30.Date | Version | Change Description |
28.08.2012 | | RentalRate/VehicleCharges additionally returns in Reservation and Retrieve responses. |
09.01.2019 | 5.2.0 | The @Amount attribute (optional) and the @CurrencyCode attrbiute (optional) were added in the VehicleCharges/VehicleCharge element in Car Availability, Reservation and Booking Retrieval Responses. |
16.04.2019 | 5.3.0 | The @Commisionable attribute (optional) was added to TotalCharge TotalRetailCharge element (optional) was added in the VehSegmentCore (VehAvailCore) element in Car Availability, Reservation and Booking Retrieval Responses.
01.12.2020 | 5.10.0 | Warning 172 was added to Booking Retrieval |
15.07.2022 | 6.2.0 | NamePrefix element is now optional. |
30.05.2022 | 6.6.0 | DriverType is now optional in Car Availability Search Request. @AirConditionInd, @FuelType, @DriveType, @VehType, ReturnLocation (@Name, @LocationDetails) are now optional in Car Availability Search Response LocationDetails, ReturnLocation are now optional in Reservation Initiate and Confirmation Responses Address/StateProv element was added to Reservation Initiate Request. Added @Language, @Gender attributes to Profile/Customer on Reservation Initiate Request.