On the My Company menu, click My Company. The Information page appears:
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2. The tab is opened in the editing mode.
3. Fill in the required data. The fields you should fill in mandatory are marked with the asterisk (*).
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In the Address group, specify the factual and the postal address details: |
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title | Contacts - Main Contact Person |
In the Contact person group, specify the contact data of a company representative: Full name of a contact person: who from your company will be the main person responsible for the system; Phone number: phone number of contact person; Fax: ax number of contact person; E-mail: e-mail of contact person. This e-mail can be further used as a “from” e-mail in case of sending notifications from your company to your clients, as well as for receiving notifications from the system. If you wish you can specify here some common e-mail from your company or operations department that you use for general correspondence.
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| In the Company profile settings group, specify the following:
Language: select the language that will be used in the system as default.
Price format: select the price format to use for displaying prices in the system. | Date format: select the date format to use for displaying dates in the system.
Time zone: select the item of your choice from the drop-down. Or select server time zone to set the time zone where your company is located to see time in local zone.
Time format: select the time format from the drop-down.
First week day: select either Sunday or Monday. The selected item will be set as a first week day in the calendar.
Logo: upload a logo of your company.
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title | Additional Information |
In the Additional information group, specify the following: Full name of legal entity: full legal name of the company to be used for invoices and other official documentation. VAT number: identification number of a taxpayer. IATA number: the number, assigned to a company upon the registration in the International Air Transportation Association. Docex number: the number, assigned to a company upon the registration with Docex. Company external code: if a client uses systems besides GP Travel Enterprise, put the company code generated by the external system into this field. For example, enter a code ascribed to the company unit within the SAP System. KPP: a 9-digit code that enables to identify the branches of the company.
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In the Comments text field, you can enter any additional information about the company. |
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title | Uploading a Logo and a Signature |
You can upload images to the system and use them for different purposes. For example, in the company profile, you can upload a company logo and a signature to show on company documents (e.g. vouchers, invoices&reports). To upload a company logo, On the Navigation My Company menu, point to Company profile, and click Informationclick My Company. The My Company page appears.
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Click Edit at the bottom of the page to switch to editing mode.To upload a logo from your PC, In the Upload file form, click Add. Image Removed icon at the Logo section. Browse to the picture file you want to upload. Click Upload.4. To upload a logo from an external web-source, 5. Click Save Open. New logo is uploaded.
Please, note that this logo will NOT be used as a part of header of the system. If you want to configure the header – please see instructions within Company Profile Settings. To upload a signature, On the My Company menu, click My Company. The My Company page appears. Click Edit icon at the Signature section. Browse to the file you want to upload. Click Open. New signature is uploaded.
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title | Uploading Company Documents |
On the Documents tab, you can upload documents related to the company. E.g. contracts, price lists, guarantee letters etc. Uploading documents in advance helps you to store the documents in the system and have access to them anytime when needed. To upload a new document, On the Navigation My Company menu, point to Company profile, and click Informationclick My Company. The My Company page appears; On the Documents tab, click Upload. The Upload New Document window appears: Image Removed
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Fill in the required information:
Select the document type from the drop-down. In case there is no suitable document type, click Other. Set the validity period - specify the starting and the finishing date of the period. Please, note that these parameters don’t have any special logic behind them, they are specified just for information.
4. To upload a document from your PC, In the Upload file group, click AddClick in the Document field. Browse to the document you want to upload. Click Open. Click Upload Save. The document appears in the list of company documents.
5. To upload a document from an external web-source, Click Upload via link to expand the form. Click Add. The URL bar appears. Enter the location of the file on the Internet into the URL bar. Click Upload. The file appears in the list of uploaded documents. 6. Click Save |
4. Click Save to save changes or Cancel to discard the changes.