Sometimes the number of search results may be quite sufficient. In order to leave off unnecessary offers, you can apply different filters. In order to filter search results, go to the Filters panel to the left of the search results:
Specify the following filtering criteria:
Price: move the sliders across the scale or indicate the required range manually to limit the permissible price range.
Flight number: in case you search for a particular flight, enter the flight number.
Flight duration: move sliders along the bar in order to restrict the flight duration.
Airline: select the preferred airline.
Airports: select the preferred airports for the departure and arrival airports.
Departure/arrival time: move sliders along the bar to restrict the time of departure/arrival.
Validity dates: move sliders along the bar to restrict the flight validity dates.
Baggage: specify wether baggage should be included or not.
Tariff: specify the preferred tariff(s).
Refundable: specify wether the flight cost is refundable or not.
Search results are automatically updated according to the applied filters.