GET /carBookingData: new method is added to get available offices for POST /fillCarBookingData
GET /packageTours: new parameters “programId” and “programName” are added in the response, parameter “programId” also is added into the request
GET /packagePrograms: new method is added to get “programId” and “programName” in the response
All services:
GET /search[Service]: new parameter “supplierName” is added into the response for own and external suppliers. It is returned in the locale under which a search request is made
POST /fill[Service]BookingData: new method is added to add the details on tourists for all services and mandatory fields for transfers
PUT /prepare[Service]Book/{basketKey} / POST /prepare[Service]Book: tourists and mandatory fields are made optional to save an offer for further booking with added data later
PUT /orderItinerary: edit method for itinerary by the booked services.
New block of API methods DocumentTemplates:
GET /documentTemplates: new parameters “id“, “htmlTemplate”, “documentType” are added to get earlier uploaded document templates by id or type
POST /documentTemplates: new parameters “id“, “htmlTemplate” and “documentType” are added the possibility to create a new template with free type (mandatory) and template itself.
PUT /documentTemplates/{id}: new parameters “id“, “htmlTemplate” is added the possibility to edit the specific template by id
GET /communications:new parameters “createdDateTime”, “ modifiedDateTime”, “createdByUserId”, “modifiedByUserId”, “createdByUserName”, “modifiedByUserName” and “serviceName” are added in the response POST /communications & PUT /communications/{communicationId}:
- NOTES is added in parameter “type”
- parameters “stage” and “subject” are optional now
- new optional parameter “processId” is added to link note to a service