Added new sections to the REST API:
New API methods are added:
GET PUT POST /ownHotelInfo- get / update / create general info about hotel
PATCH /ownHotelInfo/{hotelId} - update hotel status
GET PUT /hotelDescription//{hotelId}/general - get / update general description about hotel
GET PUT /hotelDescription//{hotelId}/details - get / update detailed info about hotel
GET PUT /hotelDescription//{hotelId}/amenities - get / update hotel amenities
GET PUT /hotelDescription/{hotelId}/location - get / update hotel location
GET PUT /hotelDescription/{hotelId}/checkin - get / update hotel check-in/check-out
GET PUT POST /hotelDescription/{hotelId}/roomType - get / update / create hotel room type
GET PUT POST /hotelDescription/{hotelId}/mealType - get / update / create hotel meal type
GET PUT POST /hotelDescription/{hotelId}/images - get / update / create hotel images
GET /hotelDescriptionDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Descriptions
GET /hotelClassificationDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Classifications
GET /hotelTypesDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Types
GET /hotelServiceDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Services
GET /hotelCategoryDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Categories
GET /hotelChainDictionaryInfo - obtain information about available hotel Chain
GET /ownTransferServiceCategories - obtain information about own Transfer service categories
POST /ownTransferServiceCategories - create own Transfer service category
PUT /ownTransferServiceCategories - update own Transfer service category
GET /excursions - get list of external excursions
GET /excursionDescriptionTypes - get list of excursion description types
GET /excursionCategories - get list of excursion categories
PUT /prepareActivityBook/{basketKey} -put prepared offer to the basket
GET /ownExcursionServiceCategories - obtain information about own Excursion service categories
POST /ownExcursionServiceCategories - create own Excursion service category
PUT /ownExcursionServiceCategories - update own Excursion service category
GET /searchTours - search Tour offers
GET /tourInfo - get tour info
GET /tourAdditionalOptions - get tour additional options
POST /prepareBookTour - prepare tour book (the first step of the booking process)
PUT /prepareBookTour/{basketKey} - put prepared offer to the basket
DELETE /ownPackageContracts/{packageId}/itinerary/{itineraryId} - delete package itinerary
DELETE /ownPackageContracts/{packageId}/availability/{availabilityId} - delete package availability
GET /ownPackageContracts/{packageId}/itinerary/ - get package itinerary
GET /ownPackageContracts/{packageId}/itineraryDay/ - get package itinerary days
GET /ownPackageContracts/{packageId}/availability/ - get package availability
GET /ownPackageContracts - get own ComplexTour contracts
PATCH /ownPackageContracts/{id} - activate/deactivate own contract
POST /ownPackageContracts/{packageId}/itinerary/ - save package itinerary.
POST /ownPackageContracts/{packageId}/availability/ -save package availability
POST /ownPackageContracts - create own ComplexTour contract
PUT /ownPackageContracts/{packageId}/itinerary/{itineraryId} - update package itinerary
PUT /ownPackageContracts/{packageId}/itineraryDay/ - update package availability
PUT /ownPackageContracts/{packageId}/availability/{availabilityId} - update package availability
PUT /ownPackageContracts - update own ComplexTour contract
GET /ownDynamicPackageContracts - get own DynamicPackage contracts
PATCH /ownDynamicPackageContracts/{id} - patch own contract
POST /ownDynamicPackageContracts - create own DynamicPackage contract
PUT /ownDynamicPackageContracts - update own DynamicPackage contract
GET /priceListCodes/{productTypeName} - get price type for own product service
GET PUT POST/subAllotments - get / update / create ownProduct SubAllotments
GET /contentProviders - obtain information about available suppliers/content providers
POST /copyHotelInfo/{hotelId} - create a copy of the hotel
PUT /seatsByProcessId - update scheduler groups seats
PUT /kpi/{kpiId} - update KPI
GET /seatMap - get seat map
POST /seatMap - create seat map
PUT /seatMap/{id} - update seat map
GET /kpis - get KPIs
GET /kpiStatistics/{kpiId} - get KPI statistics
PATCH /kpi/{kpiId} - update status KPI
POST /kpi - create KPI
New parameters are added to the existing API methods:
GET PUT POST /ownProductPriceLists: new parameters “extraPrices” and “extraNightCount” are added
GET PUT /availability: new parameter “subAllotmentId” is added
GET PUT POST /own[product]Contracts: new parameter “stage” is added
GET /hotels:
added new parameters “namePattern”, “ratingFrom”, “ratingTo”, “groupId” to the request
added new parameters “giataCode”, “rating”, “haveHotelsInGroup”, “count” to the response
POST PUT /hotelInfo:
deleted parameters “descriptionType”, “descriptionLocalizable”
added new parameters “phone2”, “phone3”, “email2”, “email3”, “groupNumber”, “giataId”, “villa”, “apiHotelDetailedDescription”
renamed parameters: categoryId → additionalCategoryId, hotelNameLocalizable → hotelName, hotelAddressLocalizable → addressLine, hotelMealTypes → mealTypes, internalNoteLocalizable → internalNote
GET /searchActivities:
added new parameter “locationPointId” to the request
added array "venue"to the response
GET /activityInfo: added array "venue"to the response
GET /orders:
added new parameters "modifyManualSeat" and "seatsVisibleForClient" to the response
added new parameter “serviceSources” to the request
GET /downloadOrders: added new parameters “supplierSummaryQuotations”, “clientSummaryQuotations”, “supplierSummaryInCurrency”, “clientSummaryInCurrency”, “supplierSummaryQuotationsInCurrency”, “clientSummaryQuotationsInCurrency”
PUT POST /orderServices - added new parameters "modifyManualSeat", "seatsVisibleForClient", “email”, “phone” and array “travelers”
POST /manualModification - added new parameters "modifyManualSeat", "seatsVisibleForClient", “email”, “phone”, “serviceName”, “activity.activityServiceName”, “transfer.transport” and array “travelers”
GET /schedulerGroupDetails - added new parameter “orderIdSeats” to the request
GET /privateClients - added new parameter “phone” to the request
GET /salesSettings: added new parameter “applyCommissionToCancelledService” (true/false) to the response
GET /schedulerGroupDetails: added new parameters “requestedServiceName” and “vehicleTypeName” to the response
GET /dashboards: added new parameters “serviceStatuses” and ”topWidgetType” to the request