Modification Initiate Response contains information about changes that supposed to be done. Also, here is important information about room availability, new price, and possible charges.about room availability, new price, and possible charges.
There could be additional fees applied for booking modification, as well as cancellation fees (in case the stay date was shifted and cancellation policies applied). Modification fee’s amount is not returned in Response explicitly. In case of Booking Modification you can calculate the modification fee (if needed) as:
Modification Fee = RoomStay/Total/@Amount - RoomRates/RoomRate/Rates/Total/@Amount.
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That means that RoomRates/RoomRate/Rates/Total/@Amount should always have the same value after cancellation and modification. This value is the total price of the booking that we received after ResCommit. But RoomStay/Total/@Amount should be the current total price for the booking. If modification is made - this price should be the latest price for modification If cancellation is made - this price should be the price for cancellation |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| TransactionIdentifier | string | Unique transaction ID generated by GP Travel HUB. This attribute must be further passed on Ignore or Confirmation step to identify the modification request. | 0...1 |
Success | | | For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | |
Warnings/Warning | | | |
HotelResModifies* | | | Describes the modification. | 1...1 |
ResStatus* | string ("Reserved", "Request denied", "Requested") | Mandatory only for multi-room booking. In other cases is not shown. |
Reservation status that can be one of: "Reserved" - means that modification was successfully requested. "Request denied" - means that supplier denied this modification. "Requested" - means that GP Travel HUB has done best effort to ensure that accommodation can be modified, however, this status doesn't guarantee, that accommodation will be modified. This status usually denotes, that supplier doesn't support two-pass modification. Info |
Important note: in Multibooking the status of the whole reservation (basket) is defined according to the status of sub-reservations and is calculated by the following priority: 1. If any of HotelReservation has ResStatus Request denied=> ResStatus of the whole booking is Request denied. 2. If any of HotelReservation has ResStatus Requested=> ResStatus of the whole booking is Requested. 3. If any of HotelReservation has ResStatus Reserved=> ResStatus of the whole booking is Reserved. |
| 1...1 |
HotelResModifies/ HotelResModify* | | | In successful response element represents booking information. | 1...* |
HotelResModifies/Total | | | For more information see Reservation Initiate Response section. | 0...1 |
HotelResModifies/ HotelReservationIDs/ HotelReservationID | | | For more information see Reservation Initiate Response section. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| ResStatus | string ("Reserved", "Request denied", "Requested") | Reservation status that can be one of: "Reserved" - means that modification was successfully requested. "Request denied" - means that supplier denied this modification. "Requested" - means that GP Travel HUB has done best effort to ensure that accommodation can be modified, however, this status doesn't guarantee, that accommodation will be modified. This status usually denotes, that supplier doesn't support two-pass modification. Info |
Important note: in Multibooking the status of the whole reservation (basket) is defined according to the status of sub-reservations and is calculated by the following priority: If any of HotelReservation has ResStatus Request denied=> ResStatus of the whole booking is Request denied. If any of HotelReservation has ResStatus Requested=> ResStatus of the whole booking is Requested. If any of HotelReservation has ResStatus Reserved=> ResStatus of the whole booking is Reserved.
| 0...1 |
RoomStays/RoomStay* | | | Description that correspond to the modified room. | 1...1 |
ResGuests/ResGuest* |
Represents guest details. Guest data should be specified for each room reservation.Contains global details regarding the reservation (of a single reservation in reservation basket) Expand |
title | Modification Initiate Response Sample XML - Change date of booking |
Code Block |
| <OTA_HotelResModifyRS Version="2" TransactionIdentifier="12232" EchoToken="tok1EchoToken" xmlns:ota="">
<HotelResModify ResStatus="Requested">
<RoomType RoomTypeCode="2,3" SupplierRoomTypeCode="2" SupplierRoomCategoryCode="3">
<RoomDescription Name="Double">
<Text>Double sea view</Text>
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="AB,1" SupplierRatePlanCode="AB" SupplierContractCode="1">
<MealsIncluded Breakfast="true" Dinner="false" Lunch="false" MealPlanCodes="3"/>
<AdditionalDetail Code="AB" Type="15">
<DetailDescription Language="en">
<Text>American Breakfast</Text>
<RoomRate InvBlockCode="1" AvailabilityStatus="AvailableForSale" NumberOfUnits="1" RatePlanCode="AB,1" RoomTypeCode="2,3" RatePlanCategory="PackageOnly">
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" RateSource="Hotel">
<Total AmountAfterTax="300.00" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<TotalRetail AmountAfterTax="320.00" CurrencyCode="EUR" IsMin="true" IsMax="true"/>
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" RateSource="Hotel">
<Total AmountAfterTax="300.00" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<TotalRetail AmountAfterTax="320.00" CurrencyCode="EUR" IsMin="true" IsMax="true"/>
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="8" RateSource="Hotel">
<Total AmountAfterTax="60.00" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<TotalRetail AmountAfterTax="60.00" CurrencyCode="EUR" IsMin="true" IsMax="true"/>
<RoomRateDescription Name="GRAll">
<Text>This hotel only late check-in.</Text>
<Discount AmountAfterTax="90.00" CurrencyCode="EUR">
<Text>Special offer</Text>
<Total AmountAfterTax="660.00" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<TotalRetail AmountAfterTax="700.00" CurrencyCode="EUR" IsMin="true" IsMax="true"/>
<TimeSpan Start="2020-09-18" End="2020-09-23"/>
<CancelPenalty End="2020-10-20T00:00:00+02:00" Start="2020-10-17T00:00:00+02:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="199.00" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="660.00" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<TotalRetail AmountAfterTax="700.00" CurrencyCode="EUR" IsMin="true" IsMax="true"/>
<BasicPropertyInfo HotelCityCode="LON" HotelCode="157292" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode" HotelName="Pullman Skipper" ChainCode="PLMN" ChainName="Pullman" BrandCode="ACR" BrandName="ACCOR">
<Award Provider="Hotel" Rating="4"/>
<RelativePosition Name="CityCenter" Nearest="true"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="10" ResGuestRPH="1">
<UniqueID ID="1" Type="1"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="10" ResGuestRPH="1">
<UniqueID ID="2" Type="1"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="8" ResGuestRPH="1">
<UniqueID ID="3" Type="1"/>
<Customer BirthDate="2014-07-18">
<Text>non-smoking room requested;king bed</Text>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="agent" ResID_Value="66589"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="client" ResID_Value="264888"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="supplier" ResID_Value="LL7F090498" ResID_SourceContext="supplierCode"/>
</OTA_HotelResModifyRS> |
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title | Multibooking Modification Initiate Response Sample XML |
Code Block |
| <OTA_HotelResModifyRS EchoToken="tok1EchoToken" TransactionIdentifier="0" Version="2.0" xmlns="">
<Warning Code="446" DocURL="" Language="en" RecordID="tourico" ShortText="Service request not allowed" Status="NOT_SENT" Type="3">Some services may be automatically canceled at supplier because of stay dates change</Warning>
<HotelResModifies ResStatus="Requested">
<HotelResModify ResStatus="Requested">
<RoomType RoomTypeCode="19626-1" SupplierRoomCategoryCode="17-1" SupplierRoomTypeCode="3">
<RoomDescription Name="Standard| Standard| One Bed Requested">
<Text>Standard| Standard| One Bed Requested</Text>
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="4-0">
<Text>Breakfast Buffet</Text>
<MealsIncluded Breakfast="true" Dinner="false" Lunch="false" MealPlanCodes="4"/>
<RoomRate AvailabilityStatus="OnRequest" InvBlockCode="1" NumberOfUnits="1" RatePlanCode="4-0" RoomTypeCode="19626-1">
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="201.84" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="201.84" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<RoomRateDescription Name="SelectedSupplements">
<Text>1. Resort Fee. Paid in addition to the hotel upon arrival: 3.3 EUR per room / per night</Text>
<Total AmountAfterTax="403.68" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<TimeSpan End="2012-01-07" Start="2012-01-05"/>
<CancelPenalty End="2012-01-05T15:00:00+00:00" Start="2012-01-02T15:00:00+00:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="225.79" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<CancelPenalty End="2012-01-07T00:00:00+00:00" PolicyCode="NoShow" Start="2012-01-05T15:00:00+00:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="225.79" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="232.62" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<BasicPropertyInfo HotelCityCode="5981" HotelCode="1205222" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode" HotelDistrictCode="12080" HotelDistrictName="Bayswater-Paddington" HotelName="Radisson Blu Hotel Boulogne - Demo">
<HotelCategory Code="4" CodeDetail="4" GroupCode="Category"/>
<HotelCategory Code="20" CodeDetail="Hotel" GroupCode="Type"/>
<Award Provider="Hotel" Rating="4"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="10" ResGuestRPH="1">
<UniqueID ID="1" Type="1"/>
<Customer BirthDate="1980-07-18">
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="10" ResGuestRPH="1">
<UniqueID ID="2" Type="1"/>
<Text>non-smoking room requested;king bed</Text>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="agent" ResID_Value="qwerty251"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="client" ResID_Value="qwerty251"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="supplier" ResID_SourceContext="supplierCode" ResID_Value="14319217"/>
<HotelResModify ResStatus="Requested">
<RoomType RoomTypeCode="19626-1" SupplierRoomCategoryCode="17-1" SupplierRoomTypeCode="3">
<RoomDescription Name="Standard| Standard| One Bed Requested">
<Text>Standard| Standard| One Bed Requested</Text>
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="4-0">
<Text>Breakfast Buffet</Text>
<MealsIncluded Breakfast="true" Dinner="false" Lunch="false" MealPlanCodes="4"/>
<RoomRate AvailabilityStatus="OnRequest" InvBlockCode="2" NumberOfUnits="1" RatePlanCode="4-0" RoomTypeCode="19626-1">
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="403.68" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<RoomRateDescription Name="SelectedSupplements">
<Text>1. Resort Fee. Paid in addition to the hotel upon arrival: 3.3 EUR per room / per night</Text>
<Total AmountAfterTax="403.68" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<TimeSpan End="2012-01-07" Start="2012-01-05"/>
<CancelPenalty End="2012-01-05T15:00:00+00:00" Start="2012-01-02T15:00:00+00:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="225.79" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<CancelPenalty End="2012-01-07T00:00:00+00:00" PolicyCode="NoShow" Start="2012-01-05T15:00:00+00:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="225.79" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="232.62" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<BasicPropertyInfo HotelCityCode="5981" HotelCode="1205222" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode" HotelDistrictCode="12080" HotelDistrictName="Bayswater-Paddington" HotelName="Radisson Blu Hotel Boulogne - Demo">
<HotelCategory Code="4" CodeDetail="4" GroupCode="Category"/>
<HotelCategory Code="20" CodeDetail="Hotel" GroupCode="Type"/>
<Award Provider="Hotel" Rating="4"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="10" ResGuestRPH="2">
<UniqueID ID="1" Type="1"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="agent" ResID_Value="qwerty252"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="client" ResID_Value="qwerty252"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="supplier" ResID_SourceContext="supplierCode" ResID_Value="14319217"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="465.24" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="basket" ResID_Value="basket1"/>
</OTA_HotelResModifyRS> |