Hotel Price Breakdown Response contains information about price changes for each day of the requested stay.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| RoomStayCandidateRPH* | integer (default 1) | ID of room requested. The value corresponds to RoomStayCandidate RPH attribute of request, so that you can easily find what room from response corresponds to what room in request as depicted below. | 1...1 |
RoomTypes/RoomType* | | | A collection of Room Types associated with a particular Room Stay. | 1...* |
RatePlans/RatePlan* | | | A collection of Rate Plans associated with a particular Room Stay. | 1...1 |
RoomRates/RoomRate* | | | Contains room offer description including availability, room type, meal type, discount and price. | 1...* |
TimeSpan* | | | For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | |
BasicPropertyInfo* | | | Provide basic hotel information. | 1...1 |
Contains the same information as in Hotel Aviability Availability Response, but Rates block contain contains several Rate elements for the room price changes during the requested stay. Within each element there're the following parameters:
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Rates/Rate* | | | Сontains price breakdown by pax type. There will be a Rate element for each person in the booking. | 1...* |
EffectiveDate* | yyyy-mm-dd | Date range when this price is valid. | 1...1 |
ExpireDate* | yyyy-mm-dd | 1...1 |
RateTimeUnit* | string ("Year", "Month", "Week", "Day", "Hour", "Second", "FullDuration") | Contains information in what units the rate is nominated. Mostly it will be set to "Day". | 1...1 |
UnitMultiplier* | integer | Amount of units to which this rate applies. | 1...1 |
Expand |
title | Price Breakdown Response Calculated Sample XML |
Code Block |
| <OTA_HotelAvailRS Version="2.00" EchoToken="tok1" xmlns:ota="">
<RoomStay RoomStayCandidateRPH="1">
<RoomType RoomTypeCode="2,3" SupplierRoomTypeCode="2" SupplierRoomCategoryCode="3">
<RoomDescription Name="Double">
<Text>Double sea view</Text>
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="AB,1" SupplierRatePlanCode="AB" SupplierContractCode="1">
<MealsIncluded Breakfast="true" Dinner="false" Lunch="false" MealPlanCodes="3"/>
<AdditionalDetail Code="AB" Type="15">
<DetailDescription Language="en">
<Text>American Breakfast</Text>
<RoomRate NumberOfUnits="1" RatePlanCode="AB,1" RoomTypeCode="2,3" AvailabilityStatus="AvailableForSale" BookingCode="1001">
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" EffectiveDate="2020-01-30" ExpireDate="2020-01-31" RateSource="Calculated" RateTimeUnit="Day" UnitMultiplier="1">
<Total AmountAfterTax="102.62" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" EffectiveDate="2020-01-31" ExpireDate="2020-02-05" RateSource="Calculated" RateTimeUnit="Day" UnitMultiplier="5"> </RatePlans>
<Total<RoomRate AmountAfterTaxNumberOfUnits="102.651" CurrencyCodeRatePlanCode="EURAB,1"/>
RoomTypeCode="2,3" AvailabilityStatus="AvailableForSale" BookingCode="1001">
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" EffectiveDate="2020-0110-3020" ExpireDate="2020-0110-3121" RateSource="Calculated" RateTimeUnit="Day" UnitMultiplier="1">
<Total AmountAfterTax="102.62" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" EffectiveDate="2020-0110-3121" ExpireDate="2020-0210-0525" RateSource="Calculated" RateTimeUnit="Day" UnitMultiplier="54">
<Total AmountAfterTax="102.65" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Discount AmountAfterTax="90.00" CurrencyCode="EUR">
<Text>Special offer</Text>
<Service Inclusive="false" IsPerRoom="true" ServiceRPH="1000136" SpecialServiceType="Meal">
<Base AmountAfterTax="17.22" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<ServiceDetails ShortName="Continental Breakfast">
<Text>Continental Breakfast</Text>
<Total AmountAfterTax="660513.0022" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<TotalRetail AmountAfterTax="700.00" CurrencyCode="EUR" IsMin="true" IsMax="true"/>
<TimeSpan Start="2020-10-20" End="2020-10-25"/>
<BasicPropertyInfo HotelCityCode="312" HotelCode="3837" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode" HotelName="Pullman Skipper" ChainCode="PLMN" ChainName="Pullman" BrandCode="ACR" BrandName="ACCOR">
<Award Provider="Hotel" Rating="4"/>
<RelativePosition Name="CityCenter" Nearest="true"/>
</OTA_HotelAvailRS> |