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GP Travel Enterprise features:

Our Customers

  • Access to world leading suppliers and GDS’s

  • Inventory management with detailed description of travel products, prices and availability

  • B2B and B2C online booking

  • Comprehensive reservation and finance management

  • API for integration with 3rd party applications

  • Destination Management Companies

  • Outbound tour operators

  • Online booking portals and OTAs

  • Airline companies

  • Travel services consolidators



  • Active on software market: since 2008

  • Current version: 8.4 (release date: October 2020)

  • Data repository: MySQL (with optional porting to Oracle

  • Access: multi-user via the Internet

  • Architecture: “client-server” (all business logic is managed on centralized server)

  • Accessibility: 24/7, upwards of 99,9% (including time for scheduled updates)

  • Programming languages and frameworks of the system: Java, XSLT, JS

  • External components: Jasper Reporting, AmCharts, Google/Yandex maps

  • Allows permanent access 365/24/7

  • Works online via the Internet

  • Provides instant booking of travel services directly from suppliers

  • Supports multi-user access for suppliers, agencies, tour operators and their staff and individual travelers with different user permissions and change history logging

  • Designed for international markets (with multi language descriptions and multi-currency support)

  • Allows manual input of currency rates and integration with various financial information sources (banks)

  • May be utilized in various configurations

  • Enables complex automation of business processes and flexible adaptation to numerous business models


Dedicated Server

Multi-Server Installation

Individual software installation on a dedicated server of a client is the most common implementation option. The platform installation and configuration is performed by GP Solutions specialists.

In case of plans for on-going customisation of the solution, we recommend having an additional test server for internal use.

If the system is supposed to process a large amount of booking transactions (approximately more than 5 000 bookings per month) or if high search load is expected, it is recommended to use the multi-server server installation to assure a high performance level.

Note: Each multi-server installation is configured on a case-by-case basis according to every client’s exact requirements.


The areas marked in the figure imply:

  1. Navigation bar - to move across the platform sections.

  2. Search form - to search for travel products and services..

  3. Workspace - The contents of the workspace depend on the selected system section. The workspace can display dialog boxes, each with a number of tabs that enable a user to browse the subsections.
    - On the Home page, the central part of the workspace displays news, links and tips. The contents of the workspace are generated and regulated by system users.
    - On the right side of the screen, on the home page, there is a list of 10 most popular destinations. The list features the cities/regions that are searched for and booked most frequently in the system.
    - Below the list of popular destinations, there is a Currency rates form.


Exporting Data to Excel

By using GP Travel Enterprise you can export system data to a Microsoft Excel file. In some cases, the browser you use may not allow downloading files from external web-sources. In such cases, configure file export. The configuration procedure varies depending on the browser you use. Please, refer to the browser web help for detailed information on exporting data


In general the process of developing self-operated products includes the following steps:

  1. General product description. The first step implies entering basic information on the product or service. The information to be specified varies depending on the product. There are however certain common fields:

    1. Adding general information on the product, including name, supplier, transaction currency, and the description of the product itself.

    2. Adding particular categories to a service catalogue (for example, categories for accommodation, service classes for charters, type for excursions and tours, etc.)

    3. Creating traveler categories. The Adult category is created by default. In case you want to provide special rates for children or elderly travelers, you can add corresponding categories and later adjust price calculation.

    4. Scheduling services. Includes setting service schedule (usually service start time.)

    5. For some products configuration of relevant additional services is also available.

  2. Price configuration. Price configuration includes several steps, and generally consists of:

    1. Creating tariffs according to which the prices are calculated and sales terms are formed;

    2. Creating price-lists for a product and all services it includes;

    3. Adding a price list for additional services;

    4. Selecting types of discounts and specifying terms of their application;

    5. Setting penalties.

  3. Availability. Specifying allotments of seats or rooms available for booking (if you have corresponding agreement with suppliers) or configuring sales “on request”.

As a result, a travel product is created in the system and becomes available for search and booking. If needed, all new products can be modified.


  • Register Tour Operator accounts as clients (so called Tour Operators Level 2)

  • Ability to log in as Tour Operator Level 2 and configure own Travel Agencies with own sales conditions for them (markups&commissions)

  • Search&book travel products both within Tour Operator Level 2 account and their sub-agencies

  • Get analytics on turnovers and actual amount due with regards to suppliers and clients on any level of the distribution chain.

How it works:

  1. Tour Operator Level 1 (supervisor of your company) logs into the system, goes to My company -> Clients legal and creates new company with type “Tour Operator” and configures sales rules for him (e.g. markup +10%).

  2. Tour Operator Level 2 logs into the system and goes to My company -> Clients legal and creates his own sub-agencies and configures sales rules for them (e.g. markup + 20% and commission 15%).

  3. Travel Agency beneath Tour Operator Level 2 logs into the system and makes a booking. After that every company in the chain sees this booking with corresponding net and gross prices in their accounts.

Corporate Clients – organisations that require travel services for their own employees or partners.


By using GP Travel Enterprise you can book all the different travel products offered by suppliers. The booking procedure includes several steps:

  1. Search for the products you are interested in. At this stage the platform provides information about the availability of rooms (tickets, seats) that can be booked immediately. Depending on the availability of allocated places the platform supports two types of booking:

    1. free booking - the services can be booked immediately;

    2. booking upon confirmation - at the time of booking, information about the reservation is saved, but the manager must contact the supplier to confirm the booking.

  2. View search results. If you are not satisfied with the search results you can go back and repeat the search.

  3. Choose and book the product you are interested in.

  4. Get booking confirmation from the supplier. The final step includes creating a reservation and saving it in the system. If needed, you can modify reservations and add new products to them.

You can search for travel products and services using 3 different methods. Specifically,


All system reports fall into 5 major groups:

  1. Analytic reports - allow to review your business activity including sales reports with breakdown by agencies, suppliers, regions, and other criteria, dynamics of sales, look-to-book ratio.

  2. Corporate service reports - allow you to obtain the list of cases of corporate policy violation.

  3. Financial reports - include detailed information on flows of funds.

  4. Inventory reports - allow you get a summary of prices in printable form and to see general statistic on availability of your selfoperated products.

  5. Rooming list reports - allow you to obtain lists of travelers who are going to check in or get a charter or transfer within certain period of time.

You can generate reports both in PDF and Excel format.


There are 2 ways of working with Channel manager:

  1. IN - prices and availability are loaded from hotels to inventory through channel manager. There is no need for the hotel’s personnel to log in to every single channel in order to update availability. Channel managers receive information about bookings made through the online booking platform and transfer it to hotels

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  2. OUT - prices and allotments are transferred to a Channel Manager through TO system (Inventory). When a booking is made, its information is sent to TO system back to pass it to hotels. The Channel Manager will automatically reduce availability when a room is booked on any one of your sales channels.

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Extended CRM

Extended CRM — gives the ability to combine the online booking engine and management of relationships with your clients within single platform. Starting from Release 7.1 GP Travel Enterprise allows to do both! With Extended CRM set of modules you can:
