In order to create an own contract linked to a certain hotel, you need to use method POST /accommodationContract with the possibility to choose to which hotel this contract should be linked.
Example of the request POST /accommodationContract API method:
For example: { "supplierId": 5654899, "hotelId": 11814738, "active": true, "transactionsCurrency": "USD", "sameBoard": false, "name": { "en": "Hotel Charles OLD" } } |
to specify for which contact it is to be done use method GET /contracts;
to specify for which room to add prices use method GET /availability (roomTypeId=categoryId and serviceId);
to specify which meal type are included into room price you add, please use method GET /prices (secondaryServiceId and mealTypeId).
Example of the request PUT /accommodationPrices API method to create a price-list:
{ "priceLists": [ { "prices": [ { "roomTypeId": 2290035, "amount": 80, "placeType": "Base", "formula": "80", "currency": "USD", "mealTypeId": 2290041, "serviceId": 6025393 } ], "priceTypeCode": "PerUnit", "calculationType": "PRICE_PER_SERVICE", "active": true, "name": "Low Season" } ] } |
After price-list is created you need to link it to a certain tariff using the same method PUT /accommodationPrices specifying additional details like dates, week days and etc.
Example of the request PUT /accommodationPrices API method to create tariff:
{ "tariffs": [ { "priceLists": [ { "weekDays": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "dateFrom": "2023-01-02", "dateTo": "2023-12-31", "referedToId": 6025469, "minDay": 3, "maxDay": 14 } ] } ] } |