GET /searchDynamicPackages:
- the structure of GET /searchDynamicPackages response is unified as in GET /searchActivities
- array “activityOffers” (optional) with info on activity is added in the response. Two modes of prices (Full Price and Delta Price) are returned in this array in the response
- new parameters “eventType”, “teamId”, “programId”, “venueId” are added in the request to have ability to search by sportType, team or tournamentGET /searchPackageTours:
- new optional parameter “rooms” is added in the request to search multiple rooms within Package Tours
- new parameter “offerSelected” is added into the responsePOST /prepareDynamicPackageBook: new parameter “promoCode” is added in the request
POST/preparePackageTourBook: new parameters "pickUpPoint", "dropOffPoint", “pickUpPoint”, “dropOffPoint” and “flightInfo” are added in request body