
  1. Extract files from this archive to local folder and make modifications to the images that you want to change.
    📍 Please make sure that during these modifications the images remain of the same size, name and extension as the sample images.

  2. Save your set of images in one directory and include them into one archive. Name this file to use the name in URL access to this file.


If you want you can also locate them to some local server (if you have any)




To upload the set of images from your local server
* Locate mouse pointer into the Images URL text box and enter the location of the images on the Internet.
* Click Upload.

43. Come back to the system to upload the set of images to it. To upload the images from your computer,

  • In the Upload file group, click Add.

  • Browse to the archive you want to upload.

  • Click Open.

  • Click Upload.


4. After this step you should add the Images URL. The URL example: http://ns3163962.ip-51-89-99.eu/branding/4487212/tourTO2_branding/. Where http://ns3163962.ip-51-89-99.eu - access, branding - section name, 4487212 - orgID (You can see more information here), tourTO2_branding - name of achieved file.
5. Click Save. Update the page to see changes.

As a result, the new branding will be applied to your account.
In order to have it refreshed, please, log out from your current session and log in again and you’ll see the result.
