With the seat allotments you can indicate the number of seats that are currently available and specify the dates of service booking.
Select the necessary operation from the list:
You can select the following operations:
Period (from - to): the period of time when the conditions are applied.
Days of the week: select All to choose the allotment conditions for the whole week. If you need to limit the availability of the service, for instance, set allotments for week-ends only, select the respective check boxes manually.
Sub-allotment: Creating sub-allotments allows you to specify different sales conditions within the allotment group provided by the supplier. Created sub-allotments are available in the Sub Allotment drop-down.
To create a sub-allotment,Click Create Sub Allotment. The Add Sub-allotment window appears:
Enter the name of the sub allotment.
Click Save. The sub allotment appears on the sub-allotment list.
Excursion CodeTransport: Specify excursion code transport included into the allotment;
Service: Specify the service included into the allotment.
3. Specify the number of allocated units in the Quantity group.