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Table of Contents

Self-operated charters are created according to the common scheme. The process begins with choosing the necessary category and entering general information about the charter.

Creating a New Charter

  1. On the Navigation bar point to selfoperated products and click Charters.

  2. On the Charters page, click Create. The New charter window appears:

  3. On the Information tab, in the Info group, specify the following information:

    1. Name: locate mouse pointer into the bar and enter the name of the charter.

    2. Supplier: from the drop-down, select the charter supplier. In the drop-down only direct contracted suppliers are available.

    3. Transaction currency: from the drop-down, select the currency to use for payments with the supplier.

    4. Airline: from the Airline drop-down, select the name of an airline.

    5. Pick up point: enter charter departure airport.
      🗒 To add a departure point, locate the mouse pointer into the box, and start typing, the system automatically suggests the available points. Alternatively, you can select the departure point from the list, specifying first a country, then a city, and an airport.

    6. Drop off point: enter charter arrival airport.

  4. Click Save.

Creating Categories of Tourists

You may differentiate prices for self-operated products depending on the category of tourists who buy them. For instance, adjust the allocation price rate depending on the age of a tourist. For example, the number of hotels and airlines provides discounts for children. The Adult tourist category is created in the system by default.


  1. Open the profile of the required self-operated product.

  2. On the Information tab, in the Tourists group, click Create. The New tourist window appears:

  3. In the New tourist window, specify the following information:

    1. Name: locate mouse pointer into the box and type the name of the category.

    2. Category: from the drop-down, select the category type - adults or children.

    3. Default: generally the Adult tourist category is created automatically and set as default. However, you can change the default category selecting the Default checkbox.

    4. Age: specify the age range acceptable for the current category.
      🗒 Please pay attention that in case you create several tourist categories (e.g. infant, child), the age ranges should not overlap. Thus, in case the age range for the Infant is 0 to 2, the age range for Child should start with 3 years old.

    5. Description: locate the mouse pointer into the text field and describe the category you are creating.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Close. The new tourist category is added to the list of available categories.

Creating Catalogue of Charters

For every created charted description, you should create the catalogue of flight numbers. For each flight, you should indicate its number, available classes of service, and direction (outbound or inbound flight).


  1. Open the contract of a required charter.

  2. On the Information tab, in the Contact group, click Create. The New flight number window appears:

  3. In the New flight number window, specify the following information:

    1. Flight number: locate mouse pointer into the box and type the flight number.
      🗒 When adding a flight number to a catalogue, flight numbers should be specified only numerically, without letter codes. When a flight is booked, the letter codes are added to the flight
      number automatically.

    2. Description for internal use: the box is used for the convenient management of charters. The information you enter is not displayed on the Search results page and is used for inner management only.

    3. Service classes: select the service classes available for the passengers of the charter.

    4. Direction: click a button of your choice to specify whether the flight is out- or inbound.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Close.

Setting Schedule

For each created flight number, you need to specify the time of the flight in the schedule.


  1. Open the profile of the required charter.

  2. On the Information tab, in the Schedule group, click Create. The New trip window appears:

  3. In the New trip window, specify the following information:

    1. Flight number: from the drop-down, select the flight number. In the list the previously created flight numbers are available.

    2. Departure time: locate mouse pointer into the box and enter the time of the departure. The required format is indicated above the box.

    3. Arrival time: locate mouse pointer into the box and enter the time of arrival in the required format.

    4. Duration: specify the flight duration.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Close.

Setting Tariffs

GP Travel Enterprise allows you to set prices for self-operated services in 2 different ways:


Let us have a closer look at each of these steps in the subsequent sub-sections.

Creating a tariff for self-operated charters

To develop a tariff for a self-operated charter,


  • The net-price of the service (the amount that is paid to a supplier) is equal to the price in the price-list after minus the supplier’s discount and tour operator’s commission, which is calculated according to the actual commission plan:
    Net price = The price in the price-list – Supplier’s discount – Tour operator’s commission

  • The gross-price (the price for a tourist) is equal to the net-price with the tour operator’s mark-up minus supplier’s and tour operator’s discounts:
    Gross price = The price in the price-list + tour operator’s mark-up – supplier’s discount – tour operator’s discount

If you click Use net price-lists for supplier and gross price-lists for customer when editing the tariff, the price calculation will be implemented in the following way:

  • The net-price of the service (the amount that is paid to a supplier) is equal to the price, specified in the "net" price-list minus supplier’s and tour operator’s discounts:
    Net price = The price in the price-list with net-prices – Supplier’s discount – Tour operator’s commission

  • The gross-price (the price for a tourist) is equal to the price, specified in the "gross" price-list with the tour operator’s mark-up minus tour operator’s discount:
    Gross price = The price in the price-list with gross-prices – Tour operator’s discount + Tour operator’s mark-up

Note: If you choose Use net price-lists for supplier and gross price-lists for customer and the price-list does not affect certain dates, all offers for this date are not displayed in the search results.


  1. On the Tariff page, click Discounts to expand the form. The following form appears:

    🗒 You can add any number of discounts to the tariff. Note that In this case, the effective periods of different discounts can overlap. For this purpose, you need to specify whether all discounts, only one discount,orthe best discount should be applied.

  2. Click Add. The Discounts window appears:

  3. In the Discounts window, from theAdd drop-down, select the item of your choice.

    1. In case you have previously created a separate discount, select the required one from the drop-down.

    2. In case you create a tariff first, click Create discount.

  4. Specify the discount validity period. Select the required dates on the calendar.

  5. Specify the type of discount: supplier's discount or tour operator's discount. The description for each type is displayed in the Discounts window.

    1. Supplier's discount: the discount is provided by a supplier and is calculated from the net price.

    2. Tour operator's discount: the discount is provided by you and is calculated from gross price, while your commission is calculated from the net price.

  6. Click Apply.

Sub-allotments: There is no Sub-allotments in Tarriff anymore

Every new product or tariff has a “public” tag by default. This means that they are available for search and booking for all customers.


Note: Please remember, that in order to manage product availability through tags you should list
them in the customer contract in the same way.

Price Lists

For creating charters, you need to select the type of price-list first.


  1. In the New price-list window, click Round trip, and click Continue. The New price-list window appears:

  2. On the General information tab, specify the name of a price-list and set days when it is valid.

  3. Click Save and proceed to the Prices tab.

  4. On the Prices tab, specify prices for all flight and categories of tourists as shown below:

  5. Click Save.


To create a new discount,


titleDiscounts in the list of supplier reservations

Assume that the following reservation is booked:

  • Supplier's price for DBL room: 1 000 USD

  • Discount from the supplier: 0 (no discount)

  • Commission for the tour operator: 20%

  • The discount is displayed on the list of supplier's reservations (when viewed by the supplier):


For self-operated products, you can set cancellation charges and the terms of their application.


titleExample D

Assume that the tariff settings include a penalty of 100% at the rate of the price for three nights, and the agency books a room for one night for EUR 50.

In this case, if the service is canceled within the period of applied cancellation charges, the agency repays the tour operator a penalty which equals the payment for one night, which is EUR 50.


With the seat allotments, you can indicate the number of seats that are currently available and specify the dates of service booking.


titleExample 1:

Suppose you have an agreement with the supplier on 25 single rooms of the Comfort category to be booked from June 1 to June 30 and all double rooms are offered upon request.

To set this number of guaranteed allotments in the system:

  1. Click Create Allotment (see Group 1 in the figure below).

  2. Set the time span from June 1 to 30 (Group 2).

  3. Select the required allotment, category, and room type (Group 3).

  4. In the Quantity group, click Limited, and specify the number of rooms that you can offer (Group 4).

  5. Click Update (Group 5).

The number of guaranteed rooms that you set appears on the diagram:

and in a table report:

All conditions of the availability configured in this block are taken into account during the booking.

Note: Adobe Flash Player is required for browsing the available blocks of seats via the
Internet Explorer web browser.

Once a seat is booked for a certain period, the number of available seats respectively decreases:

To set Blockout,

  1. Click Blockout (Group 1);

  2. Select sub allotment, category, and room type for which you set Blockout (Group 2);

  3. Click Set Blockout (Group 3);

  4. To reset Blockout click Reset Blockout (Group 4). This function permits to cancel all previous settings on block-out with saving all other allotments.

Viewing List of Charters

To view the list of charters, go to Selfoperated products and click Charters. All the previously created charters are arranged in the table:


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Viewing/Editing Charters

To view or edit a charter,
