If a selfoperated hotel room with availability status ‘On request’ was booked, hotel can confirm or reject this reservation, clicking on corresponding links immediately in e-mail notification (without necessity to sign it to Extranet).
Configuring notifications for your company
This functionality is currently available via administration panel.
If you want the notifications to be forwarded to the general corporate mailbox, perform the following operations:
On the Company profile menu, click Settings:
Go to the Company notificationstab.
Click Edit and select all the changes in the system you would like to be notified about.
Click Save. Now all notifications are sent to the e-mail that you specify in your company details (Company Profile -> Information):
Configuring notifications for users
This functionality is currently available via administration panel.
You can configure the notification settings individually for every company user.
Configuring notifications for partners
This functionality is currently available via administration panel.
You can configure notification settings for your partners.
Configuring notifications for tourists
This functionality is currently available via administration panel.
You can automatically send notifications of ticket booking to passengers’ e- mails. A PDF e-ticket is attached to the notifications.