Hotel Price Breakdown is the request to get detailed daily price information for the selected offer.
It is based on Availability request but goes along with attribute RateRangeOnly="true". Also, for this request, you do not need to specify search criteria.
In order to perform Hotel Price Breakdown request you need to set the following values to the attributes in Hotel Aviability Availability request:
AvailRatesOnly - must be "false" in that case (otherwise the system will filter rooms to return only available and if any of requested rooms is "on request" - it will not be returned).
RateRangeOnly - must be "true" in that case.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
0...1 | ||||
ChargesRequestSegments/ ChargesRequestSegment/ RoomStayCandidates/RoomStayCandidate* | Describes guests for accommodation. Multiple RoomStayCandidate elements must be defined to perform multi search for different rooms. | 1...* | ||
RPH* | integer | A special identifier of requested rooms. If the multi search is performed, the RPHs should be unique for each room. | 1...1 | |
BookingCode* | string | Must be equal to BookingCode from availability response. | 1...1 |