Hotel Availability Response is the message containing room availability and prices in a certain hotel.
Info |
Hotel Availability response returns you only basic information about the chosen hotel. To get full information about the hotel including a hotel's address, text description, images, contact information, amenities, special services etc. you should send Hotel Descriptive Info Request to GP Travel HUB. |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | ||||
Represents a room offer in a certain hotel. | 0…1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
RoomStayCandidateRPH* | integer (default 1) | ID of room requested. The value corresponds to RoomStayCandidateRPH attribute of request, so that you can easily find what room from response corresponds to what room in request as depicted below. | 1…1 | |
A collection of Room Types associated with a particular Room Stay. | 1…* | |||
A collection of Rate Plans associated with a particular Room Stay. | 1…* | |||
Contains room offer description including availability, room type, meal type, discount and price. | 1…* | |||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | ||||
Provides type of the payment method to the hotel and the code list of possible bank cards. | 0...5 | |||
Provide basic hotel information. | 1…1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
RoomTypeCode* | string | А compound code of the room type (not supplier-specific one). | 1…1 | |
SupplierRoomTypeCode | string | Supplier-specific code of the room type. | 0…1 | |
SupplierRoomCategoryCode | string | Supplier-specific code of the room category. | 0…1 | |
MaxOccupancy | integer | Contains max number of people for room without additional charges. If attribute is missing, the value is unknown. | 0...1 | |
Contains description of the room. | 1…1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Name* | string (1 - 512) | Contains the short room description as provided by supplier (i.e. "Deluxe Double" or "Deluxe Twin"). | 1…1 | |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
Text* | string | Contains detailed room description, for example: "Deluxe Double with high speed internet", if the detailed description provided by supplier. Otherwise the Text contains the same value as the @Name attribute. | 1…1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||
RatePlanCode* | string | Supplier-specific code of meal type.
| 1…1 | |||
SupplierRatePlanCode | string | Supplier-specific code of meal type. | 0…1 | |||
SupplierContractCode | string | Supplier-specific code of the contract code. | 0…1 | |||
RatePlanDescription* | Contains description of meal available at hotel. | 1…1 | ||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | ||||||
RatePlanDescription/Text* | string | Contains meal description, for example: "Breakfast included. Hot Buffet". | 1…1 | |||
MealsIncluded* | Defines which meals are included with this rate program. | 1…1 | ||||
Breakfast* | boolean (default - false) | These are "true" if included. | 1…1 | |||
Dinner* | ||||||
Lunch* | ||||||
MealPlanCodes* | string | Uses standard OTA codes and specifies type of meal. | 1…1 | |||
Contains code and additional details about meal type provided by supplier. | 0…* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Code | string | Supplier-specific code of meal type. | 0…1 | |
Type | integer (1 - 44) | Identifies a type of additional information; it refers to OTA Codes "Additional Detail Type (ADT)". | 0…1 | |
DetailDescription | Description of meal type. | 0…1 | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
DetailDescription/Text | string | Contains meal description, for example: "Breakfast included. Hot Buffet". | 0…* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||||
GuaranteeType | string ("GuaranteeRequired", "Deposit") | Defines if the guarantee must be applied to the reservation of this offer. Possible values are "GuaranteeRequired" (credit card info should be provided) and "Deposit" (offer should be partially payed on the booking step). Attribute is returned for limited suppliers
| 0...1 | |||||
NumberOfUnits* | integer | The number of available rooms. | 1...1 | |||||
SupplierNumberOfUnitsInd | boolean | Identifies whether the value of the attribute NumberOfUnits was provided by supplier (true) or was set as default by HUB (false). Missing attribute means "true". | 0...1 | |||||
PromotionCode | string (“DI“) | Indicates whether the offer comes from Dynamic Inventory.
| 0...1 | |||||
RatePlanCode* | string | Defines rate plan for the offer. Using this value, you can lookup meal type information in the corresponding RatePlan element. | 1...1 | |||||
RoomTypeCode* | string | Defines offer's room type code. Using this value, you can lookup room type information in the corresponding RoomType element. | 1...1 | |||||
RatePlanCategory | string ("PackageOnly") | Defines that the rate is available for package only. This refers to the PackageRate attribute in the Availability request. | 0...1 | |||||
Blind | boolean (default - false) | A special offer provided by supplier. The idea is that hotel is not named at time of booking; client will know the true hotel name right after the booking confirmed, or a few days prior check-in (depending on supplier's contract). The "true" value means that the hotel description is very general, and does not describe the specific hotel (the offer is “blind“). In case the attribute is missed, it shall be treated as the default value "false".
| 0...1 | |||||
IsSharedRoom | boolean (default - false) | Describes whether room can be shared. The "true" means this is possible that in this room would be other paxes, otherwise - false. Missing attribute means that supplier did not provide this information to GP HUB.
| 0...1 | |||||
NonRefundable | boolean | "True" in case the offer is non-refundable, and supplier notifies about this explicitly. Missing attribute means that there is no clear meaning whether the offer is refundable or not. | 0...1 | |||||
FreeCancellationDeadline | yyyy-dd-mm,T hh-MM-ss | Shows the last date and time of cancellation without penalty for refundable offers. It is always hidden for NonRefundable offers. Missing attribute in case NonRefundable is "false" means that there is no information about cancellation without penalty provided by supplier. | 0...1 | |||||
InexactPrice | boolean (default - false) | "True" in case the supplier advises that the rate is not final, and the exact price will be provided later (normally in the Reservation Initiate phase, but it depends on supplier). "False" means that the price is final, or GP Travel HUB not aware about the inexact price. Missing attribute means that it takes the default value.
| 0...1 | |||||
BookingCode* | string (1-16) | Contains unique ID of the offer. It is required for further reservation of this offer. | 1...1 | |||||
AvailabilityStatus* | string ("AvailableForSale", "OnRequest", "ClosedOut") | Defines room availability. Possible values are"AvailableForSale" (the offer will be immediately confirmed), "OnRequest" (you'll need to wait confirmation from hotel), "ClosedOut" (offer can not be booked). | 1...1 | |||||
Сontains price breakdown by pax type. There will be a Rate element for each person in the booking. | 1…* | |||||||
Contains info about offer's vendor.
| 0...1 | |||||||
Contains contract name and description of contract terms. | 0...1 | |||||||
ExtraBeds | Contains information about extrabeds availability. | 0...1 | ||||||
ExtraBedInd* | boolean (default - false) | The indicator whether there are extrabeds. | 1...1 | |||||
PaxesCount | integer | Shows how many people can occupy the ExtraBed. | 0...1 | |||||
Returned only if this offer is special with discounted price. If several discounts are applicable at the same time, then there is a <Discount> element for each discount applied. If the <Discount> element goes without any attributes/sub-elements, this means that supplier just returns information that this is a special offer without saying any details about it. | 0...* | |||||||
Additional services that can be booked with room.
| 0...* | |||||||
Describes penalties on booking cancellation.Can be shown by the help of ShowCharges attribute in AvailRQ.
| 0...* | |||||||
The total price of the offer (after discount, if any has been applied). | 1...1 | |||||||
TotalRetail | The retail price of the offer recommended by supplier (if applicable). | 0...1 | ||||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | ||||||||
IsMin | boolean (default - false) | "True" if the TotalRetail is the minimal allowed price for selling, and supplier does not allow to set selling price less than the TotalRetail. If "false", then supplier allows to set selling price less than the TotalRetail. | 0...1 | |||||
IsMax | boolean (default - false) | "True" if the TotalRetail is the maximal allowed price for selling, and supplier does not allow to set selling price higher than the TotalRetail. If "false", then supplier allows to set selling price higher than the TotalRetail. | 0...1 | |||||
MarketRates/MarketRate | Describes multiple indicative market rates of the particular hotel offer provided by different sources. | 0...* | ||||||
Amount | decimal (0 - 10000000000) | Amount of particular indicative market rate. | 0...1 | |||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | ||||||||
Source | string (1 - 32) | Source of the market rate (example Expedia Affiliate Network, | 0...1 | |||||
CitizenCountryName | Shows if it is enough to provide information about citizenship only for tour lead. Missing attribute means that there is no clear meaning whether the citizenship should be provided or not. | 0...1 | ||||||
OnlyLead | string ("Yes", "No", "Mixed") | Shows if it is enough to provide information only for tour leader (Yes), or it is necessary to provide for all passengers (No), or both options are possible (Mixed). By default it is necessary to provide this information for all passenger (No). | 0...1 | |||||
PersonName | Shows if it is enough to provide name only for tour lead. | 0...1 | ||||||
OnlyLead | string ("Yes", "No", "Mixed") | Identifies the rule, if it's necessary to provide name of each passenger (No), or only tour leader (Yes), or both variants are possible (Mixed). | 0...1 | |||||
RoomGroupInds/ RoomGroupInd | string (1 - 8) | Indicates offers group number. Offers from different RoomStays with different RPH with same RoomGroupInd can be booked in one reservation. (RoomGroupInds is unique in frame of a hotel). This identifier is always absent for search by single room.
| 0...* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
RateSource* | string ("Hotel", "Calculated") | "Hotel" (If price breakdown by pax type provided by hotel). If price breakdown by pax was not provided by hotel, then GP Travel HUB makes that calculation by itself - in that case RateSource set to "Calculated". | 1...1 | |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||
Total* | The price per person of the specified age group. | 1...1 | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||
1...1 | ||||
TotalRetail | The retail price recommended by supplier (if applicable). | 0...1 | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||
1...1 | ||||
IsMin | boolean (default - false) | "True" if the TotalRetail is the minimal allowed price for selling, and supplier does not allow to set selling price less than the TotalRetail. If "false", then supplier allows to set selling price less than the TotalRetail. | 0...1 | |
IsMax | boolean (default - false) | "True" if the TotalRetail is the maximal allowed price for selling, and supplier does not allow to set selling price higher than the TotalRetail. If "false", then supplier allows to set selling price higher than the TotalRetail. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
VendorCode | string | Specifies vendor's code. | 0...1 | |
VendorName* | string | Specifies vendor's name. | 1...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Name | string | Contains contract name. | 0...1 | |
Code | string | Contract Code provided by supplier. | 0...1 | |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
Text | string | Contains description of contract terms. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
0...1 | ||||
DiscountReason | Describes the reason of the discount. | 0...1 | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | ||||
DiscountReason/Text | string | Contains description of the discount (for example "stay 3 / pay 2" or "50% discount from the 5 night"). | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
ServiceRPH | string (1 - 32) | Unique service identifier. | 0...1 | |
Inclusive | boolean (default - false) | Identifies whether the price for this service is included in the room rate. | 0...1 | |
IsPerRoom | boolean (default - false) | Identifies if the service applied per room (true) or per person (false). | 0...1 | |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
Price | The price of the Service. | 0...99 | ||
MinAge | integer (0 - 999) | The minimum applicable age. | 0...1 | |
MaxAge | integer (0 - 999) | The maximum applicable age. | 0...1 | |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
Price/Base* | Contains the total amount charged for the service per person (if the IsPerRoom="false") or per room (if the IsPerRoom="true"). | 1...1 | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||
1...1 | ||||
Short name and description of the service. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
ShortName | string | Short name of the service. | 0...1 | |
ServiceDescription | Contains service description. | 0...1 | ||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
ServiceDescription/Text | string | Contains service description text. | 0...1 | |
Specifies the period of stay. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | ||
Start | yyyy-dd-mm T hh-MM-ss or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX | Specifies the period when this cancellation rule applies. If the booking is canceled within this period then it will be resulted in paying the cancellation fee specified for this range.
| 0...1 | |||
End | 0...1 | |||||
PolicyCode | string ("NoShow", "cancelRestricted", "EarlyCheckOut", "Cancellation") | Defines penalty description. "NoShow" (penalty is applied when a guest doesn't come to a hotel), "cancelRestricted" (cancellation is impossible for these particular period of time) , "EarlyCheckOut" (penalty is applied if a guest check-out earlier than an end date of stay), "Cancellation" (penalty is applied in case of cancellation). | 0...1 | |||
AmountPercent | Identifies the payment for cancellation. | 0...1 | ||||
Amount* | decimal (0 - 10000000000) | Sum to be paid for cancellation in a specified date range. | 1...1 | |||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||||
NmbrOfNights | integer | Specify that cost of nights will be charged. | 0...1 | |||
Percent | short | Specify that several percents will be charged. | 0...1 | |||
PenaltyDescription | Description of the penalty. | 0...1 | ||||
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||||
PenaltyDescription/Text | string | Description text. | 0...* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 | |||
1...1 | ||||
0...1 | ||||
Taxes/Tax | Provides information about taxes applied or defines taxes applied. | 0...100 | ||
Code | integer | Tax code value, according to Сodes of taxes (FTT). | 0...1 | |
Amount | decimal (0 - 10000000000) | Amount of tax. | 0...1 | |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 0...1 | |||
TaxInclusiveInd | boolean (default - false) | Defines inclusion of a particular tax into the total price. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs | |
AreaID | string | Hotel Country Code. | 0...1 | ||
HotelCityCode* | string | Contain information about hotel and include supplier-specific codes, and code of supplier (HotelCodeContext) from whom this offer was obtained. | 1...1 | ||
HotelCode* | 1...1 | ||||
HotelCodeContext* | 1...1 | ||||
HotelName* | 1...1 | ||||
ChainCode | string | Contain information about hotel chain and brand. | 0...1 | ||
BrandCode | 0...1 | ||||
ChainName | 0...1 | ||||
BrandName | 0...1 | ||||
HotelDistrictCode | string | Define the district, to which the hotel belongs. | 0...1 | ||
HotelDistrictName | 0...1 | ||||
Contains additional information from supplier about this hotel (e.g., hotel state, any actions held there, important warning, etc.). | 0...99 | ||||
Position | Specifies hotel geographical coordinates. | 0...1 | |||
Latitude | string (1 - 32) | Specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. | 0...1 | ||
Longitude | string (1 - 32) | Specifies the east–west position of a point on the Earth's surface. | 0...1 | ||
Hotel address. | 0...1 | ||||
CategoryCodes/ HotelCategory* | Сontains list of hotel categories (if provided by supplier): defines the particular type of hotel (e.g., golf, ski, bed and breakfast). | 1...* | |||
GroupCode | string ("Type", "Location", "Architecture", "Budget", "Target", "Category", "Other") | Identifies a described object in HotelCategory. | 0...1 | ||
Code | string (1 - 64) | Refers to OTA Code List ‘Property Class Type’ (PCT). | 0...1 | ||
CodeDetail | string (1 - 64) | Contains the category description as provided by supplier. | 0...1 | ||
Groups/Group | Identifies the hotel groups. | 0..* | |||
GroupCode | string | The actual group code of hotel. | 0…1 | ||
GroupCodeContext | string | The code of the group provider (e.g., “gp” means that group code provided by GP HUB). | 0…1 | ||
| |||||
Award* | Specifies hotel rating in standard notation. | 1...5 | |||
Rating* | string | Rating value; if Provider is "Hotel" then Rating value is the hotel rating in stars; if Provider is "Supplier" then Rating value is the supplier-specific hotel rating. | 1...1 | ||
Provider* | string (“Hotel“, “Supplier“) | Describes a source of the rating information; the "Hotel" value means that the rating is provided by the hotel (standard star notation); the "Supplier" value means that the rating is provided by the supplier (original supplier-specific rating). | 1...1 | ||
RelativePosition | Сontains information about where the hotel is located. Note, that there could be several nearest positions for some hotel (e.g. CityCentre and RailwayStation). | 0...9 | |||
Name* | string | Possible values described in Relative positions. | 1...1 | ||
Nearest* | boolean (default - false) | Contains "true" in case the position is nearest to the property. | 0...1 | ||
Text | string | Describes relative position more precisely, but in some cases can be the same value as Name. | 0...1 | ||
UnitOfMeasureCode | string | Unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OTA Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM). | 0...1 | ||
Distance | string | Contains distance from hotel to the airport, attractions, etc. | 0...1 | ||
RelativePosition/ Transportations/ Transportation | Contains description of distance to the nearest important places. | 0...* | |||
RelativePosition/ Transportations/ Transportation/ DescriptiveText | Short description. | 0...1 | |||
Depending on GP Travel HUB configuration, Services may also return in HotelAvailability response. See the full Service element description in the HotelDescriptiveInfo response. | 0...* | ||||
FacilityInfo/GuestRooms | Contains information about services in all rooms. | 0...1 | |||
MaxOccupancy | integer | Contains max number of people for room. | 0...1 | ||
Count | integer | Number of rooms. | 0...1 | ||
Contains information about services. | 0...* | ||||
Text and visual description of the hotel. In Availability response only one <TextItem> (for short description) and one <ImageItem> (thumbnail image) elements are presented. Сontains detailed descriptions of room. | 0...1 | ||||
Policies/Policy/PolicyInfo | Specifies an array of policy information applies for a hotel.
| 0...* | |||
CheckInTime | string | Check-in time to a hotel, in HH:MM:SS format. | 0...1 | ||
CheckOutTime | Check-out time from a hotel, in HH:MM:SS format. | 0...1 | |||
Reviews/Review | Shows the review data. | 0...99 | |||
CodeContext* | string (1 - 32) | Provider of review (for example, TrustYou). | 1...1 | ||
ReviewsCount | integer | Number of reviews. | 0...1 | ||
ReviewRating* | string (1 - 64) | Rating of hotel, which is tendered by provider of reviews. | 1...1 | ||
URL | URI | URL that could be used to redirect to the site with the full ratings. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Title | string | 0...1 | ||
InfoType* | string | 1...1 | ||
SubSection* | Provides formatted textual information that a vendor wishes to make known. The type of information is indicated. | 1...1 | ||
0...1 | ||||
SubSection/Text | string | 0...* |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
AddressLine* | string (0 - 255) | Hotel Address. | 1...5 | |
CityName | string (0 - 64) | Name of the city where hotel is located. | 0...1 | |
PostalCode | string (0 - 64) | Postal Code of the Hotel. | 0...1 | |
CountryName | string (0 - 64) | 0...1 | ||
Code | 2-character country code | ISO-2 or ISO-3 country code. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
Code | integer (1 - 1266) | 0...1 | ||
ServiceType* | string ("Hotel", "Room") | Contains info about service type. | 1...1 | |
Quantity | string | Contains numeric information about service. For example: amount of swimming pools; year of most recent renovation; room size (sqm), etc. | 0...1 | |
SupplierCode* | string | The service code as provided by supplier. | 1...1 | |
DescriptiveText* | string | Short service description as provided by supplier. | 1...5 | |
For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
MaxOccupancy | integer | Contains max number of people for room. | 0...1 | |
Code | string | Contains supplier's room code. | 0...1 | |
RoomTypeName | string (1 - 512) | Contains name of room type. | 0...1 | |
TypeRoom | Contains information about quantity of different room types. | 0...5 | ||
StandardOccupancy | integer | Indicates the usual number of guests that occupy this room. | 0...1 | |
Count | integer | Number of rooms of this room type. | 0...1 | |
Amenities/Amenity | Room services. | 0...* | ||
RoomAmenityCode* | string | Refers to OTA Code List “Room Amenity Code (RMA)“. | 1...1 | |
SupplierCode | string | Amenity code provided by supplier. | 0...1 | |
Amenities/Amenity/ DescriptiveText | string | Short description of the amenity. | 0...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
ImageItems/ImageItem | A collection of image items. | 0...1 | ||
Category | integer | Refers to OTA List "Picture Category Code (PIC)". | 0...1 | |
ImageItems/ImageItem/ ImageFormat/URL | URI* | Image URL. | 1...1 | |
ImageItems/ImageItem/ Description | Short description of the image. | 0...1 | ||
Caption | string | 0...1 | ||
TextItems/TextItem | A collection of text items. | 0...1 | ||
Category* | integer (1 - 23) | Refers to GP Travel HUB list "Text Category Code". | 1...1 | |
Title | string (1 - 255) | The title of the multimedia object. | 0...1 | |
TextItems/TextItem/ Description | string | Hotel description text. | 0...1 |