Hotel Descriptive Info Response returns you descriptive information about the hotel including a hotel's address, hotel’s text description, images, contact information, amenities etc. provided by supplier.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | ||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | ||||
Contains information about Hotel. | 0...* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||
AreaID | string | Hotel Country Code. | 0...1 | |||
HotelCityCode* | string | Contain information about hotel and include supplier-specific codes, and code of supplier (HotelCodeContext) from whom this offer was obtained. | 1...1 | |||
HotelCode* | string | 1...1 | ||||
HotelCodeContext* | string | 1...1 | ||||
HotelName* | string | 1...1 | ||||
ChainCode | string | Contain information about hotel chain and brand. | 0...1 | |||
BrandCode | string | 0...1 | ||||
ChainName | string | 0...1 | ||||
BrandName | string | 0...1 | ||||
HotelDistrictCode | string | Define the district, to which the hotel belongs. | 0...1 | |||
HotelDistrictName | string | 0...1 | ||||
Descriptive details about the hotel. | 0...1 | |||||
FacilityInfo/GuestRooms | Contains information about services in all rooms. | 0...1 | ||||
MaxOccupancy | integer | Contains max number of people for room. | 0...1 | |||
Count | integer | Number of rooms. | 0...1 | |||
Contains information about services, number of people and rooms quantity. | 0...* | |||||
Specifies an array of policy information applies for a hotel.
| 0…* | |||||
AffiliationInfo/ Awards/ Award | Describes the hotel rating. | 1...2 | ||||
Rating* | string | Number of stars. | 1...1 | |||
Provider* | string | Describes the provider of hotel rating. Can be “Hotel“ or “Supplier“. | 1...2 | |||
Includes hotel contact details. | 0...* | |||||
Reviews/Review | Contains information about hotel reviews. | 0...* | ||||
CodeContext* | string (1 - 32) | Provider of review (for example, TrustYou). | 1...1 | |||
ReviewsCount | integer | Number of reviews. | 0...1 | |||
ReviewRating | string (1 - 64) | Rating of the hotel, which is tendered by provider of reviews. | 0...1 | |||
URL | URI | Url that could be used to redirect to the site with the full ratings. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Name* | string | Possible values described in Relative positions. | 1...1 | |
Text | string | Describes relative position more precisely, but in some cases can be the same value as Name. | 0...1 | |
Nearest* | boolean | Contains "true" in case the position is nearest to the property. | 1...1 | |
UnitOfMeasureCode | string | Unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OTA Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM). | 0...1 | |
Distance | string | Contains distance from hotel to the airport, attractions, etc. | 0...1 | |
Transportations/ Transportation | Contains description of distance to the nearest important places. | 0...* | ||
Transportations/ Transportation/ DescriptiveText | Short description. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
ImageItems/ ImageItem | A link to hotel images. | 0...* | ||
Category | integer | Refers to OTA List "Picture Category Code (PIC)". | 0...1 | |
ImageItems/ ImageItem/ ImageFormat/ URL* | URI | Image URL. | 1...1 | |
ImageItems/ ImageItem/ Description* | Short description of the image. | 1...1 | ||
Caption* | string | 1...1 | ||
TextItems/TextItem | A description of the hotel location, interior, exterior, facilities, rooms, etc. | 0...* | ||
Category | integer (1 - 23) | Refers to GP Travel HUB list "Text Category Code". | 0...1 | |
Title | string (1 - 255) | The title of the multimedia object. | 0...1 | |
TextItems/ TextItem/ Description* | string | Hotel description text. | 1...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Charge | Represents charge details. | 0...5 | ||
Amount | decimal (0 - 10000000000) | Defines the price of extra charge. | 0...1 | |
3-character ISO currency code | Defines the currency of extra charge. | 0...1 | ||
ChargeUnit | string | Defines the unit for which the charge applies (e.g. room, person, seat). Refer to OTA Code List Charge Type (CHG). | 0...1 | |
ChargeFrequency | string | Defines the timeframe used to apply the charge during the course of the reservation (e.g. Daily, Weekly, Stay). Refer to OTA Code List Charge Type (CHG). | 0...1 | |
TaxableIndicator* | boolean | Indicates if the service is extra charged. Possible value is "true". | 1...1 | |
Charge/ Description/ Text | string | Charge short description. | 0...5 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||
Code | string | Contains supplier's room code. | 0…1 | |||
MaxOccupancy | integer | Contains max number of people for room. | 0...1 | |||
RoomTypeName | string (1 - 512) | Contains name of room type. | 0...1 | |||
TypeRoom | Contains information about quantity of different room types. | 0...5 | ||||
StandardOccupancy | integer | Indicates the usual number of guests that occupy this room. | 0...1 | |||
Count | integer | Number of rooms of this room type. | 0...1 | |||
Amenities/Amenity |
| 0...* | ||||
RoomAmenityCode | string | Refers to OTA List "Room Amenity Code (RMA)". | 0...1 | |||
SupplierCode | string | Amenity code provided by supplier. | 0...1 | |||
Quantity | integer | Contains numeric information about service. For example: amount of swimming pools; year of most recent renovation; room size (sqm), etc. | 0...1 | |||
MinAge | integer (1 - 999) | Defines minimum age for using service. | 0...1 | |||
MaxAge | integer (1 - 999) | Defines maximum age for using service. | 0...1 | |||
Start | yy-mm-dd or yy-mm-dd T hh-MM-ss or hh:MM:ss | Defines service start date and time. | 0...1 | |||
End | yy-mm-dd or yy-mm-dd T hh-MM-ss or hh:MM:ss | Defines service end date and time. | 0...1 | |||
| ||||||
Amenities/Amenity/ DescriptiveText | string | Short description of the amenity. | 0...1 | |||
MultimediaDescriptions/ MultimediaDescription/ ImageItems/ ImageItem | Contains detailed descriptions of room. | 0...* | ||||
DescriptiveText | string | General room description. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Addresses/Address | Contains hotel address. | 0...* | ||
Addresses/Address/ AddressLine | string (1 - 255) | Mandatory elements if the Address element is requested. | 0...5 | |
Addresses/Address/ CityName | string (1 - 64) | 0...1 | ||
Addresses/Address/ PostalCode | string (1 - 16) | 0...1 | ||
Addresses/Address/ CountryName | string (0 - 64) | 0...1 | ||
Phones/ Phone | Contains information about hotel phone number. | 0...* | ||
PhoneNumber* | string (1 - 100) | Passenger's phone number. | 1...1 | |
PhoneTechType | integer (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | Indicates type of technology associated with this telephone number. | 0...1 | |
PhoneLocationType | integer (1 - 9) | Indicates location type for passenger's phone number. | 0...1 | |
Emails/Email | string (1-128) | Contains information about passenger's email. It is enough to submit Email only for the tour lead. | 0...* | |
URLs/URL | URI | URL to hotel site if provided. | 0...* |