GET /carBookingData: new method is added to get available offices for POST /fillCarBookingData
GET /packageTours: new parameters “programId” and “programName” are added in the response, parameter “programId” also is added into the request
GET /packagePrograms: new method is added to get “programId” and “programName” in the response
All services:
GET /search[Service]: new parameter “supplierName” is added into the response for own and external suppliers. It is returned in the locale under which a search request is made
POST /fill[Service]BookingData: new method is added to add the details on tourists for all services and mandatory fields for transfers
PUT /prepare[Service]Book/{basketKey} / POST /prepare[Service]Book: tourists and mandatory fields are made optional to save an offer for further booking with added data later
GET /tips: added new parameters “productId”, “serviceIds”, “forAllServices’ into the response
GET /orders: new parameter “clientPriceType” is added into the response
GET /authorizationInfo: new method is added to get authorization parameters by token
GET /cruisePorts: new method is added to get cruise ports
GET /locations: value CRUISE is added in parameter “productType” in the request
GET /searchAccommodation:
- new parameter “grouped” is added in “HotelInfo” in the response if there is more than one supplier on hotel
- new parameter “hotelSupplierName” is added on the level of “RoomOffer” in the response
- new parameter "roomCode" is added on the level of “RoomInfo” in the responseGET /suggestHotels: new parameter "address" is added into the response
PUT /prepareAccommodationBook/{basketKey}: the request is extended as array of rooms
Cruise: new section is created with methods to search and book product Cruises via API:
GET /cruiseAdditionalOptions: get cruise additional options
GET /cruiseInfo: get cruise info
GET /getCruiseCategoryAvail: get cruise category info
GET /searchCruises: search cruise
POST /prepareBookCruise: prepare book for cruise
POST /fillCruiseBookingData: fill booked data for service
PUT /prepareBookCruise/{basketKey}: put prepared offer to the basket
GET /transferInfo: new parameters "latitude" "longitude" are added into the response
GET /suggestEventVenues / GET /suggestEventTypes: new methods allow getting a list of available event venues / event types from the system by pattern
GET /searchActivities: new parameter “cityId“ is added in the response
GET /searchDynamicPackages:
- the structure of GET /searchDynamicPackages response is unified as in GET /searchActivities
- array “activityOffers” (optional) with info on activity is added in the response. Two modes of prices (Full Price and Delta Price) are returned in this array in the response
- new parameters “eventType”, “teamId”, “programId”, “venueId” are added in the request to have ability to search by sportType, team or tournamentGET /searchPackageTours:
- new optional parameter “rooms” is added in the request to search multiple rooms within Package Tours
- new parameter “offerSelected” is added into the responsePOST /prepareDynamicPackageBook: new parameter “promoCode” is added in the request
POST/preparePackageTourBook: new parameters "pickUpPoint", "dropOffPoint", “pickUpPoint”, “dropOffPoint” and “flightInfo” are added in request body
All services:
POST /Prepare[Service]Book: new parameter “dueToConfirmDate” is added in the response
GET /productBookingFields: new method is added to get product booking fields
POST /book: new optional parameter “dueToConfirmDate ” is added in the request
DELETE /orderServices/{processId : .+}: added new method to delete service in QUOTE status
GET /tips: added new parameters “showInInvoice” and “showInQuotation” into the response
GET /orders:
- new Service status “PreConfirmed“ is added in the response
- new value “PreConfirmed“ for parameter “processStatuses“ is added in the request
- new array “cruise” is added on the level of ServiceDetailsContainer in the response
- new array “serviceDetails” for "serviceType": "EXTRASERVICE" is added in the response
- new statuses QUOTE, VOUCHERED, ARCHIVED are added to the values of parameter “reservationStatus” in the response and for filters in the request
- new parameters "addOnServiceId", “commissionVatRate“, “bookingXR”, “paymentXR” and “fxGainLoss” are added to the response
- new parameters “supplierRef”, “noSupplierRef” and “serviceManagerId” are added in the requestGET/currentOrderStatuses: added new method to get the actual statuses to which the reservation can be moved
GET /addOns: added new method to obtain add-ons for any main product:
- the request of the method have parameter “offerKey” used from the search response of the main product
- the response of the method returns a common current structure of the corresponding product with or without price and some unique identifier to book the service(s)POST /manualModification:
- added containers “cruise” and "carRent" into the request
- value status Pre-Booking is for all products nowPUT /travellerData: new parameter“birthdate“ is added into the request
PUT /confirmPrebooking: new method is added which allows to confirm pre-booking
PUT /orders/{orderId}: new parameters “agentId”, “clientPriceType” are added in the request
New block of API methods DocumentTemplates:
GET /documentTemplates: new parameters “id“, “htmlTemplate”, “documentType” are added to get earlier uploaded document templates by id or type
POST /documentTemplates: new parameters “id“, “htmlTemplate” and “documentType” are added the possibility to create a new template with free type (mandatory) and template itself.
PUT /documentTemplates/{id}: new parameters “id“, “htmlTemplate” is added the possibility to edit the specific template by id
GET /communications:new parameters “createdDateTime”, “ modifiedDateTime”, “createdByUserId”, “modifiedByUserId”, “createdByUserName”, “modifiedByUserName” and “serviceName” are added in the response POST /communications & PUT /communications/{communicationId}:
- NOTES is added in parameter “type”
- parameters “stage” and “subject” are optional now
- new optional parameter “processId” is added to link note to a serviceparameter “status” is added into the request
Invoices: added new methods for manual invoices:
GET /manualInvoices: to get manual invoices
GET /manualInvoiceIssueInfo: to get manual invoice issue info
GET /manualInvoicePaymentMethods: to get manual invoices payments methods
POST /issueManualInvoice: to issue manual invoice
PUT /manualInvoicePaymentByKey: to pay manual invoice
PUT /manualInvoices/{invoiceId}: to update manual invoice
PUT /cancelManualInvoice/{invoiceId}: to cancel manual invoice
GET /communications: new parameter "serviceId" is added in the response
GET /notificationTemplates:
- parameter “recipientType”: new values B2C and COMPANY are added into the response
- parameter “notificationType”: new value PAYMENT_RECEIPT is added into the response
DocumentTemplates: new block is addedwith methods:
GET /documentTemplates: allows toget document templates for installation by id or documentType. It returns “htmlTemplate”, “documentType” in the response
POST /documentTemplates: allows to create a new template specifying “htmlTemplate” and “documentType”
PUT /documentTemplates/{id}: the possibility to edit the specific template by “id”