To add a new PopuparHotels click on “Add New PopuparHotels” and fill in the fields
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CityId = GP cityId - mandatory - (can be obtained from hotel search URL or API)
B. To get a city id via API you need to follow next steps:
Open Swagger in a new tab
Enter API key, companyCodeOrAlias, login, password. Then press “Try it out” button.
In the “Response Body” copy token:
4. Paste the token into the filled following field and click on “Explore”:
5. Go to Locations - Choose Get/Locations method
7. Press “Try it out” button. In the response body you can find city id:
HotelId = GP hotelId - mandatory (can be obtained from hotel search URL or API)
A. from hotel search URL:
look for a HotelId (hotelCode) in search URL.
B. from API via Swagger:
After getting cityId go to Accommodations - GET /hotels method.
Into the “cityId” field enter cityId and press the “Try it out” button.
In the response body you can find hotelId:
Img - optional - to add image for hotel to be displayed for a certain hotel. In case if image haven’t been added in CMS, Image will be added from GP database.
Title - optional - In case if Title haven’t been added in CMS, the name of hotel will be added from GP database.
Order - mandatory - For sorting please use this option