New block of API methods DocumentTemplates:
GET /documentTemplates: new parameters “id“, “htmlTemplate”, “documentType” are added to get earlier uploaded document templates by id or type
GET /authorizationInfo: new method is added to get authorization parameters by token
GET /cruisePorts: new method is added to get cruise ports
GET /locations: value CRUISE is added in parameter “productType” in the request
GET /searchAccommodation:
new parameter “grouped” is added in “HotelInfo” in the response if there is more than one supplier on hotel
new parameter “hotelSupplierName” is added on the level of “RoomOffer” in the response
new parameter "roomCode" is added on the level of “RoomInfo” in the response
GET /suggestHotels: new parameter "address" is added into the response
PUT /prepareAccommodationBook/{basketKey}: the request is extended as array of rooms
Cruise: new section is created with methods to search and book product Cruises via API:
GET /cruiseAdditionalOptions: get cruise additional options
GET /cruiseInfo: get cruise info
GET /getCruiseCategoryAvail: get cruise category info
GET /searchCruises: search cruise
POST /prepareBookCruise: prepare book for cruise
POST /fillCruiseBookingData: fill booked data for service
PUT /prepareBookCruise/{basketKey}: put prepared offer to the basket
GET /transferInfo: new parameters "latitude" "longitude" are added into the response
GET /suggestEventVenues / GET /suggestEventTypes: new methods allow getting a list of available event venues / event types from the system by pattern
GET /searchActivities: new parameter “cityId“ is added in the response
GET /searchDynamicPackages:
the structure of GET /searchDynamicPackages response is unified as in GET /searchActivities
array “activityOffers” (optional) with info on activity is added in the response. Two modes of prices (Full Price and Delta Price) are returned in this array in the response
new parameters “eventType”, “teamId”, “programId”, “venueId” are added in the request to have ability to search by sportType, team or tournament
GET /searchPackageTours:
new optional parameter “rooms” is added in the request to search multiple rooms within Package Tours
new parameter “offerSelected” is added into the response
POST /prepareDynamicPackageBook: new parameter “promoCode” is added in the request
POST/preparePackageTourBook: new parameters "pickUpPoint", "dropOffPoint", “pickUpPoint”, “dropOffPoint” and “flightInfo” are added in request body
All services:
POST /Prepare[Service]Book: new parameter “dueToConfirmDate” is added in the response
GET /productBookingFields: new method is added to get product booking fields
POST /book: new optional parameter “dueToConfirmDate ” is added in the request
DELETE /orderServices/{processId : .+}: added new method to delete service in QUOTE status
GET /tips: added new parameters “showInInvoice” and “showInQuotation” into the response
GET /orders:
new Service status “PreConfirmed“ is added in the response
new value “PreConfirmed“ for parameter “processStatuses“ is added in the request
new array “cruise” is added on the level of ServiceDetailsContainer in the response
new array “serviceDetails” for "serviceType": "EXTRASERVICE" is added in the response
new statuses QUOTE, VOUCHERED, ARCHIVED are added to the values of parameter “reservationStatus” in the response and for filters in the request
new parameters "addOnServiceId", “commissionVatRate“, “bookingXR”, “paymentXR” and “fxGainLoss” are added into the response
new parameters “supplierRef”, “noSupplierRef” and “serviceManagerId” are added in the request
GET/currentOrderStatuses: added new method to get the actual statuses to which the reservation can be moved
GET /addOns: added new method to obtain add-ons for any main product:
the request of the method have parameter “offerKey” used from the search response of the main product.
the response of the method returns a common current structure of the corresponding product with or without price and some unique identifier to book the service(s)
POST /manualModification:
added containers “cruise” and "carRent" into the request
value status Pre-Booking is for all products now
PUT /travellerData: new parameter“birthdate“ is added into the request
PUT /confirmPrebooking: new method is added which allows to confirm pre-booking
PUT /orders/{orderId}: new parameter “status” is added into the request
Invoices: added new methods for manual invoices:
GET /manualInvoices: to get manual invoices
GET /manualInvoiceIssueInfo: to get manual invoice issue info
GET /manualInvoicePaymentMethods: to get manual invoices payments methods
POST /issueManualInvoice: to issue manual invoice
PUT /manualInvoicePaymentByKey: to pay manual invoice
PUT /manualInvoices/{invoiceId}: to update manual invoice
PUT /cancelManualInvoice/{invoiceId}: to cancel manual invoice
GET /communications: new parameter "serviceId" is added in the response
GET /notificationTemplates:
parameter “recipientType”: new values B2C and COMPANY are added into the response
parameter “notificationType”: new value PAYMENT_RECEIPT is added into the response
DocumentTemplates: new block is addedwith methods:
GET /documentTemplates: allows toget document templates for installation by id or documentType. It returns “htmlTemplate”, “documentType” in the response
POST /documentTemplates: allows to create a new template specifying “htmlTemplate” and “documentType”
PUT /documentTemplates/{id}:new parameters “id“, “htmlTemplate” is added the possibility to edit the specific template by id“id”