The Flight Booking Retrieval Import Response contains the booking information as full as this is available from supplier. Elements are the same as described in Flight Booking Retrieval Quote Response, but TransactionStatusCode attribute has different value:
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
OTA_AirBookRS* | TransactionStatusCode* | string ("Import") | Indicates the type of request. Must be "Import" for that step. | 1...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||
StatusCode | string | GDS segment status code. GP HUB shows it only for case when supplier returns 2-letter GDS segment status code.
| 0..1 |
Info |
Note: In the case of an import for a canceled booking the amount for the tariff (PTC_FareBreakdown) may not be known to us, so we calculate it as a simple division of the total amount of penalties by the number of passengers. And in some cases, this may lead to the fact that the sum of all tariffs will not be equal to the total amount of penalties. |
Also BookingReferenceID/CompanyName is added: