All requests form a natural chain that allow user to search hotel, then optionally request additional hotel details, price breakdown or cancellation charges, and then proceed to booking book of the selected hotel. After the hotel is booked it can be further modified or cancelledcanceled. At any time it is also possible to retrieve active booking status from supplier.
To search for accommodation you have to make a hotel availability (HotelAvail) request.
To get additional information about a hotel you have to make the following requests: hotel descriptive information (HotelDescriptiveInfo), hotel price breakdown (HotelPriceBreakdown), hotel charges (HotelCharges), booking rules (HotelBookingRule).
To book the accommodation you have to send a hotel reservation (HotelReservation) request.
To cancel a request you have to send a cancel (Cancellation) request.
To modify your booking you have to send a hotel reservation modification (HotelResModify) request.
To get information about booking status you have to send a booking retrieval (BookingRetrieval) request.
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Note: several suppliers may require specific workflow: when customer searches by city\list of hotels\GPS coordinates only the cheapest rate per each hotel will be returned. Customer have has to choose one hotel to perform research by it and see all available offers and prices in a particular hotel. Only offers from the research can be used for booking. For more information see Use Cases section. |
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At the moment GP Travel HUB supports only SOAP API with XML interface of requests/responses and operates in synchronous mode. |