Excursion Availability Response is the message containing excursion availability and prices.
Info |
Excursion Availability response returns you only basic information about the excursion. To get full information about the excursion including text description, meeting point, images etc. you should send Excursion Descriptive Info Request to GP Travel HUB. |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...99 | |||||
Excursions | Represents excursions from supplier. | 0...1 | ||||
MoreDataEchoToken | string (1 - 128) | The availability response returns the attribute if there is additional data that could not fit within the availability response. The text value should be echoed in the availability request to indicate where to begin the next block of availability data (only if the AllowPartialAvail=true in request).
| 0...1 | |||
MoreIndicator | boolean | Indicate that there are additional rates that cannot fit in the availability response (only if the AllowPartialAvail=true in request).
| 0...1 | |||
Represents one excursion from supplier. | 0...* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Describes excursion offer. | 1...* | |||
Indicates price and currency for the service. | 0...99 | |||
General information about excursion. | 1...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||||
AvailabilityStatus* | string ("AvailableForSale", "OnRequest") | Contains offer availability status, whether it is immediately available (AvailableForSale) or on request (OnRequest). | 1...1 | |||||
NonRefundable | boolean (default - “false“) | If it is set to "true", then the offer is non-refundable, and supplier notifies about this explicitly. If the attribute is missed - there is no clear meaning whether the offer is refundable or not.
| 0...1 | |||||
NumberOfUnits | integer | Indicates how many tickets are left for this rate.
| 0...1 | |||||
RateCode*PromotionCode | string(“DI”) | Indicates whether the offer comes from Dynamic Inventory.
| 0..1 | |||||
RateCode* | string | Contains offer code as returned by supplier. | 1...1 | |||||
RateName* | string | Contains offer name as returned by supplier. | 1...1 | |||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary.
| 1...1 | |||||||
ExcursionDuration | double | Represents excursion duration in hours. ExcursionDuration=”3.5” means that the excursion takes 3 hours and 30 minutes. Here also possible to have value greater than “24” in case excursion takes more than one full day. The element is skiped in case supplier does not provide that information. | 0...1 | |||||
BookingCode* | string | A specific identifier generated by GP Hub for further referencing to this offer. The <BookingCode> value should be used as unique offer identifier for further excursion reservation step. | 1...1 | |||||
Rates/Rate* | Specifies price breakdown per passenger type (adults, children, infants). | 1...* | ||||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||||||
RateSource* | string ("Calculated", "Provided") | Identifies whether this rate has been provided by supplier (“Provided”) or calculated by GP Hub (“Calculated”). | 1...1 | |||||
PaxTypeCode | string | Contains information about guest type.
| 0...1 | |||||
Rates/Rate/Total* | The total price of the offer per passenger type (after discount, if any has been applied). | 1...1 | ||||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||||||
1...1 | ||||||||
Rates/Rate/TotalRetail | The retail price of the offer per passenger type recommended by supplier (if applicable). | 0...1 | ||||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||||||
1...1 | ||||||||
RateDescription | Rate name and description as returned by supplier. Can be empty. | 0...1 | ||||||
Name* | string | Name of the rate. | 1...1 | |||||
RateDescription/Text | string | Description of the rate. | 0...1 | |||||
PaxTypes |
| Contains details about possible pax types. | 0…1 | ||||
| MinCount | int | Minimum allowed number of paxes. | 0...1 | ||||
| MaxCount | int | Maximum allowed number of paxes. | 0...1 | ||||
PaxTypes/PaxType |
| Contains details about possible pax types. | 1...* | ||||
| Code* | string | Pax type Code. | 1...1 | ||||
| Name* | string | Pax type Name. | 1...1 | ||||
| MinAge | int | Minimum age for the type of pax. | 0...1 | ||||
| MaxAge | int | Maximum age for the type of pax. | 0...1 | ||||
| MinCount | int | Minimum allowed number of paxes of the type. | 0...1 | ||||
| MaxCount | int | Maximum allowed number of paxes of the type. | 0...1 | ||||
PaxTypes/PaxType/ValidWithPaxTypes |
| Indicates that the pax type can only be selected in combination with one of the listed pax type options.
| 0…1 | ||||
PaxTypes/PaxType/ValidWithPaxTypes/PaxType* |
| Contains a pax type option in combination with the pax type can be selected. | 1…99 | ||||
| Code* | string | Pax type Code. | 1...1 | ||||
Total* | Total offer price for all requested travelers. | 1...1 | ||||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||||||
1...1 | ||||||||
Total/Taxes/Tax |
| Provides information about taxes applied or defines taxes applied. | 0...100 | |||||
Code | integer | Tax code value, according to Сodes of taxes (FTT). | 0...1 | |||||
Amount | decimal | Amount of tax. | 0...1 | |||||
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | ||||||
TaxInclusiveInd | boolean (default - false) | Defines inclusion of a particular tax into the total price. | 0...1 | |||||
CitizenCountryName | Shows if it is enough to provide information about citizenship only for tour lead. Missing attribute means that there is no clear meaning whether the citizenship should be provided or not. | 0...1 | ||||||
OnlyLead* | string ("Yes", "No", "Mixed") | Shows if it is enough to provide information only for tour leader (Yes), or it is necessary to provide for all passengers (No), or both options are possible (Mixed). By default it is necessary to provide this information for all passenger (No). | 1...1 | |||||
PersonName | Shows if it is enough to provide name only for tour lead. | 0...1 | ||||||
OnlyLead* | string ("Yes", "No", "Mixed") | Identifies the rule, if it's necessary to provide name of each passenger (No), or only tour leader (Yes), or both variants are possible (Mixed). | 1...1 | |||||
Services/Service | Contains the information about services if supplier supports delivery of tickets or other additional services that could be booked in advance for the offer. When Services received in response - it is possible to add them during booking (at Reservation stage).
| 0...999 | ||||||
ServiceRPH* | string (1 - 32) | Refers to service which is situated in full list. Full list is available in ExcursionRates/Services list, see description above. | 1...1 | |||||
Inclusive | boolean | Price for this service is included or not in the Total.
| 0...1 | |||||
RequiredInd | boolean | Indicates whether this service is mandatory or not. | 0...1 | |||||
| For more information see Excursion Charges Response section. Occurs only when @ShowCharges “true“ on Excursion Availability Request. | 0...* | |||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||||||
AvailableTicketQuantities | Contains information about tickets that can be booked in one reservation request. | 0…1 | ||||||
AvailableTicketQuantities/AvailableTicketQuantity* | Each element shows how many tickets can be booked in one reservation request. | 1…* | ||||||
AdditionalDetails/ AdditionalDetail |
| Provides an additional information the supplier can return about the offer.
| 0…* | ||||
| Code | string | Trading partner code associated to AdditionalDetailType. At the moment HUB uses the name of the element from the supplier's response, e.g. MaxSCU, LastBookableDate etc. | 0…1 | ||||
Type | integer (1 - 73) | Defines the type of the information recieved (e.g., rate description, property description, excursion information). Refers to Additional Detail Type. | 0…1 | |||||
AdditionalDetails/ AdditionalDetail/DetailDescription |
| Contains additional details description. | 0…1 | ||||
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | ||||||
AdditionalDetails/ AdditionalDetail/DetailDescription/Text |
| string | Contains additional text information. | 0…* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
SpecialServiceType | string ("DeliveryToHotel", "DeliveryToAddress", "SelfPickUp", "E-Delivery", “Supplement”) | Could have the following values: DeliveryToHotel - requires Guest Full Name, Hotel name, Check-in date, Hotel Address (Incl. zip code). DeliveryToAddress - requires Guest Full Name, Guest home Address (Incl. zip code, City, Province, Country). SelfPickUp - requires Mandatory data only (LeadName, Email, Phone, Country). E-Delivery - requires Mandatory data only (LeadName, Email, Phone, Country). Supplement - defines extras for excursion (e.g. Lunch, Guide). | 0...1 | |
ServiceRPH* | string (1 - 32) | Refers to service which is situated in full list. | 1...1 | |
Inclusive | boolean | Price for this service is included or not in the Total. | 0...1 | |
RequiredInd | boolean | Indicates whether this service is mandatory or not. | 0...1 | |
Price | Indicates price and currency for the service. | 0...99 | ||
Price/Base | 0...1 | |||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||
1...1 | ||||
ServiceDetails | Contains service details. | 0...1 | ||
ShortName | string | Name of the service provided by supplier. | 0...1 | |
ServiceDetails/ServiceDescription/Text | string | Description of the service provided by supplier. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||
ExcursionCityCode* | string | Supplier-specific city code of where excursion is located. | 1...1 | |||
ExcursionCodeContext* | string | Contains supplier code. | 1...1 | |||
ExcursionCode* | string | Excursion code as returned by supplier. | 1...1 | |||
ExcursionName* | string | Excursion name as returned by supplier. | 1...1 | |||
OperatedBy | string | Defines the exact company which operates this excursion. Can be empty in case supplier does not provide that information. | 0...1 | |||
ExcursionCountryCode | string | Contains supplier-specific country code of where excursion is located. | 0...1 | |||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...* | |||||
0...1 | ||||||
Categories/Category* | Contains excursion category as returned by supplier and mapped to the predefined list. One or several categories can be returned for one excursion. | 1...* | ||||
Code* | string | Contains the list of possible Excursion Categories. | 1...1 | |||
Categories/Category/Text* | string | Contains excursion category full text information provided by supplier. | 1...1 | |||
Categories/Category/SubCategory | Describes category in more details.
| 0...* | ||||
Text* | string | Contains text description of the category. | 1...1 | |||
Code | string | Refers to Excursion Subcategories. | 0...1 | |||
Contains information about possible departure points. There also could be cases when Departures element is absent in response. It means that for the Excursion no departure point applicable (for example, there will be no departure point for City Pass). In that case you should not specify the <Departure> element in Excursion Reservation phase. Also you can see Departure Use Cases at Use Cases section. | 0...* | |||||
Venue |
| Contains information about the venue where excursion operates.
| 0...1 | ||
| Code* | string | Venue code as returned by supplier. | 1...1 | ||
| Name* | string | Venue name as returned by supplier. | 1...1 | ||
Venue/Address |
| Venue address. | 0...1 | ||
Venue/Address/AddressLine |
| string | Venue address line. | 0...1 | ||
Venue/Address/CityName |
| string | Name of the city where venue is located. | 0...1 | ||
Venue/Address/PostalCode |
| string | Postal Code of the venue. | 0...1 | ||
Venue/Address/CountryName |
| string | Name of the country. | 0...1 | ||
Text and visual description of the excursion. In Availability and Search responses only one <TextItem> (for short description) and one <ImageItem> (thumbnail image) elements will be presented. | 0...2 | |||||
VendorMessages/VendorMessage | Important comments about excursion. | 0...99 | ||||
Title | string | Refers toOTA Сode list Information Type “INF”’. | 0...1 | |||
InfoType* | string | 1...1 | ||||
VendorMessages/VendorMessage/SubSection/Paragraph* | Provides formatted textual information that a vendor wishes to make known. The type of information is indicated. | 1...1 | ||||
0...1 | ||||||
VendorMessages/VendorMessage/SubSection/Paragraph/Text | string | 0...1 | ||||
Reviews/Review |
| Shows the review data. | 0...99 | ||
CodeContext* | string (1 - 32) | Provider of review (for example, TrustYou). | 1...1 | |||
ReviewsCount | integer | Number of reviews. | 0...1 | |||
ReviewRating* | string (1 - 64) | Rating of hotel, which is tendered by provider of reviews. | 1...1 | |||
URL | URI | URL that could be used to redirect to the site with the full ratings. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||
RPH* | int | An unique identifier of departure point. | 1...1 | |||
DeparturePoint* | string | Describes the departure point. | 1...2 | |||
Type* | string ("MeetingPoint", "PickUp", "Image") | Possible values are: MeetingPoint – means that excursion starts from particular point(s) that is specified in DeparturePoint element. PickUp – means that passengers can be picked up at a hotel or any address. Image – contains image that shows additional information about event. For example, venue seat maps. | 1...1 | |||
HotelCodeSupported | boolean | Identifies if Hotel Code must be further submitted as a pick up point for excursion reservation. When the HotelCodeSupported="true" then normally there should be the Hotels element with the list of hotels serviced as pick up points. If the Hotels element not provided, it means any hotel provided by this supplier can be specified for pick up. HotelCodeSupported attribute will be shown only with Type=”PickUp”.
| 0...1 | |||
AddressSupported | boolean | Identifies if free Address can be further submitted for excursion reservation. AddressSupported attribute will be shown only with Type=”PickUp”. | 0...1 | |||
StartTimes/StartTime | hh:mm:ss | Represents possible excursion start time options The only one of these start time options should be specified when booking the excursion. If there is no start time options then look for the only possible excursion start time in excursion description. | 0...* | |||
Address | Describes the meeting point. If address not specified then look for the meeting point in excursion description. | 0...1 | ||||
Address/AddressLine | string | Hotel Address/Meeting Point address. | 0...1 | |||
Address/CityName | string | Name of the city. | 0...1 | |||
Address/PostalCode | string (1- 16) | Postal Code of the Hotel/Meeting Point. | 0...1 | |||
Address/CountryName | string | Name of the country. | 0...1 | |||
Position | Contains venue coordinate. | 0...1 | ||||
Latitude | string (1 - 32) | Specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. | 0...1 | |||
Longitude | string (1 - 32) | Specifies the east–west position of a point on the Earth's surface. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
ImageItems/ImageItem | A collection of image items. | 0...* | ||
ImageItems/ImageItem/ImageFormat/URL* | URI | Image URL. | 1...1 | |
ImageItems/ImageItem/Description | Short description of the image. | 0...1 | ||
Caption | string (1 - 128) | 0...1 | ||
TextItems/TextItem | A collection of text items. | 0...* | ||
Title | string (1 - 256) | The title of the multimedia object. | 0...1 | |
Category* | string | Refers to GP Travel HUB list "Text Category List". | 1...1 | |
TextItems/TextItem/Description* | Excursion description text. | 1...1 | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 |