To modify or create reservations for corporate clients:
On the Navigation menu,
click My Company → Corporate clients.
Select the client of your choice.
Go to the Reservations tab.
Searching corporate clients' reservations
To search for corporate reservations, use the search form at the top of the page:
In the Search form, fill in the following data:
Reservation number: specify the
number of a reservation, ticket, or ref-number.
Service status: specify the
status of included service.
Reservations status: specify the status of reservation.
Apply filter to services: switch off/on the toggle (enabled by default) if needed.
In case you want to expand additional search parameters,
Click Additional parameters. The following form appears:
b. Fill in the data in the following groups:
Trip details: enter the information on the service(s) included in the reservation. Select
create date(s), service type,
From the Status drop-down, select the status of the service itself (reservation check required, confirmation pending, etc.).
From the Reservation status drop-down, select the status of the reservation into which the service is included (in progress, completed, or canceled). Moreover specify whether to apply the filter to the reservation or to the service(s) included in the reservation. Click the corresponding button.
ticket number, modified date(s), service name, destination, start date(s), promo code, campaigns, end date(s), reservation manager, booked from.
Supplier details: specify the information on the supplier and the payment for the service with the supplier.
Booking information: specify
Corporate policy information: specify the details on the corporate policy violation and approval, and select the trip organizer.
Select the Awaiting approval from me check box in case you are to approve the reservation(s).
booking dates.
2. Click Search.
Browsing corporate clients' reservations
To browse the list of reservations for corporate clients,
On the Navigation menu,
click My Company → Corporate clients.
Go to the Reservations tab. The list of reservations appears.
On the Reservation tab, either use the Search form to search for particular reservations, or browse the list of all the reservations conducted for corporate clients.
On the Reservations tab, you can:download the list of reservations;
create a new reservation request;
view the reservation details;
book the reservation again.
Downloading the list of reservations
You can download the list of reservations to your computer as an XLS/XLSXfile.
To do so,
On the Reservations page, select the reservations the information on which you want to download:
. The Export to Excel window appears:
In the Export to Excel window, select whether to export the information on all the reservations in the list or on the selected reservations only.
. An XLS/XLSX-file will be downloaded to your computer.
New Reservation Request for Corporate Clients
To create a new reservation request for corporate clients,
On the Navigation menu,
click My Company → Corporate clients.
Go to the Reservations tab.
On the Reservations tab, click New reservation request.
In the New Reservation Request window, enter the trip title and trip details.
Submit. The Reservation page appears:
The reservation has no services included. To add a service to the reservation, point to Add Service, and click the service of your choice. You will be redirected to the Service Search form. search and book a service as it is described in Search&Book (See the service of your choice). In case you want to add services booked offline to the current reservation, click Add extra services.
As soon as you have added all the services you need, set the reservation, issue/get invoices/tickets, print vouchers, set the reservation status to complete.
ℹ Alternatively, click Back to the list of reservations to return to the list of corporate reservations.
View Corporate Reservation Details
To view the reservation details,
In the list or reservations, select the reservation of your choice and click its number in the Reservation number column.
On the Reservation page, you can:
view the reservation details;
browse the history of reservation modifications;
assign a manager to the reservation;
send documents to an e-mail;
print calculation for selected services;
print vouchers;
book the service again;
issue invoices for clients;
get invoices from suppliers;
add services;
add extra services to the reservation.
For further information, please see + Reservations .