GP Travel Enterprise is a state-of-the-art web-based turnkey solution that provides immense opportunities for travel companies to fully automate business processes, including back-office automation and interaction with partners, as well as online sales of travel services. The main purpose of the system is to simplify and accelerate searching and booking of travel services, rendered by various suppliers. Moreover, using configuration and control tools you can create a single working space to cooperate with a vast network of clients (including travel agencies and distributors) granting access to respective information for them.
GP Travel Enterprise features:
Access to world leading suppliers and GDS’s
Inventory management with detailed description of tourist products, prices and availability
B2B and B2C online booking
Comprehensive reservation and finance management and more
API for integration with 3rd party applications
Active on software market: since 2008
Current version: 8.4 (release date: October 2020)
Data repository: MySQL (with optional porting to Oracle (extra charge))
Access: multi-user via the Internet
Architecture: “client-server” (all business logic is managed on centralized server)
Accessibility: 24/7, upwards of 99,9% (including time for scheduled updates)
Framework and program languages of the system: Java, XSLT, JS
External components: Jasper Reporting, AmCharts, Google/Yandex maps
Intended Audience
Various system solutions can be created on the basis of GP Travel Enterprise, specifically:
Booking and business automation systems for travel industry companies, including:
Incoming tour operators
Outgoing tour operators
Online booking portals and OTAs
Airline companies
Travel services consolidators
Flexible pricing and tour management tools.
GP Travel Enterprise is the best way to manage your tasks effectively, since it:
Allows permanent access 365/24/7
Works online via the Internet
Provides instant booking of travel services directly from suppliers
Supports multi-user access for suppliers, agencies, tour operators and their staff and individual tourists with different user permissions and change history logging
Designed for international markets (with multi language descriptions and multi-currency support)
Allows manual input of currency rates and integration with various financial information sources (banks)
May be utilized in various configurations
Enables complex automation of business processes and flexible adaptation to numerous business models
Table of Contents |
Business Model
GP Travel Enterprise is a multifunctional modular platform that includes more than 100 modules. The architecture can be easily customized on demand to suit the requirements of various travel businesses and cover such aspects and BUYING travel products from suppliers, SELLING them via B2B/B2C sales channels and MANAGING processes and reservations.
The modules of the system are combined into six independent components, and each of them is designed to solve the specific range of business tasks.
GP HUB component provides a unified interface for integration with tourism product suppliers (consolidators, GDSs) to enable search and booking.
GP INVENTORY component allows creating the company’s own base of tourism products, managing descriptions, availability and pricing.
GP B2B component allows organizing sales via agencies/other tour operators/ corporate clients.
GP B2C component allows sales directly to tourists.
GP ENTERPRISE MANAGER component provides a fully functional back-office solution for configuring markups & commissions & other sales rules, managing reservations, creating invoices, controlling payments and getting analytics on how everything goes.
GP GATEWAYS component enhances functionality of the Platform, enabling integration with external systems (e.g. CRM, Accounting, online payment gateways etc.).
All components and modules of the platform can be combined in many ways and also include scalability mechanisms for adaptation to business processes and special needs.
Platform Delivery and Administration
Operational Requirements
Before you can start sales via the system first of all you need to configure your company profile, your suppliers & products you want to sell, your clients & sales rules, as well as financial conditions.
After you configure these basic options you will be able to accept bookings, manage reservations and payments, as well as receive analytics on the workflow.
Company Profile
Your company is the central element of GP Travel Enterprise. Before getting to work with the platform, you should configure your company profile. Configuring your company profile is implemented through 3 steps:
Configuring general information about the company - Company profile configuration starts with filling in general information about your company and uploading documents needed for proper business communication. Please, fill in this information carefully, because information from your company profile will be taken for invoices, vouchers, reports and other documents obtained from the system; also these settings will influence sending of notifications (see more details in corresponding sections).
Creating profiles for the users - Every employee who will work with the system must be registered as a unique user. User profiles are created to ensure proper system functioning and to differentiate access rights to the information stored in the system. For example, users with Director and Supervisor roles have unlimited rights in the system, while the rights of a user with Agent role may be restricted to just booking services. You can create the unlimited number of system users. Every employee in your company is then given a unique user name and a password that will be used for logging in the system. Every employee is also assigned with a role that will determine user’s rights in the system.
GP Travel Enterprise is a state-of-the-art web-based turnkey solution that provides immense opportunities for travel companies to fully automate business processes, including back-office automation and interaction with partners, as well as online sales of travel services. The main purpose of the system is to simplify and accelerate searching and booking of travel services, rendered by various suppliers. Moreover, using configuration and control tools you can create a single working space to cooperate with a vast network of clients (including travel agencies and distributors) granting access to respective information for them.
GP Travel Enterprise features:
Access to world leading suppliers and GDS’s
Inventory management with detailed description of tourist products, prices and availability
B2B and B2C online booking
Comprehensive reservation and finance management and more
API for integration with 3rd party applications
Active on software market: since 2008
Current version: 8.4 (release date: October 2020)
Data repository: MySQL (with optional porting to Oracle (extra charge))
Access: multi-user via the Internet
Architecture: “client-server” (all business logic is managed on centralized server)
Accessibility: 24/7, upwards of 99,9% (including time for scheduled updates)
Framework and program languages of the system: Java, XSLT, JS
External components: Jasper Reporting, AmCharts, Google/Yandex maps
Intended Audience
Various system solutions can be created on the basis of GP Travel Enterprise, specifically:
Booking and business automation systems for travel industry companies, including:
Incoming tour operators
Outgoing tour operators
Online booking portals and OTAs
Airline companies
Travel services consolidators
Flexible pricing and tour management tools.
GP Travel Enterprise is the best way to manage your tasks effectively, since it:
Allows permanent access 365/24/7
Works online via the Internet
Provides instant booking of travel services directly from suppliers
Supports multi-user access for suppliers, agencies, tour operators and their staff and individual tourists with different user permissions and change history logging
Designed for international markets (with multi language descriptions and multi-currency support)
Allows manual input of currency rates and integration with various financial information sources (banks)
May be utilized in various configurations
Enables complex automation of business processes and flexible adaptation to numerous business models
Table of Contents |
Business Model
GP Travel Enterprise is a multifunctional modular platform that includes more than 100 modules. The architecture can be easily customized on demand to suit the requirements of various travel businesses and cover such aspects and BUYING travel products from suppliers, SELLING them via B2B/B2C sales channels and MANAGING processes and reservations.
The modules of the system are combined into six independent components, and each of them is designed to solve the specific range of business tasks.
GP HUB component provides a unified interface for integration with tourism product suppliers (consolidators, GDSs) to enable search and booking.
GP INVENTORY component allows creating the company’s own base of tourism products, managing descriptions, availability and pricing.
GP B2B component allows organizing sales via agencies/other tour operators/ corporate clients.
GP B2C component allows sales directly to tourists.
GP ENTERPRISE MANAGER component provides a fully functional back-office solution for configuring markups & commissions & other sales rules, managing reservations, creating invoices, controlling payments and getting analytics on how everything goes.
GP GATEWAYS component enhances functionality of the Platform, enabling integration with external systems (e.g. CRM, Accounting, online payment gateways etc.).
All components and modules of the platform can be combined in many ways and also include scalability mechanisms for adaptation to business processes and special needs.
Platform Delivery and Administration ?
Installation Options
GP Travel Enterprise is available as ENTERPRISE version with installation on a client’s separate server or on cluster that ideally suits to Large Businesses.
Dedicated Server
Individual software installation on the dedicated server of a client is the most common implementation option. The platform installation is performed by GP team's specialists. The client rents or provides his own server and grants full access to our experts so that they can install and adjust the platform.
For ENTERPRISE installations, for implementation of individual enhancements or new releases, we recommend having an additional test server for internal useю
Cloud/cluster of Services
If the system is supposed to process a huge amount of booking transactions (approximately more than 5 000 bookings per month) or if high search load is expected, it is recommended to use the cloud server installation to assure the appropriate performance level. The following parameters should be considered to make the right decision about the recommended number of servers and their configuration:
What and how many external suppliers are to be connected
How many company’s self-operated travel products will be stored in the company's database (e.g. hotels, tours etc.)
Expected number of B2B users and concurrent sessions
Expected number of B2C guests and concurrent search queries
Number of offices (branches) (for the Holding configuration)
Number of websites (for tour operators and agencies)
Expected number of search queries per day
Rates of search queries in peak hours
Expected number of bookings per month.
System Setting and Adjustment
With system customization features you can easily configure platform functionality in reservation to meet specific requirements of clients:
Functional modules adjustments (e.g. adjusting rules for payment methods and penalty charges etc.)
UI adjustments (e.g. company logo, color schemes, utilized images, etc.)
Documents and reports settings (e.g. the look and the content of the voucher, invoice, product description)
3rd Party Integrations
GP Travel Enterprise implementation flexibility enables integration with third party software, which is used by licensee or its partners and enables the following:
Get connected to new product suppliers
Get connected to various online payment systems
Get integrated with accounting software (e.g. 1C)
Enable user authorization via external system (e.g. LDAP)
Get integrated with the company’s and partners’ self-developed or 3rd party software
The existing integrations are described in the document below. Additionally it’s possible to request extra integrations with any other software.
Technical Requirements ?
Operational Requirements ?
Before you can start sales via the system first of all you need to configure your company profile, your suppliers & products you want to sell, your clients & sales rules, as well as financial conditions.
After you configure these basic options you will be able to accept bookings, manage reservations and payments, as well as receive analytics on the workflow.
Company Profile
Your company is the central element of GP Travel Enterprise. Before getting to work with the platform, you should configure your company profile. Configuring your company profile is implemented through 3 steps:
Configuring general information about the company and uploading documents needed for proper business communication.
Creating profiles for the users. Every employee who will work with the system must be registered as a unique user. User profiles are created to ensure proper system functioning and to differentiate access rights to the information stored in the system.
Specifying company settings - personalize the look of the system so that it complies with your brand and identity as well as configure the localization preferences, links with external applications, and notifications
Managing Suppliers & Purchases
In GP Travel Enterprise there are two ways to develop a tour product: you can sell
Sell existing offers from external suppliers or GDSs (those who are available for real-time connection via API)
Develop self-operated tour products.
The first step of developing a product is establishing connections with suppliers - either external or direct. There are 2 ways to configure the suppliers:
You can connect Connect to external suppliers via XML API; .
You can create Create your direct suppliers for self-operated products.
After the suppliers are connected to the system, you can either start selling services of external suppliers or create your own self-operated products, provided by your own direct suppliers.
Managing Purchases
GP Travel Enterprise features all functions and tools required to develop selfoperated products: hotels, transfers, tours and many others. The management of self-operated travel products is implemented via GP Inventory module. GP Inventory allows travel companies to create their own travel products (for example, sell the company’s own transfers or excursions) and also add direct contracts with suppliers who don’t have the possibility to be connected online. The process self-operated product development includes entering the description of a product and specifying rates and availability.
Accomodation (Hotels, Villas, Apartments, etc.)
Car Hire
Extra services
Package tours
In general the process of developing self-operated products includes the following steps:
General product description. The first step implies entering basic information on the product or service. The information to be specified varies depending on the product. There are however certain common fields:
Adding general information on the product, including name, supplier, transaction currency, and the description of the product itself.
Adding particular categories to a service catalogue (for example, categories for accommodation, service classes for charters, type for excursions and tours, etc.)
Creating tourist categories. The Adult category is created by default. In case you want to provide special rates for children or elderly tourists, you can add corresponding categories and later adjust price calculation.
Scheduling services. Includes setting service schedule (usually service start time.)
For some products configuring additional services is also available.
Configuring prices. Configuring prices includes several steps, and generally consists of:
Creating tariffs according to which the prices are calculated and terms of your product marketing are formed
Creating price-lists for a product and all services it includes
Adding a price list for additional services;
Selecting types of discounts and specify terms of their application
Setting penalties
Availability. Specifying allotments of seats or rooms available for booking (if you have corresponding agreement with suppliers) or configuring sales “on request”.
As a result, a tour product is created in the system and becomes available for search and booking. If needed, all new products can be modified.
Managing Clients
Using managing and control tools, you can create and manage your own vast network of partners and clients. You can add other tour operators and travel agencies via which you re-sell your travel products, as well as create profiles for corporate and private clients.
Agencies – are the companies who re-sell your travel products to endconsumers. The main concept about them is that they can only sell using sales prices that you configure for them in advance, and usually they get commission that is being configured within the contact with them. You can either accept requests from your agencies via phone and then create reservations on behalf of them. Or, alternatively (and more often), you can give access to the system for agencies themselves so that they can search&book and communicate with you via the system.
The full procedure of registering a new Agency includes the following steps:
Creating a new agency company profile.
Uploading company documents.
Adding users of the company.
Configuring contract terms.
Adjusting the look and feel of the system (if necessary).
Multi-Level Distribution Chains (Available only for EXTENDED and ENTERPRISE Pricing Plans) - is the ability to re-sell your travel products via some intermediate companies (usually either some wholesalers or agency chains or other Tour Operator), who have their own sub-agencies. The main concept about them is that they can get from you Net rates (that are usually composed as your Net rate from supplier + your Markup) and can configure their own clients and own markups for them. This allows to involve multiple companies into the distribution and automate search&book processes for all of them on the same platform. At the same time, please, note that only Tour Operator Level 1 (licensee owner) will be able to configure travel products and connections to suppliers. While other distributors in chain will be able to sell them, but not create&manage own products.
This is depicted on the following diagram:
The main capabilities of this module are:
Register Tour Operator accounts as clients (so called Tour Operators Level 2)
Ability to log in as Tour Operator Level 2 and configure own Travel Agencies with own sales conditions for them (markups&commissions)
Search&book travel products both within Tour Operator Level 2 account and their sub-agencies
Get analytics on turnovers and actual amount due with regards to suppliers and clients on any level of distribution chain.
How it works:
Tour Operator Level 1 (supervisor of your company) logs into the system, goes to My company -> Clients legal and creates new company with type “Tour Operator” and configures sales rules for him (e.g. markup +10%).
Tour Operator Level 2 logs into the system and goes to My company -> Clients legal and creates his own sub-agencies and configures sales rules for them (e.g. markup + 20% and commission 15%).
Travel Agency beneath Tour Operator Level 2 logs into the system and makes a booking. After that every company in the chain sees this booking with corresponding net and gross prices in their accounts.
Corporate Clients – are the organization who require travel services for their own employees or partners.
The relations between companies are regulated by contracts . Contract – is - a union of sales conditions that include:
Search for the products you are interested in. At this stage the platform provides information about the availability of the rooms (tickets, seats) that can be booked immediately. Depending on the availability of the allocated places the [platform supports two types of booking:
free booking - the services can be booked immediately;
booking upon confirmation - at the time of booking, information about the reservation is saved, but the manager must contact the supplier to confirm the booking.
View search results. If you are not satisfied with the search results you can go back and repeat the search.
Choose and book the product you are interested in.
Get booking confirmation from the supplier. The final step includes creating an reservation and saving it in the system. If needed, you can modify reservations and add new products to them.
🗒 Reservations, created directly through suppliers, are not displayed in GP Travel Enterprise
The process of applying of markups, discounts, VATs for client's final price formation:
supplier’s price
calculation of markup
applying of all discounts (configured discounts in the contract of self-operated product) according to the order specified in tariff
applying of discounts from “Discounts & Promotions” ( in case of several discounts, calculation starts from discounted amount after calculating discounts from contract)
applying of VAT
The most frequently used operations include:
creating booking reservations for hotels and other products
booking several services within one reservation
viewing and searching reservations
modifying reservations
canceling bookings
with the search results you can go back and repeat the search.
Choose and book the product you are interested in.
Get booking confirmation from the supplier. The final step includes creating an reservation and saving it in the system. If needed, you can modify reservations and add new products to them.
🗒 Reservations, created directly through suppliers, are not displayed in GP Travel Enterprise.
You can search for travel products and services using 3 different methods. Specifically,
The Finance module helps you track financial operations and acquire complete information about the company’s financial flow.
Ledgers - Finance information about transactions between your company customers and suppliers is stored in the finance module of the system. By using general ledgers you can view the trade liabilities, the debts of the customers as well as income and expenses and thus keep track of the company financial flow.
Deposit - With the deposits, your agencies can prepay the services that they book. If an agency uses an e-commerce online payment system for transferring a certain amount from a credit card to you, this fact is immediately showed in the system. However, if the agency uses a bank transfer to pay you, you should register this in the system by placing a respective amount to its deposit. Only tour operators can withdraw funds from the deposit.
Invoices - GP Travel Enterprise gives you extended possibilities for managing invoices. After invoicing, you can view all the invoices, both issued for your clients and requested from suppliers, and pay, download, or cancel them.
Statement of Account - With GP Travel Enterprise you can track all financial transactions between a tour operator and suppliers as well as all transactions made by any customer.
Payment Settings - In the Payment settings section we will cover the following issues:
Configuring invoice print-out settings - With GP Travel Enterprise you can customize the parameters that are used to generate invoices. General parameters are set by default in the system; however, you can configure them individually
Configuring VAT - In order to make correct financial payment between a Tour operator and Travel agencies, you can calculate prices of services, including the value added tax, and view information about VAT in the invoices that are issued to a customer.
Configuring Payment Plans - Since clients of tour operator that bought your service for further sale (travel agents and tourists that bought services via B2C web-site) don’t have possibilities to manage settlement of accounts of this tour operator with its supplier in the context of payments settled in the contract between tour operators, it’s necessary to specify either one and only method of payment or some mutually exclusive methods of payment (e.g. in the case when your first specified method have effect only till occurrence of penalty period, and the second - after its occurrence).
It enables to avoid B2B-users of system release from occasion for selections payment method. In case payment plan was built in such a way that two or more payments methods could be used simultaneously, the system will select method in a random way.
First we will dwell on the configuration of payment plans for customers who buy your services and do not have access to the contract settings between the tour operator and the supplier. These customers usually include travel agencies and end customers who buy your services via B2C web-site.Setting payment methods - It is necessary to configure payment plans and methods for customers who buy your services and do not have access to the contract settings between the tour operator and the supplier.
Setting online payments - The online payment list Online Payments - contains every transaction made by customers via online-payment systems. To view the list of online payments, on the Finance menu, click Online Payments. The Payment list page appears.
In this section we will cover platform’s reports and analytic functionality. With the Analytics module you get full control over the sales and efficiency of work. It helps you obtain the latest data over any period including the amount of reservations placed by agencies and bought from suppliers and improve your workflow, rate partners’ results and profitability and decide on your future priorities.
All system reports fall into 5 major groups:
Analytic reports
- allow to review your business activity including sales reports with breakdown by agencies, suppliers, regions, and other criteria, dynamics of sales, look-to-book ratio.Corporate service reports
- allow you to obtain the list of cases of corporate policy violation.Financial reports
- include detailed information on flows of funds, with customer and supplier invoices, agency and flight sales specific records.Inventory reports
- allow you to get summary of prices in printable form and to see general statistic of availability of your selfoperated hotels.Rooming list reports
- allow you to obtain lists of travelers who are going to check in or get a charter or transfer within certain period of time.
This section covers a wide range of issues related to the configuration of the system. You can see the lists of companies and users, create news to display on the Home page, configure visa services and currency rates and view frequently asked questions.
Extended Functionality
Extended Company Structure