Added new sections to the REST API:
New API methods are added:
GET/contentProviders/{contentProviderId}/locations- get locations of external suppliers
GET PUT POST /ownHotelInfo- get / update / create general info about hotel
PATCH /ownHotelInfo/{hotelId} - update hotel status
GET PUT /hotelDescription//{hotelId}/general - get / update general description about hotel
GET PUT /hotelDescription//{hotelId}/details - get / update detailed info about hotel
GET PUT /hotelDescription//{hotelId}/amenities - get / update hotel amenities
GET PUT /hotelDescription/{hotelId}/location - get / update hotel location
GET PUT /hotelDescription/{hotelId}/checkin - get / update hotel check-in/check-out
GET PUT POST /hotelDescription/{hotelId}/roomType - get / update / create hotel room type
GET PUT POST /hotelDescription/{hotelId}/mealType - get / update / create hotel meal type
GET PUT POST /hotelDescription/{hotelId}/images - get / update / create hotel images
GET /hotelDescriptionDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Descriptions
GET /hotelClassificationDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Classifications
GET /hotelTypesDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Types
GET /hotelServiceDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Services
GET /hotelCategoryDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Categories
GET /hotelChainDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Chain
GET /kpis - get KPIs
GET /kpiStatistics/{kpiId} - get KPI statistics
PATCH /kpi/{kpiId} - update status KPI
POST /kpi - create KPI
New parameters are added to the existing API methods:
GET PUT POST /ownProductPriceLists: new parameters “extraPrices” and “extraNightCount” are added
GET PUT /availability: new parameter “subAllotmentId” is added