The Flight Ticketing Request is used to issue e-ticket for previously created PNR.
DemandTicketDetail/AirReservations/AirReservation/TravelerInfo/SpecialReqDetails | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. Info |
Important note: according to GPHUB convention, FE remark (Fare Endorsement) should be added(!) to existing FE remarks in case if FE remarks has been already added to PNR for exactly the same segments and passengers, or should be created a new one. |
| 0...1 | OTA_AirDemandTicketRQ/DemandTicketDetail*:
Min…Max occurs
Contains “client” and/or "basket" BookingReferenceID from the Reservation Confirmation Response.
A unique value of booking reference.
string ("client", "basket")
Indicates type of BookingReference ID. Should have one the following values:
“basket” – used to issue all tickets in basket.
“client” – used to issue single ticket.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
BookingReferenceID* | | | Contains “client” and/or "basket" BookingReferenceID from the Reservation Confirmation Response. | 1...2 |
ID* | string | A unique value of booking reference. | 1...1 |
Instance* | string ("client", "basket") | Indicates type of BookingReference ID. Should have one the following values: “basket” – used to issue all tickets in basket. “client” – used to issue single ticket. “basket” and “client” – used to issue individual ticket from basket. Basket ID should be placed first, the client ID should be placed second. In current version it's impossible to issue several tickets from basket this way. | 1...1 |
ID_Context | string | Contains the supplier's code. Exist only if Instance attribute has value =“client“. | 0...1 |
Commissions | | | Contains a list of commissions that can be applied for different types of passengers. | 0...1 |
Commissions/Commission* | | | Contains information to specify the commission (this may be required for specific suppliers, so it is for the client system to decide where necessary). | 1...15 |
Amount | decimal | Specifies commission as fixed amount. | 0...1 |
Percent | decimal | The percentage value of the commission. | 0...1 |
CurrencyCode | | For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 |
PassengerTypeCode | string ("ADT", "CHD", "INF", "INS") | Specifies the particular passenger type. If this attribute is absent in the request it means that commission is the same for all passenger's types. | 0...1 |
ReservationRPHList | string | Specifies the particular journey reservation (AirReservation RPH number). If this attribute is absent in the request it means that commission is the same for all reservations. | 0...1 |
Queues/Queue* | | | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section |
.1...10 | ...
title | Flight Ticketing Request (with AirTraveller info) Sample XML |
Expand |
title | Flight Ticketing Request (with AirTraveller info) Sample XML |
Code Block |
| <OTA_AirDemandTicketRQ EchoToken="12345" Version="2" PrimaryLangID="en" xmlns="">
<PersonName> <Source>
<RequestorID ID="client" <NamePrefix>Mr</NamePrefix>
MessagePassword="pwd" Type="22"/>
<BookingChannel <GivenName>Nick</GivenName>Type="7" PriceDomain="1"/>
<Surname>Farrel</Surname> <BookingReferenceID ID="ol1" Instance="client"/>
</PersonName> <Commissions>
<Telephone LocationCode="703" PhoneNumber<Commission Percent="555-55555"/>
<Email></Email> <Queue QueueNumber="1" QueueCategory="1"/>
<Address> <TravelerInfo>
<AddressLine>12 Main Street</AddressLine><AirTraveler BirthDate="1970-03-27" PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
<CityName>Dallas</CityName> <UniqueID <PostalCode>75000</PostalCode>ID="1" Type="1"/>
<StateProv StateCode="TX"/></ProfileRef>
<CountryName Code="US"/> </Address>
<CustLoyalty ProgramID="AA" MembershipID="Q56GTF"/> <GivenName>Nick</GivenName>
<Document DocHolderNationality="GB" DocID="11111" DocIssueCountry="GB" DocIssueLocation="London" DocType="P" EffectiveDate="2017-12-11" ExpireDate="2025-12-11" Gender="Male"/> <Surname>Farrel</Surname>
<AirTraveler<Telephone BirthDateLocationCode="1975-07-17703" PassengerTypeCodePhoneNumber="ADT">555-5555"/>
<UniqueID ID="2" Type="1"/><AddressLine>12 Main Street</AddressLine>
<StateProv <NamePrefix>Ms</NamePrefix>StateCode="TX"/>
<CountryName <GivenName>Helen</GivenName>Code="US"/>
<Surname>Farrel</Surname> <CustLoyalty </PersonName>ProgramID="AA" MembershipID="Q56GTF"/>
<Document DocHolderNationality="GB" DocID="14576811111" DocIssueCountry="GB" DocIssueLocation="London" DocType="P" EffectiveDate="2017-12-11" ExpireDate="2025-12-11" Gender="Female" BirthCountry="FR" BirthPlace="Paris" HolderType="H" DocDestinationCountry="US" DocDestinationLocation="NEW YORK" PostalCode="178668">Male"/>
<AirTraveler BirthDate="1975-07-17" PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
<UniqueID ID="2" Type="1"/>
<DocHolderFormattedName> </ProfileRef>
<NamePrefix>MS</NamePrefix> <PersonName>
<AirTraveler BirthDate="2010-11-27" PassengerTypeCode="CHD">
<Document DocHolderNationality="GB" DocID="145768" DocIssueCountry="GB" DocIssueLocation="London" DocType="P" EffectiveDate="2017-12-11" ExpireDate="2025-12-11" Gender="Female" BirthCountry="FR" BirthPlace="Paris" HolderType="H" DocDestinationCountry="US" DocDestinationLocation="NEW YORK" PostalCode="178668">
<ProfileRef> <UniqueID ID="3" Type="1"/>
</ProfileRef> <PersonName> <NamePrefix>MS</NamePrefix>
<NamePrefix>Mr</NamePrefix> <GivenName>HELEN</GivenName>
<GivenName>Boy</GivenName> <MiddleName>LUISA</MiddleName>
<Surname>Farrel</Surname> <Surname>FARREL</Surname>
</PersonName> <Document DocHolderNationality="GB" DocID="09865" DocIssueLocation="GB" DocType="P" EffectiveDate="2017-12-11" ExpireDate="2025-12-11" Gender="Male"/></DocHolderFormattedName>
<AirTraveler BirthDate="2010-11-27" PassengerTypeCode="CHD">
<SeatRequests> <ProfileRef>
<SeatRequest RowNumber="14" SeatNumber="A" SeatCharacteristic="W.1" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1" FlightSegmentRPHList <UniqueID ID="3" Type="1"/>
<SpecialServiceRequest SSRCode="WCHR" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1" FlightSegmentRPHList="1"><NamePrefix>Mr</NamePrefix>
<Text>SSR Text</Text> </PersonName>
</SpecialServiceRequest> <Document DocHolderNationality="GB" DocID="09865" DocIssueLocation="GB" DocType="P" EffectiveDate="2017-12-11" </SpecialServiceRequests>ExpireDate="2025-12-11" Gender="Male"/>
</OTA_AirDemandTicketRQ> |