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In the Calculation subsection you can specify the mark up and commission calculation. The type of calculation depends on the type of the partner and the approved way of pricing:
There are several ways to calculate a sale price in percentage and fixed amount:
Configuring markup To set the rules for price calculation,
For configuration of flexible hierarchy of conditions for markups&commissions:
You can add another level inside the 1st-level classification by suppliers. For example, set separate mark up for accommodation services from a particular supplier. The second-level distinctive properties include product type (accommodation, flights. tours, etc.), group of tags (private, public, etc. See more at Tags), country. To add a second-level distinctive property,
You can add more levels of distinction. For example, further specify the mark up for hotels located in a particular country/city or of a particular category. To add another level of distinction, follow the steps mentioned above. The figure above illustrates an example of mark up calculation,
The tree of mark ups may have a complicated structure. The rules of navigating the tree are as follows:
You can choose your own logic how to “build” this hierarchy – e.g. you can start not from suppliers, but from product types or from whatever other criteria that is available in classification field. Commission column is only available for contracts with Agencies and within groups of contracts. It’s not available for Corporate Clients and for Private Clients (within direct or web sales). |
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With the cancellation fees configuration, you can add additional logic to the terms and conditions for canceling services that are being automatically received from suppliersю
Supposing a travel agency books a hotel room from your company for June 1-5, 2017. The total room rate from the supplier is 200 EUR and the markup is 20%, thus the service is sold to the travel agency for 240 EUR (which makes EUR 60 per night). The initial cancellation terms set by the supplier include penalty charges of 50 per cent of the total service rate if the booking is canceled seven or fewer days before the service start date. Assume that you set up a 100 per cent penalty charge if the service is canceled five days before it is rendered. In this case:
Thus, if you set the shift of the cancellation deadline for 3 days and set the increase of the penalty charge to 10 per cent, then the penalty period will be extended to 10 days: The penalty period starts on May 22, that is 3 days before the supplier's cancellation terms start. At the same time the amount of penalty charge additionally increases by 10 per cent of the initial supplier penalty charge including the markup of the tour operator. In this case if a reservation is canceled within the period from May 22 to May 31, the travel agency pays the penalty charge of 132 EUR. You pay 100 EUR to the supplier. The remaining amount of 32 EUR is your company profit. Similarly you can configure supplier's penalty terms by changing only the deadline shifts or the penalty charge increase. To set these cancellation fees,
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By using tags you can manage access of certain clients to products and rates. For example, by labeling certain products with the "private" tag you can show them only to some clients and hide from others. You can create, edit and delete all tags, except for the default "public" tag. To set tags,
There are certain restrictions to the tag names: ·A tag name should consist of one or several words written in Latin characters. ·A tag name can include maximum 500 characters. ·If you use several tags, they should be separated with a comma. Every product and contract has “public” tag by default. This means that this product is available for all clients. If you don’t want to make any limitations, please, don’t erase this tag from settings. It should be kept as it is. Pre-defined Tags You can use tags to determine the suppliers whose offers are available to a particular customer or for a particular sales channel. All possible options are listed in the table below.
Table comments:
For your own contracted suppliers, you can specify the Supplier code manually by entering the tag prefix in the profile of a direct contracted supplier.
Let us consider an example of tag application for external and direct contracted suppliers.
Configuring Direct Sales Settings 601
Direct Sales is the ability to sell offline to travelers from your call center or offices.
GP Travel Enterprise allows to manage sales conditions for this sales channel separately and thus specify what markup should be automatically applied and what other options should influence search&book process when bookings are being made by your own staff.
To set conditions for direct sales:
On the clients menu, click Sales settings.
Go to the Direct sales tab.
it is necessary to appoint a manager responsible for direct sales. For that,
From the manager drop-down select the required company employer.
For further information on configuring direct sales, please consult .
Configuring B2C Sales Settings
By using GP Travel Enterprise you can sell your products and services to your clients via a web-site. If you sell tour products directly to tourists you can place online booking forms on your web-site so that Internet users will be able to choose offers, obtain detailed information on them, calculate the price and make reservations with instant confirmation.
You can use several web-sites and provide this feature to your partner agencies/distributors as well (if this functionality available according to your License conditions).
Creating New B2C
To create a new B2C,
On the Navigation bar, point to Clients, and click Sales settings.
Click B2C Settings to proceed to the B2C Settings tab.
Click Create. The New B2C window appears:
🗒 Depending on the tariff there can be certain limitations to the number of B2C web-sites. If you have already reached the limit you cannot add a new website. After clicking Create, you will see the respective message.
In the New B2C window, on the Settings tab, enter the following:
Site name: the name of a В2С-website that you use to distribute travel products.
URL: the URL-address of a B2C-website that you use for travel services distribution.
Depending on whether you are going to use default B2C template or make custom implementation do one of the following:
Click Go to web-site builder to configure your own B2C web-site based on the templates available in the system. (See more at Web-site builder User Guide.)
Click Get API Key to get the API key generated by the system, which you will need for creating a B2C-site that doesn’t use standard templates available in the system (more information is available in technical API documentation )
Click Save.
In order to link web site URL at your own domain with the system, in the URL field enter your domain name.
API Key and ability to create your own web sites via API is available only in Extended and Enterprise Pricing Plans of GP Travel Enterprise.
To continue configuring B2C sales, specify the accepted payment methods on the Payments tab:
Select the payment methods you want to be available for B2C sales.
Click Save.
On the Notifications tab, configure the rules of sending notifications:
Select the Send default notification from B2C check box to turn ON notifications for the B2C customers from the B2C web-site. In the text box below, enter the e-mail address from which the notifications will be sent. If you turn OFF this option – then notifications will not be sent (you may need this if you want to notify your clients always manually by yourself OR if you build custom web site and want to make your own notifications and thus do not need the default).
Select the Send mail notification to the manager check box to additionally notify the service manager about the bookings performed via a B2C web-site.
On the Contract tab, configure the contract terms for B2C sales
In the New B2C Settings window, click Contract to proceed to the Contract tab.
Select manager, who will be in charge for all bookings that come from this web site.
Fill in other required information regarding markups, sales conditions, etc. as it is described in Chapter 2, Section 4.5.1 Managing Contracts.
Click Save.
Browsing B2Cs
To browse the list of configured B2Cs,
On the Clients menu, click Sales settings.
Go to the B2C settings tab. The list of b2Cs is displayed:
Web-site Builder
You have a possibility to change the visual side of your web-site. Web-site Builder gives a chance to configure regular templates due to your personal preferences and branding of your company.
To open Web-site Builder,
On the Navigation bar point to Clients, Sales settings, B2C settings, and click the name of your site.
B2C settings window appears:
Click Edit and then Go to web site builder.
The parameters that can be changed are divided into 5 tabs (General, Look&Feel, Static content, Banners, Options):
General tab. Here you can specify general information about your company, that will be available for visitors of the web site. You are to edit company contacts, enabled modules, global settings, social links, analytics:
Look&Feel tab. In this tab you can configure languages, currencies, color schema, layout and branding:
Static content tab:
Banners tab. In this tab you can easily change some parts of the home page like top hotel, sliders, top destinations:
Options tab. Here there is a possibility to edit default number of adults and nights on search forms, as well as product options, etc.
Always click Save changes after configuring each tab.
If you want to leave Web-site builder, click Back to administration. You will be directed to b2b installation:
Configuring Groups of Contracts
By using groups of contracts you can create common conditions for certain clients, for example, configure separate contract terms for agencies, which whom you have just started to work, and for “Preferred” or “VIP” agencies. You can select the required group of contracts instead of configuring contract terms manually.
All changes made to a group of contracts are automatically displayed in individual contracts with clients included in the group.
Creating a New Group of Contract
To create a new group of contracts,
On the Navigation bar, point to Clients and click Sales settings.
Click Groups of contracts to proceed to the Groups of contracts tab.
On the Groups of contracts tab, click Create. The New group of contracts page appears:
In the new group of contracts window, in the Name box, enter the name of the group.
Select the Default check box in order to appoint the group of contacts as default.
Fill in the required information on the tabs as it is described in the Direct sales. (See the required topic section.)
Click Save.
Browsing Groups of Contracts
To browse the list of groups of contracts,
On the Clients menu, click Sales settings.
Go to the Groups of contracts tab.
Selecting Groups of Contracts for Clients
When configuring a contract for clients you can select a group of contract for it. After that all the fields in the contract settings become disabled because the contract data are automatically imported from the group of contract.
To select a group of contract for a client contract,
Open the required contract.
Click Edit to switch to editing mode.
From the Group of contracts drop-down, select the required group of contract.
Click Save.
Markups and commissions settings for hotels
Sometimes markups and commissions can vary depending on hotel location, dates of stay at the hotel, check in hours, etc. Therefore a tour operator might need to implement flexible configuration of service fee and aget interest rate.
To accomplish this you need to upload the following data into the system:
Fill all the necessary data info at Excel file (the file template is provided by the support team at the stage of system implementation) by setting up following categories:
Supplier code;
Hotel code;
Hotel name;
Starting date of the rule
Rule expiration date
Hotel location;
Date of stay;
Supplier commission;
Direct sales mark-up
Agency commission;
and other categories that you can find in the Excel file template.
On Clients tab click Sales settings and find Markups and commission settings
Click Upload.
Click Add in the dialog box.
Specify the path to Excel file with the data entered.The file should have the .xls or .xlsx extension.
Click Save.
Now the data is uploaded into the system. To update data - repeat steps 1-7 with the new data added to the Excel file. After the new file is uploaded into the system the previous Excel file is saved to archive, so all the settings will be taken from the updated file.
Markups and commissions set in Markups and commissions settings for hotel file are applied only when using daily rates. To see more information about daily rates module, click here.
Specifying Tour Operator's Conditions
While booking a service, on the booking stage, the following form is displayed:
In order to continue booking, a user should select the check box, stating that they accept multiple conditions. Among them there ate tour operator conditions. Tour operator conditions are configured within sales terms configuration.
To configure tour operator conditions,
On the Navigation bar, point to Clients and click Sales settings.
On the Sales settings tab, click Tour operator's conditions.
On the Tour operator's conditions tab, click Edit and select the language of your choice:
In order to set general tour operator's conditions, click Common to expand the form. In case you want to set specific tour operator's conditions for a particular service, click the required service to expand the form.
Locate mouse pointer into the text field and type the tour operator's conditions:
To paste the information from MS Word, click . The Paste from Word window appears. Locate mouse pointer into the window, press CTRL+V, and click Insert.
To insert a picture, Click . The Insert/edit image window appears:
Locate mouse pointer into the Image URL box and type the link to the source where the required image is stored.
Locate mouse pointer into the Image description box and type the description to an image.
In the Title box, enter the title of an image.
Click Insert.
Click Save. The tour operator's conditions are then displayed on the booking form:
Vouchers Customization
After the booking is confirmed, a voucher is printed as a confirmation of booking. Depending on a service supplier, external or contracted, a voucher template can differ. Many external suppliers provide ready-made vouchers in PDF-format. Contracted supplies can use a preconfigured template.
To configure the voucher template and look,
On the Navigation bar, point to Clients and click Sales settings.
On the Sales settings tab, click Vouchers.
On the Vouchers tab, click Edit and specify the following:
Header and footer for vouchers: specify the information to display in the header and in the footer. Select the check boxes of your choice. For example, for the items selected in the figure the voucher template will look as follows:
Vouchers for external suppliers: specify whether to use specific vouchers or a uniform format for external suppliers. Additionally, select the respective check box to add a header with a tour operator/travel agency information. Then in the header, there will be tour operator information displayed, and in the footer - the supplier information:
Click Save
Discounts & Promotions
Discounts and Promotions module gives you the ability to hold various marketing campaigns and flexibly adjust prices for different products, sales channels and membership levels with or without specifying different Promo Codes.
Thus for example you may announce promo code SPRING2018 and for those who will specify it during the search – apply discount 10%.
To create new discounts & promotions,
On the Navigation bar, point to Clients and click Sales settings.
On the Sales settings tab, click Discounts & Promotions.
Click Create and specify the following information:
On the Products tab, specify necessary product (hotel or flight).
On the Sales channels tab, specify necessary channel (All, Direct sales, Corporate clients, Travel agencies, Tour operators, B2C sales).
On the Membership levels ,specify necessary levels ( All, Guest, Registered, Registration pending).
Click Save after configuring each tab.