier code). | 1...1 |
HotelCityCode* | string | Supplier city code. | 1...1 |
HotelCode* | string | Supplier hotel code. | 1...1 |
Hotel Descriptive Info Request Sample XML
<OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRQ EchoToken="tok1" PrimaryLangID="en" Version="2">
<RequestorID ID="client" MessagePassword="pwd" Type="22"/>
<BookingChannel Type="7" PriceDomain="1"/>
<HotelDescriptiveInfo HotelCityCode="DAN" HotelCode="DAN114" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode"/>
Hotel Descriptive Info Request for several hotels Sample XML
<OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRQ xmlns="" EchoToken="tok1" PrimaryLangID="en" Version="2">
<RequestorID ID="cla" MessagePassword="pwa" Type="22"/>
<BookingChannel PriceDomain="1" Type="7"/>
<HotelDescriptiveInfo HotelCityCode="1" HotelCode="75" HotelCodeContext="bronevik"/>
<HotelDescriptiveInfo HotelCityCode="1" HotelCode="2707" HotelCodeContext="bronevik"/>