Module Scheduler
The GP Travel Enterprise system has the Scheduler module that allows the 1st level tour operator (Director, Supervisor roles) working with their own products (Transfer or Excursion) to have the following capabilities:
To plan the seating of tourists regarding the transport;
To set up a guide service for the tourist group;
To set up a driver service for the tourist group;
To move applications from one group to another group with the same service type, the program type "Shared" and with the same program name;
To separate one group of tourists into several groups;
To search by filters (program type, program name, service, date, status, driver, guide);
To edit groups through the drop-down lists within each group (making changes to the fields "Guide", "Driver", "Status";
To mass edit groups ;
To show the lists of tourists;
To show the service information, the reservation number and the reservation status in the “Tourists" section;
To export the document to Excel and download it with xlsx extension;
To track changes in groups.
After the reservation is done and has the status " "Confirmed", the group information is following: