On the general settings menu, click All users.
The All Users page appears:
ℹ On the All users page you can search for a particular user, view a user's profile
, modify it, deactivate users, download the list of users.
Searching for users registered in the system
On the general settings menu, click All users.
The All users page appears.
Use the search form at the top of the page. Fill in the following search criteria:
Company: select the name of the company where the user is registered.
Name: enter the name of the user.
Role: select the company type of user's employment (e.g. tour operator, travel agency, corporate client, etc.) and the user's role (e.g. director, supervisor, agent, etc.)
Login: enter the login of the user.
Click Search to initiate search process. The list of users will be contracted to those whose profiles suit your search criteria.
Note: you can download the list of users with general information about them as an Excel file. For that, on the All users page, click Excel button . The list of users is downloaded to your computer.
On the general settings menu, click All users. The All users page appears.
On the all users page, click the profile of the required user. User page appears:
On the user page, to edit user information, click Edit at the bottom of the page.
Make necessary corrections and click Save.
Note: you can deactivate any system user. Deactivated users are not deleted permanently, they are moves to archive. To deactivate a user, in the profile of a user, on the Information tab, clear the Active check box.