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title | Excursion Booking Retrieval Quote Response |
Code Block |
| <GP_ExcursionResRS xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05" EchoToken="EchoToken" Version="2.0">
<ExcursionReservation ResStatus="Cancelled">
<ExcursionRate BookingCode="49d4c9" Language="Undefined" RPH="1" RateCode="14005" RateName="FLY 'N DINE TO BOWEN ISLAND">
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="244.00" CurrencyCode="CAD"/>
<RateDescription Name="FLY 'N DINE TO BOWEN ISLAND">
<Text Language="en">FLY 'N DINE TO BOWEN ISLAND - HARBOUR AIR</Text>
<AdditionalQuestion ID="40-257" IsMandatory="true" IsPerPerson="false" QuestionText="Departure Time" RegExpValue="(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]" TypeDescription="RegExpText" TypeID="5">
<AdditionalQuestion ID="40-509" IsMandatory="true" IsPerPerson="false" QuestionText="Dietary Restrictions" RegExpValue="^.{1,60}$" TypeDescription="RegExpText" TypeID="5">
<AdditionalQuestion ID="40-252" IsMandatory="true" IsPerPerson="false" QuestionText="Drop off Location" RegExpValue="^.{1,100}$" TypeDescription="RegExpText" TypeID="5">
<Total AmountAfterTax="244.00" CurrencyCode="CAD"/>
<CancelPenalty End="2021-07-14T23:59:59-07:00" Start="2021-07-12T00:00:00-07:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="244.00" CurrencyCode="CAD"/>
<PenaltyDescription Language="en">
<Text>Standard Cancellation Policy ( 100 % of Total )</Text>
<CancelPenalty End="2021-07-15T23:59:59-07:00" Start="2021-07-15T00:00:00-07:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="244.00" CurrencyCode="CAD"/>
<ExcursionDate Start="2021-07-15"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="0.00" CurrencyCode="CAD"/>
<BasicExcursionInfo ExcursionCityCode="YVR" ExcursionCode="14005" ExcursionCodeContext="supplierCode" ExcursionName="FLY 'N DINE TO BOWEN ISLAND" OperatedBy="Harbour Air / West Coast Air / Whistler Air (A/C # 149062)">
<Category Code="OTHR">
<Text Language="en">Day Tours</Text>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="10" ResGuestRPH="1">
<UniqueID ID="1" Type="1"/>
<Customer BirthDate="2000-06-12">
<Telephone PhoneNumber="+2324234234"/>
<Text>Please, arrange vegetarian meal.</Text>
<GuaranteePayment Type="AcceptedPaymentForms">
<AcceptedPayment CostCenterID="supplierCode"/>
<ExcursionReservationID ResID_Source="client" ResID_Value="tfdghdsff11"/>
<ExcursionReservationID ResID_Source="agent" ResID_Value="tfdghdsff11"/>
<ExcursionReservationID ResID_Source="supplier" ResID_SourceContext="supplierCode" ResID_Value="XXX4888"/>
</GP_ExcursionResRS> |
This step provides you with the opportunity to search for excursions in the requested city. In the response we don’t show any availability and prices information, we just return a list of excursions in the specified city and basic information about them (pax types are also returned).
The main purpose of this message is to get excursion codes that can be used in further steps and their pax types.
Here is how pax types will look like in our response:
Code Block |
<PaxTypes MaxCount="14" MinCount="1">
<PaxType Code="INFANT" MaxAge="7" MaxCount="14" MinAge="5" MinCount="0" Name="INFANT"/>
<PaxType Code="CHILD" MaxAge="11" MaxCount="14" MinAge="8" MinCount="0" Name="CHILD"/>
<PaxType Code="ADULT" MaxAge="59" MaxCount="14" MinAge="20" MinCount="0" Name="ADULT"/>
</PaxTypes> |
To get the pax types for the excursion before the availability step you can also use our Excursion Descriptive Info message https://gp-team.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GTHEUG/pages/789315585/3.+EXCURSION+DESCRIPTIVE+INFO
(specifying city code + excursion code). In our response along with the pax types you’ll receive full information about the excursion provided by the supplier.
Then you can proceed to the Excursion Availability step specifying pax types you received in the Excursion Search response.
Here is how pax type need to be specified in the availability request https://gp-team.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GTHEUG/pages/779223332/2.2.+EXCURSION+AVAILABILITY+REQUEST:
Code Block |
<GuestCount Count="1" PaxTypeCode="ADULT"/>
<GuestCount Count="1" PaxTypeCode="CHILD"/>
</GuestCounts> |
If the supplier doesn’t support Availability request by date interval, you can use our Excursion Schedule message 3. EXCURSION SCHEDULE. You need to specify a date interval and excursion code in the request 3.1. EXCURSION SCHEDULE REQUEST and you’ll receive a list of dates that are available for this excursion with prices for each pax type, for example:
Code Block |
<ExcursionDate Start="2023-12-21"/>
<PaxType Code="CHILD" MinCount="0" Name="CHILD">
<Total AmountAfterTax="122.52" CurrencyCode="USD">
<Tax Amount="8.55" Code="17" CurrencyCode="USD" TaxInclusiveInd="true"/>
<PaxType Code="ADULT" MinCount="1" Name="ADULT">
<Total AmountAfterTax="128.48" CurrencyCode="USD">
<Tax Amount="8.96" Code="17" CurrencyCode="USD" TaxInclusiveInd="true"/>
</Rate> |
After the Excursion Availability step you can proceed to the Excursion Reservation step. In 7.1. RESERVATION INITIATE REQUEST and 7.5. RESERVATION CONFIRMATION REQUEST you’ll need to specify pax types for each guest:
Code Block |
<ResGuest PaxTypeCode="ADULT" ResGuestRPH="1">
<ResGuest PaxTypeCode="YOUTH" ResGuestRPH="1">
</ResGuests> |