In GP Travel Enterprise, for organizations of complex structure a specific Holdings module was developed. This module will help you to manage bookings if your company consists of several relatively independent divisions (e.g. a head office and a number of departments) situated in different cities or countries. With the Holdings module, all branches of the company will be able to book services from each other.
Every of them will be able to independently control its finances, issue invoices on its own behalf and have its own agencies network. With Holdings, you will be able
Set type of relationships and financial conditions between the company
branches;Search&book travel products throughout different units of organization;
Manage bookings independently within each division.
Configuring Holdings
To add a department to a company,
On the Company profile menu, click Users.
Go to the Departments tab.
On the departments tab, click Create.
The Department window appears.
Specify the name of the department and click Save.
Creating a holding as a separate legal entity
In case the department is not a company branch but a separate legal client (e.g.
travel agency),
In the Department window, select the Client is a separate legal entity check
box. The form expands:
2. Fill in the company information and click Save. The department is displayed in
the list of company departments:
Grouping Users to Departments
After you have created the required number of departments, group company
users corresponding to the department they work at.
To add a user to a department,
On the Company profile menu click Users. The Users page appears.
On the Users page, click the required user.
On the User profile page click Edit.
From the Department drop-down, select the required department:
5. Click Save. The user is added to a department.
Multi-level distribution
Multi-level distribution enables a tour operator to configure complex distribution chains and sell products not only directly to end-customers or travel agencies, but also to other tour operators or agency chains. Tour operators and travel agencies in their turn will be granted possibility to create their own sub-agencies and configure sales rules for them.
The multi-level distribution allows to involve multiple companies into the distribution and automate search&book processes for all of them on the same platform.
At the same time, please, note that only tour operator of the 1st level (licensee owner) will be able to configure travel products and connections to suppliers. Other tour operators and agencies in chain will be able to sell them, but not create and manage self-operated products.
With the multilevel distribution, you will be able:
Register tour operator accounts as clients (tour operators level 2);
Log in as tour operator level 2 and configure own travel agencies with own sales conditions for them (markups and commissions);
Search&book travel products both within tour operator level 2 account and their sub-agencies;
Get analytics on turnovers and actual amount due with regards to suppliers and clients on any level of distribution chain.
Adding a New Client
To add a partner company to your chain of clients,
On the Clients menu, click Agencies/Distributors. Clients page appears.
On the Clients page, click Create. The Create new client page appears.
Fill in the required information. the fields that are to be mandatory filled are marked with an asterisk (*). The mandatory fields include:
Name: enter the name of a client company.
Type: depending on what type of company you create, select either tour operator (2nd level) or travel agency.
Company profile settings: specify the language, price format, date format, time zone, and first week day which will be used in a client's profile.
Phone and e-mail: specify a phone number and an e-mail of a company's contact person.
Click Save.
Uploading Documents to a Client Profile
You can upload any documents (guarantee letters, contracts, price lists, etc.) to a clients profile in order to store them at one directory and not to upload every time you need them.
To upload a new document,
On the profile of the required client go to the Documents tab.
Click Upload. The Document window appears.
Select the document type and specify the validity period of the document.
To upload a document from your computer, in the Upload file group, click Add, browse to the file you want to upload and click Upload.
To upload a document from an external web-link, in the Upload via link group, enter the required URL-address and click Upload.
Specify the name of the document.
Click Save.
Adding Client Users
After you have created a client company profile, you should create at least one user with director or supervisor position. After you create a user profile, you grant the access to the user, and they in their turn can create other user profiles and manage the company profile.
To create a new user of a client company,
In the profile of the required client go to the Users tab.
On the Users tab, click Create.
Fill in the required information about the user and click Save.
Setting partner Contract Terms
For managing contracts with client agencies and tour operators there are two
You can group several client agencies and develop a single contract for the whole group.
You can develop an individual contract for a particular client agency.
In case you want to configure an individual contract that regulates the relationship between your company and a client company,
On the Clients menu, click Agencies/Distributors and then click the client company for which you need to configure the contract terms.
Click the Contract tab and then click Edit to switch to the editing mode.
Specify general information on the contract:
Group of contracts: if you work with several clients of the same type (e.g. travel agencies) and sell products to them under common conditions, you can create the group of contracts (e.g. the group of contracts that regulates the settlements with travel agencies). Then if you select a certain group of
contracts, the conditions of the group of contracts are imported to the current contract. This it is filled with the imported information.Contract number: specify the contract number.
Manager: select a user from your company who will be responsible for managing contract settlements with this client.
Supplier contact information: Since your company acts as a supplier for a client company, the date of your company are displayed under the Supplier title.
Specify the information on each tab. (Please, see the subsequent sections.)
Click Save.
Let us consider configuring the partner contract closer.
Setting Products for Client Distribution
For every client company you should specify products and services that can be
distributed withing their contract. For that,
Open the profile of the required client.
Go to the Contract tab.
On the Products tab, select the services that can be distributed via this
client company:Click Save and proceed to the following tab.
Setting Prices for Settlements with Client Companies
Set the rules for price calculation which will be used for settlements with the
client. For that,
Open the profile of the required client.
Go to the Contract tab.
On the Calculation tab,
Select the which currency is to be used for settlements with the client original currency from supplier or currency specified in the contract. (See group 1 in the figure below.)
Select the currency to use for price calculation. (See group 2 in the figure below.)
According to the pricing model you use, specify a mark-up or a commission. Both parameters can be set in fixed amount or in per cents of total service price. (See group 3 in the figure below.)
You can apply several different ways of price-calculation and set different
mark-ups and commissions depending on the service supplier, product type,
destination, and group of tags. To differentiate price-calculation by a certain
. The Adding elements window appears.
Select the differentiating criterion (e.g. product type).
Select the products for which you want to set separate conditions of price calculation (e.g. you apply a mark up of 15 per cent on complex tours and dynamic packages, while for other products the mark up is 10%).
As a result the calculation will be displayed as follows:
5. Click Save and proceed to the following tab.
Setting VAT in Client Contracts
In case the legislation of your country presupposes adding VAT, you should configure VAT plans for settlements with clients. You can apply VAT on the end-price of the product or on the sum of commission.
To add VAT,
Open the profile of the required client.
Go to the Contract tab.
On the VAT tab, select End-price VAT or/and Commission VAT:
Click Save.
Creating a New VAT Plan
In case there are no VAT plans available in the drop-downs, you should configure
them separately.
To configure a VAT plan,
On the Finance menu, click Payment settings.
Go to the VAT tab.
Click Create. The New VAT plan window appears.
Enter the name of the VAT plan.
Specify the VAT value. Additionally, you can differentiate VAT values depending on the product type, supplier, country, and group of tags.
Click Save.
Sales terms
To distribute travel services via your network of travel agencies, you should configure sales terms for the distributed products. For that,
Open the profile of the required client.
Go to the Contract tab.
On the Sales terms tab, for each service that is distributed withing the current contract, specify when it can be distributed in relation to the service rendering date (e.g. dynamic packages are available for sale not earlier than 90 days before service rendering date.)
Specify the conditions for printing vouchers - always, after payment, after disabling Auto cancellation etc.
Select the sales modes regulated by the contract. In case you allow both B2B and B2C sales, select both the check boxes.
Set the credit limit available for the client. Note that you can set credit limits not only for booked services, but also for invoiced services.
Select the payment plan available for the client. (For example, you have standard and extended payment plans. Extended plan in addition to standard payment methods like bank transfer, cash, etc, includes deposit as a method of payment. Here you can specify which payment plan is available for the
client.)Click Save.
On the Cross-rates tab you can set the increases to the exchange rates.
The rates for products and services can be displayed in different currencies. You
convert rates into single currency – the one you use in your company as the
accounting currency. For such conversions the system uses currency exchange
rates established on the day of payment. According to the common practice a
fixed percentage is added to these rates.
For example the exchange rate is EUR 1 = RUB 36,1715. With a 3% increment to
the rate it will be RUB 37,2603.
Locate mouse pointer into the respective boxes and specify the cross-rate for
the currencies: