Flight Booking Retrieval Response contains the latest information about the state of the booking.
Min…Max occurs
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary.
string ("Quote")
Indicates the type of request. Must be “Quote” for that step.
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary.
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary.
Flight Booking Retrieval Response contains the latest information about the state of the booking.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
TransactionStatusCode | string ("Quote") | Indicates the type of request. Must be “Quote” for that step. | 1...1 | |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. |
| |
| For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | ||
AirReservations | Contains information about all flights to be booked. | 0...1 | ||
ResStatus | string ("Reserved", "Cancelled", "Issued", "TicketVoid") | Contains current status of the reservation. Possible values are: "Reserved" - means that the PNR exists but no further actions were performed. "Cancelled" - means that PNR is cancelled. "Issued" - means that ticked was issued. "TicketVoid" - means that ticked was voided. | 0...1 | |
Contains information about one of the reservation to be booked. | 0...* | |||
AirReservations/TotalFare | Uses only in case of multibooking. Contains information about all reservations. | 0...1 | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||
For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||||||||||||
RPH* | integer | A special identifier of requested flight. | 1...1 | |||||||||||||
AirItinerary* | A collection of all flight segments requested for booking. | 1...1 | ||||||||||||||
ActionCode* | string ("Reserved", "Cancelled", "Issued", "TicketVoid") | Indicates status of the reservation. Possible values are: "Reserved" - means that the PNR exists but no further actions were performed. "Cancelled" - means that PNR is cancelled. "Issued" - means that ticked was issued. "TicketVoid" - means that ticked was voided. | 1...1 | |||||||||||||
CodeContext | string | An id of supplier providing offer. | 0...1 | |||||||||||||
AirItinerary/OriginDestinationOptions/OriginDestinationOption | For more information see Low Fare Search Response section. | 0...* | ||||||||||||||
AirItinerary/OriginDestinationOptions/OriginDestinationOption/FlightSegment* | For more information see Reservation Initiate Response section. Also added the following attributes: | 1...* | ||||||||||||||
NotValidBefore | yyyy-mm-dd | Identifies the date before which the fare basis code is not valid. | 0...1 | |||||||||||||
NotValidAfter | yyyy-mm-dd | Identifies the date after which the fare basis code is not valid. | 0...1 | |||||||||||||
PriceInfo* | Contains special formulas for applying different discounts for the offer. | 1…1 | ||||||||||||||
FilingAirlineCodeList | string | Contains the list of codes of the validating airlines. | 0...1 | |||||||||||||
PricingSource | string ("Published", "Private", "WebFare") | Identifies private fare or not. In case of private fare has "Private" value, also can be "Published". For LCC it has value "WebFare"; otherwise element is absent. | 0...1 | |||||||||||||
For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | ||||||||||||||||
For more information see Reservation Initiate Response section. | 1...* | |||||||||||||||
For more information see Reservation Initiate Response section. | 0...* | |||||||||||||||
TravelerInfo | Contains information about the travelers for booking. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||
For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 0...* | |||||||||||||||
For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 0...1 | ResStatus | string ("Reserved", "Cancelled", "Issued", "TicketVoid") | Contains current status of the reservation. Possible values are: "Reserved" - means that the PNR exists but no further actions were performed. "Cancelled" - means that PNR is cancelled. "Issued" - means that ticked was issued. "TicketVoid" - means that ticked was voided. | 0...1 | |||||||||||
Contains information about one of the reservation to be booked. | 0...* | AirReservations/TotalFare | Uses only in case of multibooking. Contains information about all reservations. | 0...1 | For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | For more information see Common Data Description section in GlossaryTicketing | Contains ticketing information. If ticket was issued, it contains information about the ticket number, issue date (if provided by supplier) and about current ticket status.
| 0...99 | |||||||
TicketTimeLimit | yyyy-mm-ddThh-mm-ss | Indicates the ticketing arrangement, and allows for the requirement that an itinerary must be ticketed by a certain date and time, including timezone offset.
| 0...1 | |||||||||||||
TicketType* | string ("eTicket") | Indicates type of ticket. Must be "eTicket" only. | 1...1 | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | |||||||||||||||
RPH* | integer | A special identifier of requested flight. | 1...1 | AirItinerary* | A collection of all flight segments requested for booking. | 1...1 | ActionCode* | string ("Reserved", "Cancelled", "Issued", "TicketVoid") | Indicates status of the reservation. Possible values are: "Reserved" - means that the PNR exists but no further actions were performed. "Cancelled" - means that PNR is cancelled. "Issued" - means that ticked was issued. "TicketVoid" - means that ticked was voided. | 1...1 | CodeContext | string | An id of supplier providing offerPseudoCityCode | string | An identification code assigned to an office/agency by a reservation system. | 0...1 | |||
TicketIssueDate | yyyy-mm-dd T hh-mm-ss | The date when the ticket was issued (if provided by supplier).
| 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
TicketingStatus | string ("3", "7") | Identifies current ticket status. Possible values are: "3" - for issued ticket, "7" - for void ticket. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
TicketNumber | string | Contains the ticket number. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
TravelerRefNumber | string | Specifies the traveler ID for this ticket. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
VoidTimeLimit | yyyy-mm-dd T hh-mm-ss | Specifies Void time limit, If provided by supplier. | 0...1 | AirItinerary/OriginDestinationOptions/OriginDestinationOption | For more information see Low Fare Search Response section | ||||||||||||||
FlightSegmentRefNumber | string | Specifies the segment number for this ticket if need. Returns in response if one passenger have several tickets for several flight segments (if FilingAirlineCodeList attribute contents several airlines). | 0...*1 | ||||||||||||||||
AirItinerary/OriginDestinationOptions/OriginDestinationOption/FlightSegment* | For more information see Reservation Initiate Response section. Also added the following attributes: | 1...* | NotValidBefore | yyyy-mm-dd | Identifies the date before which the fare basis code is not validTicketing/TicketingVendor | Contains additional information about tickets | 0...1 | ||||||||||||
Code | string (1 - 16) | Identifies a company by the company code. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
NotValidAfterCodeContext | yyyy-mm-ddstring (1 - 32) | Identifies the date after which the fare basis code is not validcontext of the identifying code. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
PriceInfo* | Contains special formulas for applying different discounts for the offer. | 1…1 | FilingAirlineCodeList | string | Contains the list of codes of the validating airlines.CompanyShortName | string (1 - 32) | Identifies the company common name | 0...1 | |||||||||||
PricingSource | string ("Published", "Private", "WebFare"LocationName | string (1 - 128) | Identifies private fare or not. In case of private fare has "Private" value, also can be "Published". For LCC it has value "WebFare"; otherwise element is absent.company address. | 0...1 | |||||||||||||||
For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | |||||||||||||||||||
For more information see Reservation Initiate Response sectionBookingReferenceID | Contains the unique record number in supplier’s system. | 1...* | For more information see Reservation Initiate Response section. | 0...* | TravelerInfo | Contains information about the travelers for booking. | 0...1 | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 0...* | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | 0...1 | Ticketing | Contains ticketing information. If ticket was issued, it contains information about the ticket number, issue date (if provided by supplier) and about current ticket status. Info | 16 | |||||
ID | string | Unique order number. | 1...1 | ||||||||||||||||
Instance | string ("supplier", "client", "agent", "PNR", "child") | Specifies the instance of the ID.
| 1...1 | ||||||||||||||||
ID_Context | string | Contains the supplier's name. | 0...99 | TicketTimeLimit | yyyy-mm-ddThh-mm-ss | Indicates the ticketing arrangement, and allows for the requirement that an itinerary must be ticketed by a certain date and time, including timezone offset.
| 0...1 | TicketType* | string ("eTicket") | Indicates type of ticket. Must be "eTicket" only1 | |||||||||
BookingReferenceID/CompanyName | Indicates type of specified PNR. | 0...1 | |||||||||||||||||
Code | string (2 - 3) | Air company code. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
CodeContext | string | Specifies the context of the Code. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
Offer | Contains information about extra service, that are available for booking.
| 0...1 | |||||||||||||||||
Offer/Priced | Defines the specific extra service. | 0...* | |||||||||||||||||
ID* | string | Internal ID of this service. | 1...1 | ||||||||||||||||
PseudoCityCodeCarrierCode | stringAn | identification code assigned to an office/agency by a reservation systemContains the code of service's owner. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
TicketIssueDate | yyyy-mm-dd T hh-mm-ss | The date when the ticket was issued (if provided by supplier). Info | Status | string ("Holds confirmed, EMD required", "Holds confirmed, EMD issued", "Placing on waitlist/new schedule", "Pending confirmation", "Cancelled", "Declined", "Holds confirmed, no EMD required") | Transitional status of service's booking. | 0...1 | |||||||||||||
TicketingStatusTravelerRPH | string ("3", "7")Identifies current ticket status. Possible values are: "3" - for issued ticket, "7" - for void ticket | The traveler ID to whom the request applies. If attribute is missed then it means that the service is applies to all passengers. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
TicketNumberFlightSegmentRPHList* | string | Contains the ticket number.0a list of segments for which the service is applicable (there can be several segments). | 1...1 | ||||||||||||||||
TravelerRefNumberMandatoryInd | stringboolean | Specifies the traveler ID for this ticketDefines whether the service is mandatory for booking or not. | 0...1 | VoidTimeLimit | yyyy-mm-dd T hh-mm-ss | Specifies Void time limit, If provided by supplier. | 0...1 | FlightSegmentRefNumber | string | Specifies the segment number for this ticket if need. Returns in response if one passenger have several tickets for several flight segments (if FilingAirlineCodeList attribute contents several airlines). | |||||||||
0Name* | string ("Baggage", "Seat assignment", "Meal/Beverage", “Extra“) | OTA name of service. | 1...1 | ||||||||||||||||
Ticketing/TicketingVendor | Contains additional information about tickets | 0Offer/Priced/ServiceFamily* | Description of service. | 1...1 | |||||||||||||||
CodeName | string (1 - 16)Identifies a company by the company code | Describes the name of particular service. | 0...1 | CodeContext | string (1 - 32) | ||||||||||||||
Identifies the context of the identifying codeOffer/Priced/ServiceFamily/ProductGroup | Contains Code and CodeSource of the service. | 0...1* | |||||||||||||||||
CompanyShortNameCode | string (1 - 32)Identifies the company common name | 0...1 | |||||||||||||||||
LocationNameCodeSource | string (1 - 128"AirlineInternal", "ATPCO") | Identifies company address. | 0...1 | For more information see Reservation Initiate Request section. | |||||||||||||||
BookingReferenceID | Contains the unique record number in supplier’s system. | 1...16 | ID | string | Unique order number. | 1...1 | Instance | string ("supplier", "client", "agent", "PNR", "child") | Specifies the instance of the ID. child - specifies a subsidiary (child) PNR that was created for the rest of IDs that were not mentioned in Initiate request; supplier - specifies a PNR in supplier's system; PNR - specifies an original PNR; client - specifies client's unique identifier; Offer/Priced/ServiceFamily/ProductGroup/SubGroup | Contains Code and CodeSource of the service. | 0...1 | ||||||||
Code | string | 0...1 | |||||||||||||||||
CodeSource | string ("AirlineInternal", "ATPCO") | 0...1 | |||||||||||||||||
Offer/Priced/Pricing* | Provides information about cost of service. | 1...1 | |||||||||||||||||
OfferQty* | integer | Number of similar extras requested. | 1...1 | ||||||||||||||||
PreTaxAmount | decimal | Cost of service without taxes. | 0...1 | ||||||||||||||||
Amount* | decimal | Cost of service. | 1...1 | ID_Context | string | Contains the supplier's name. | |||||||||||||
0PricingCurrency* | 3-character ISO currency code | Currency in which price is nominated. | 1...1 | ||||||||||||||||
BookingReferenceIDOffer/Priced/CompanyNameIndicates type of specified PNR. BookingInstruction | Contains booking and upgrade instructions. | 0...1 | |||||||||||||||||
Code | string (2 - 3) | Air company codeOffer/Priced/BookingInstruction/SSR_Info | Contains code which should be provided for booking. | 0...1 | |||||||||||||||
CodeContextSSRCode* | string | Specifies the context of the Code. | 01...1 |
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