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Table of Contents


  • In the New trip window, specify the following information:

    • Flight number: from the drop-down, select the flight number. In the list the previously created flight numbers are available.

    • Departure time: locate mouse pointer into the box and enter the time of the departure. The required format is indicated above the box.

    • Arrival time: locate mouse pointer into the box and enter the time of arrival in the required format.

    • Duration: specify the flight duration,

  • Click Save.

  • Click Close.

Setting Tariffs

GP Travel Enterprise allows you to set prices for self-operated services in 2 different ways:


  • The net-price of the service (the amount that is payed to a supplier) is equal to the price in the price-list after minus supplier’s discount and tour operator’s commission, which is calculated according to the actual commission plan:
    Net price = The price in the price-list – Supplier’s discount – Tour operator’s commission

  • The gross-price (the price for a tourist) is equal to the net-price with the tour operator’s mark-up minus supplier’s and tour operator’s discounts:
    Gross price = The price in the price-list + tour operator’s mark-up – supplier’s discount – tour operator’s discount

If you click Use net price-lists for supplier and gross price-lists for customer when editing the tariff, the price calculation will be implemented in the following way:

  • The net-price of the service (the amount that is payed to a supplier) is equal to the price, specified in the "net" price-list minus supplier’s and tour operator’s discounts:
    Net price = The price in the price-list with net-prices – Supplier’s discount – Tour operator’s commission

  • The gross-price (the price for a tourist) is equal to the price, specified in the "gross" price-list with the tour operator’s mark-up minus tour operator’s discount:
    Gross price = The price in the price-list with gross-prices – Tour operator’s discount + Tour operator’s mark-up

Note: If you choose Use net price-lists for supplier and gross price-lists for customer and the price-list does not affect certain dates, all offers for this date are not displayed in the search results.


  • In the Discounts window, from the Add drop-down, select the item of your choice. Specifically,

    • In case you have previously created a separate discount, select the required one from the drop-down.

    • In case you create a tariff first, click Create discount.

  • Specify the discount validity period. Select the required dates in the calendar.

  • Specify the type of the discount: supplier's discount or tour operator's discount. The description for each type is displayed in the Discounts window.

    • Supplier's discount: the discount is provided by a supplier and is calculated from the net price.

    • Tour operator's discount: the discount is provided by you and is calculated from gross price, while your commission is calculated from the net price.

  • Click Apply.

Sub-allotments: There is no Sub-allotments in Tarriff anymore


Every new product or tariff has a “public” tag by default. This means that they are available for search and booking for all customers.


You can set up different terms of use, that determine availability of your one- way and round trip offers. Additionally you add return flights to the search:


For example you create a charter Berlin (SXF) - Amsterdam (AMS) including two routine flights from Berlin to Amsterdam and the same number of return flights.

Let's see what offers are displayed on the search results page under various terms of use if the user makes the following request: Berlin (SXF) - Amsterdam (AMS).

Sales terms are not specified in the tariff

If you do not specify any terms of use in the tariff settings (all the check boxes in the group are left clear), the list of flights that are displayed on the search results page is composed according to the type of flight a user searches for (one-way or round trip) and to the availability of prices for the corresponding flight segment in the price-list.

In this case, if you add prices only for direct flights from Berlin to Amsterdam, when searching round trip flights, no offers are displayed in the search results until you add prices for return flights from Amsterdam to Berlin into the price list.

The «One-way» terms are set

If One-way is set in the terms of use, the search results include all available direct flights from Berlin to Amsterdam. When searching a round trip flight, no offers are displayed in the search results.


The «Round trip» terms are set

If Round trip is set in the terms of use, the search results page displays all available charter flights from Moscow to Florence and back. When searching one-way flight, no offers are displayed in the search results.


The «Reverse trip is available» terms are set

The Reverse trip is available terms can be set as an additional to the One way or Round trip terms. In this case not only direct but also return flight are displayed in the search results.


If the Reverse trip is available check box is selected, then available flights for the Berlin - Amsterdam charter are displayed when searching Berlin - Amsterdam and Amsterdam - Berlin as well.

If the check box is not selected in the specified field, the Amsterdam - Berlin search is unavailable.

Creating One-way Price Lists


If the amount of cancellation charges within the tariff is less than the price of the booked service, the agency repays a penalty at the rate which is set within the tariff to a tour operator.

Do we actually need the examples?

titleExample А

Assume that the tariff settings include a fixed penalty of EUR 100, and an agency books a room for EUR 50.

In this case if the service is canceled within the period of applied cancellation charges, the agency repay the tour operator a penalty which is equal to the payment for the room (EUR 50).


titleExaple 2:

Setting blockout dates

To set blockout,

  1. Click Blockout (Group 1);

  2. Select sub allotment, category and room type for which you set blockout (Group 2);

  3. Click Set blockout (Group 3);

  4. To reset blockout click Reset blockout (Group 4). This function permits to cancel all previous settings on block-out with saving all other allotments.

Viewing List of Charters

To view the list of charters, go to Selfoperated products and click Charters. All the previously created charters are arranged in the table:


Note: In some cases, the browser you use may not allow downloading files from external web-sources. In such cases, configure the file export. The configuration procedure varies depending on the browser you use. Please, refer to the browser web help for detailed information on exporting data.

Viewing/Editing Charters

To view or edit a charter,
