Let us have a closer look at each of the steps.
Tariffs Configuration
Tariff means combination of conditions for price offers – e.g. you can have:
To configure a tariff for a self-operated visa,
On the Self-operated products menu, click Visa.
In the profile of the required visa, go to the Prices tab.
On the Prices tab, in the Tariff group, click Create. The New tariff page appears:
On the New tariff page, first specify the tariff description:
Name: enter the name of the tariff.
Contract number: specify the number of contract with supplier related to this tariff.
Hide tariff name from client: select the check box in order to hide the name of the tariff from product customers.
Description for internal use: locate mouse pointer into the box and enter tariff description. The information entered in the filed is not available for customers and is used for internal aims only.
Description: in the text field enter the tariff description. This description will be shown for customers.
After you have entered the tariff description, start connecting tariff constituents. Click the respective tab to expand the form. After you fill in all the sections, click Save.
Click the Price-lists bar to expand the form. The following form appears:
To connect a price-list you need to:
To add a price-list, click Add price-list. The Price-lists window appears:
In case you already have created a price-list, select the required one from the drop-down.
In case you have not created a price-list previously, select Create price-list from the drop-down. After you click Create price-list, the New price-list window appears:
In the New price list window, the information to be specified is arranged on two tabs:
To proceed with a price-list creation,
On the General information tab, specify the following information:
Name: locate mouse pointer into the box and type the name of the price list.
Price list is active during: fill in the required information in the table.
Specifically,From the Tariff drop-down, select the tariff to connect the price-list to. In case you did not create any tariffs and decided to start with creating other constituent, select the default Standard item.
In the Date from… to… from… to… group specify the period of the price-list validity.
In the Min. days and Max. days groups, specify the minimal and the maximal duration of the service to which the price-list will be applied. Thus you can create different price-lists for short-term and long-term trips.
In the Days of the week group, select the days on which the price-list will be applied. For example, you can create different price-lists for week days and week-ends.
To create a copy of the period, click Copy. The identical table line will be created. It may particularly useful in case you create several pricelists with minor differences. It is easier to copy an existing price-list period and make some corrections.
Description: locate mouse pointer onto the text field and enter the price-list description.
Example: If you want to use different rates for work days and week-ends during one season (for example, from March January 1 to October December 1, 20172021) you should create two price-lists with the same duration terms but configured for different days of the week. In the first price-list (for week days) you should select days from Monday to Friday and select week-ends only in the second one:
Click Save and click Consular fee to proceed to the next tab.
On the Consular fee tab, specify the prices for visa services.
Select the method of price calculation:
The price is the same for all the services: the single price rate is specified for all the visa types. However visas are distinguished by the duration.
The price depends on the category: the price rates are set for all the created visa types and durations (e.g. separate prices are set for single visa with the duration less than 90 days, multiple visa with the duration more than 90 days, etc.)
The price depends on the category and the service: separate prices are set for each visa category, type and duration (e.g. Multiple entry business visa with the duration more than 90 days, etc.)
While adding prices, you can use fixed rates or simple mathematical functions (+, -, %). In the former case, the cell that is basic for further calculations, is highlighted in grey.
Click Save.
Setting price-lists for customers and suppliers
If you’re going to use only your net price-list (based on your contract with supplier) and add markup for your clients within the settings of your sales channels – then within configuration of your transfer select the option Use the same price-lists for both customer and supplier.
If you want to set separate price-lists for customers and suppliers (not via logic of applying markups, but create absolutely different prices), click Use net pricelists for supplier and gross price-lists for customer. Separate forms for net and gross price-lists appear:
Connecting Penalties to a Tariff
On the tariff page, click Penalties to expand the form. The following form appears:
Click Add. The Penalties window appears:
From the Name of the penalty to be applied within the indicated tariff dropdown, select the item of your choice. Specifically,
In case you have previously created a separate penalty plan, select the required one from the drop-down.
In case you create a tariff first and have no penalty plans created, click Create. The New penalty window appears:
In the window, specify the following information:
Name: type the name of the penalty plan.
Description: in the text field describe the penalty plan.
Cancellation terms: in the group specify the conditions for penalties application and the cancellation charges:
from the drop-down select the number of days before the check-in date when the penalties are applied.
select whether to calculate penalties in currency units or in per cent from a certain sum.
in case the penalties are calculated in per cents, specify the price from which they are calculated: total price or a price for a particular number of nights/days.
ℹ To add another penalty rule, click Add button.
Penalties are active during: in the group, specify the tariff for which the penalty plan will be applied and the terms of its application.
Click Save.
Setting Terms of Use
To connect the terms of use to a tariff,
On the Tariff page, click Terms of use to expand the form. The following form appears:
Click Add. The Terms of use window appears:
In the Terms of use window, specify the list of conditions under which the tariff is applied. Specifically,
Period of visa execution: specify the period a tourist has to wait before a visa is ready.
Booking occurs at the day of the specified interval: the tariff applies if a customer applies for a visa the duration of which is covered by the specified period.
🗒 You can link the tariff to one, several or all specified conditions. In the latter case the tariff is applied only if all the conditions are observed.
Click Save.
Setting Price-Lists for Extra services
In Price-lists for Add. Extra services group, click Add price-list for Extra services. The Price-lists for Extra services window appears:
From the drop-down select the item of your choice. Specifically,
If you have already created price-lists for Extra services, click the required one.
In case you have no price-lists for Extra services created, select Create pricelist for Extra service from the drop-down.
The New price-list for add. service Extra services window appears:
On the General information tab, specify the price-list name, as well as the period when it is active.
Click Save and proceed to the Price-lists for Extra services tab.
On the Price-lists for Extra services tab, specify the rates and the availability of Extra services:
Specify the following information:
Availability: select the conditions for service booking. The following items are available:
mandatory: a tourist must book the Extra service, when booking the main service.
optional: the service is offered to a tourist while booking the main service, but it is not mandatory.
not available: the service is unavailable for booking and is not offered to a tourist.
Include into cancellation charges: specify whether the price for an Extra service is included into the penalty charge in case the offer is canceled. If the check box is selected a tourist is charged along with the penalty on the main price.
Include into mark-up and commission: select the check box in case you want a rate for an Extra service to be included into the mark-up and commission. In case the option is selected, the markup and commission, that you set in the contract settings, are used for calculation of the final price of the service. For the service reservation fee, markups and commissions are not required.
Price: In the Price column, specify the price of the Extra service. The payment currency is the contract currency that is specified in the Contract tab of the corresponding visa. You may enter the price both in currency units and in per cents. If you click the per cent button, the additional drop-down appears. From the drop-down, select the price conditions (either the first night or the total price) on base of which the rate for the Extra service will be calculated.
Click Save.
When you create a price-list for Extra services, make sure that its validity terms coincide with that of the price-list for the main service. If the validity period of the price-list is shorter than that of the price-list for the main service price-list, the Extra services are not offered for the excluded period.
Every new product or tariff has a “public” tag by default. This means that they are available for search and booking for all customers.
However, you can create additional tags. In this case, if a products or a tariff contains at least one additional tag along with the “public” tag, the conditions of the additional tag are applied to them.
For instance, if you add the “private” tag to the product, it is only displayed in search results for the customers that have access to the “private” products according to the contract. This means that the customer contract must contain either the “private” tag, or several tags, including the mentioned above, for example: the "public" and "private" tags. The product is unavailable for customers if the “private” tag is not included in their tag list.