Error/Warning | Error code | Error short text | Possible error reason | Status |
| 22 | Passengers exceed commercial rules | Passengers (adults and/or child) can not be allocated in one room. Number of passengers is limited by supplier. | NOT_SENT |
Warning | 23 | Passenger type not supported | Supplier doesn't support infants for example. | NOT_SENT |
Warning | 26 | At least one adult must be included | No adults in list of passengers. There must be at least one. | NOT_SENT |
Warning | 58 | Price(s) cannot be validated | Supplier can not guarantee final price (end of season, etc.). | SENT |
Warning | 115 | Board basis/meal plan invalid | invalid meal type specified in request. | SENT |
Warning | 145 | Duration period or dates incorrect | End date earlier than Start date. | NOT_SENT |
Warning | 161 | Search criteria invalid | Search request contains incorrect conditions. | NOT_SENT |
Warning | 172 | Requested action not possible | In warning, it means that some of requested conditions can not be satisfied: requested currency or language does not supported by supplier, etc. | SENT/NOT_SENT
Warning | 175 | Password invalid | Invalid credentials for supplier. | SENT |
Warning | 181 | Invalid country code | Invalid country code specified in request. | NOT_SENT |
| 184 | Language code invalid | Request contains incorrect language code. | NOT_SENT |
Warning | 187 | System currently unavailable | Supplier system unavailable at this moment. | SENT | Warning | 189 | Price has been changed. | Price is different from search response. | SENT |
Warning | 197 | Undetermined error - please report | Unknown error. | SENT |
Warning | 254 | Reservation date has passed | Reservation date has passed. | NOT_SENT |
Warning | 320 | Invalid value | An invalid value is specified. | SENT/NOT_SENT |
Warning | 322 | No availability | No availability found in supplier's system. | SENT |
Warning | 357 | Invalid city | Invalid city code specified. | NOT_SENT |
Warning | 361 | Invalid hotel | Invalid hotel code passes. | SENT |
Warning | 366 | Error during processing, please retry | Error during processing of request on supplier side. | SENT |
Warning | 367 | Invalid format | Message validation against XSD failed. | NOT_SENT |
Warning | 378 | Invalid - max number of rooms exceeded | Max number of rooms limitation exceeded. | SENT |
Warning | 392 | Invalid hotel code | Invalid hotel code specified. | SENT/NOT_SENT |
Warning | 411 | Minimum length of stay restriction | Minimum length of stay restriction. | SENT |
Warning | 422 | No active accommodation found | No active accommodation found in supplier's system. | SENT |
Warning | 430 | Ok | If requested action was completed successfully, but there is a clarifying warning. | SENT |
Warning | 436 | Rate does not exist | No available rates. | SENT |
| 438 | Requested rate not available | Requested offer is no longer available. | SENT |
Warning | 440 | Request completed | If requested action was completed successfully, but there is a clarifying warning. | SENT |
| 446 | Service request not allowed | It is not possible to request for information. Information is obtained from another source (e.g. price per day breakdown). | NOT_SENT |
Warning | 448 | System error | A system error occur. | SENT |
Warning | 450 | Unable to process | Supplier can not process the request. | SENT |
Warning | 497 | Authorization error | Authorization error on supplier side. | SENT |
Warning | 558 | Accounts are settled in a currency different from the quoted rate currency | Rates or cancellation fee are returned in other currency than it was requested. | SENT |
Warning | 568 | Unable to identify timezone. | Unable to identify timezone, for example for cancel penalties. | SENT |