Date | Version | Change Description |
15.02.2010 |
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26.02.2010 | Car Preferences are removed from Availability search request. | |
17.03.2010 |
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19.03.2010 |
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22.03.2010 | Car Availability response: PickUpLocation and ReturnLocation elements are moved into the Info element. | |
31.03.2010 | The @Type attribute has been removed from Car Rental Conditions response. | |
15.04.2010 | Car Reservation messages made the same on both phases Initiate and Confirm. Therefore, the next attributes/elements are added in Car Reservation Confirmation request: @PickUpDateTime, @ReturnDateTime, SpecialEquipPrefs. | |
17.04.2010 | VehPrefs is added as new Availability search option. | |
31.05.2010 | CancelPenalties (optional) is added in Reservation and Retrieve responses. | |
22.03.2011 | In the GP_VehResRQ, the ArrivalDetails/@Number attribute format has changed for to accept only the flight number (no letters allowed). | |
28.08.2012 | | <RentalRate>/<VehicleCharges> additionally return in Reservation and Retrieve responses. |
09.01.2019 | 5.2.0 | The @Amount attribute (optional) and the @CurrencyCode attrbiute (optional) were added in the <RentalRate>/<VehicleCharges>/<VehicleCharge> element in AvailRates, Reservation and Retrieve responses. |
16.04.2019 | 5.3.0 | The @Commisionable attribute (optional) was added to TotalCharge type and the <TotalRetailCharge> element (optional) were added in the <VehSegmentCore>( <VehAvailCore>) element in AvailRates, Reservation and Retrieve responses. |
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