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Search by


Search example


City code from supplier context (one supplier)

Allows to specify city code of certain supplier and get hotel offers only from this supplier. You can use this case if you know exact location codes from suppliers and would like to get offers only from some supplier.

Code Block
   <HotelRef HotelCityCode="LON" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode"/>


City code from customer context

If it is agreed to support customer context, GP Travel HUB can do search by customer-specific city codes. In this case your application can provide your own city code, GP Travel HUB will resolve it via GEO-tree and send requests to all suppliers matching to this locationsupplier.

Code Block
   <HotelRef HotelCityCode="LON" HotelCodeContext="ABC,supplierCode"/>
  • In this example "ABC" is a customer identifier. Ask about your specific identifier during integration.


Compound Search context

Allows to use City Code from supplier context, and then send search request to all suppliers; and vice versa, you can use City Code from GEO, and then send search request to particular supplier. Compound HotelCodeContext values like "<supplier>.GEO" or "GEO.<supplier>" are used for this.

When the HotelCodeContext is "<supplier>.GEO" then the HotelCityCode must be specified in supplier’s context, and then search request goes to all suppliers.

Code Block
   <HotelRef HotelCityCode="LON" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode.GEO"/>

When the HotelCodeContext is "GEO.<supplier>" then the HotelCityCode must be specified in GEO context, and then search request goes only to the supplier specified. So, you can send request to the particular supplier, even if you don’t know supplier-specific City Code (as described in p.2 above).

Code Block
   <HotelRef HotelCityCode="12175" HotelCodeContext="GEO.supplierCode"/>


Pagination search

Allows to receive results in parts. To start a pagination search AllowPartialAvail attribute should be true in Availability request. HUB returns available offers until MoreIndicator is true on Availability response. Pagination search can be interrupted after each Availability request. If part of received offers is enough no need to send other Availability requests despite the fact that the MoreIndicator is true on Availability response. Check diagram below for case when you should receive all available offers:

You can see pagination search example after diagram below.
