Flight details
To view the detailed information about a flight, click View details below the offer description:
The window with the detailed flight description appears:
Detailed Info. Detailed flight information appears below:
Baggage information
To view the information on the baggage, below refer to Baggage allowances section of the offer details, click Baggage allowances:
The Baggage allowance window appears:
The amount of free baggage is indicated per person in the respective table column.:
Viewing client price breakdown
To view the breakdown of the client price, click ℹ in the information icon at the Client price column:
The Detailed price window appears:
Viewing cancellation termsFare rules
To view the cancellation terms Fare rules of an offer, click Fare conditions in the Client price column:
The Cancellation terms and conditions window appears:
rules. Pop-up with fare rules information appears: