Reservation Initiate Response returns final price and availability of the requested offer.
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| TransactionIdentifier* | | Unique transaction ID generated by GP Travel HUB. This attribute must be further passed on reservation confirmation or ignore step to identify the booking request. | 1...1 |
Success* | | | For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | |
Warnings/Warning | | | |
HotelReservations* | | | Unites all the separate room reservations in one basket. | 1...1 |
ResStatus* | string ("Reserved", "Requested", "Request denied") | Mandatory only for multibooking reservation. Reservation status that can be one of: "Reserved" - accommodation was successfully reserved. Anyway ,reservation confirmation request is still required. "Request denied" - supplier denied this request and accommodation can not be booked. "Requested" - GP Travel HUB has done best effort to ensure that accommodation can be booked, however, this status doesn't guarantee, that accommodation will be booked. This status usually denotes, that supplier doesn't support two-pass booking. Info |
Important note: in Multibooking the status of the whole reservation (basket) is defined according to the status of sub-reservations and is calculated by the following priority: If any of HotelReservation has ResStatus Request denied=> ResStatus of the whole booking is Request denied. If any of HotelReservation has ResStatus Requested=> ResStatus of the whole booking is Requested. If any of HotelReservation has ResStatus Reserved=> ResStatus of the whole booking is Reserved.
| 1...1 |
HotelReservations/ HotelReservation* | | | In successful response, element represents booking information. Info |
Important note: each separate room reservation has a separate reservation status (ResStatus), and these reservation statuses could differ for each reservation block. |
| 1...* |
HotelReservations/Total | | | Total booking price for all rooms for all travelers and whole stay duration. If a Service was added in OTA_HotelResRQ, then the Total price includes the Service price. Mandatory only for multibooking reservation. | 0...1 |
AmountAfterTax* | | For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary. | 1...1 |
CurrencyCode* | | For more information see Common Data Description section in Glossary.1...1 |
HotelReservations/ HotelReservationIDs/ HotelReservationID | | | The same client/agent reservation ID that has been sent in Reservation Initiate Request. For multi-room booking is mandatory, it defines a unique basket identifier within all separate room reservations. | 0...1 |
ResID_Source* | string ("basket") | Has value "basket" for the whole list of room reservations. | 1...1 |
ResID_Value* | string | A unique identifier of a separate multi-room reservation (basket). | 1...1 |
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| ResStatus* | string ("Reserved", "Requested", "Request denied") | Shows the status of a particular reservation. | 1...1 |
RoomStays/RoomStay* | | | Room description that correspond to requested rooms. | 1...* |
ResGuests/ResGuest* | | | Represents guest details. Guest data should be specified for each room reservation. | 1...* |
ResGlobalInfo* | | | Contains global details regarding the reservation (of a single reservation in reservation basket). | 1...1 |
Elements are the same as in OTA_HotelAvailRS Hotel Availability Response, but some are added:
Element | Attribute | Type | Description | Min…Max occurs |
| InvBlockCode* | | A room identifier. Must start from 1 and must be unique within booking. Together with ResGuestRPH this element allows to allocate passengers in rooms. It must be "1" in current implementation. For multi-room reservation InvBlockCode increments within next room reservation. | 1...1 |
Services/Service | | | Additional services that can be booked with room. Info |
Note: Reservation Initiate Response will return ONLY services that were requested at Reservation Initiate Request, not all the services available. |
Info |
Note: In Reservation Initiate and Confirmation Responses price for the service is always included in Total Price. |
Info |
Note: In Reservation Initiate and Confirmation Responses Inclusive attribute will always have value Inclulsive=“true“. |
Attributes remain the same as in Hotel Availability Response, might be one additional: | 0...* |
ReservationStatusType* | | Specifies booking status of requested services; has the same value as ResStatus. | 1…1 |
Expand |
title | Multibooking Reservation Initiate Response Sample XML |
Code Block |
| <OTA_HotelResRS EchoToken="tok1EchoToken" TransactionIdentifier="156864" Version="2.0" xmlns="">
<HotelReservations ResStatus="Requested">
<HotelReservation ResStatus="Requested">
<RoomType RoomTypeCode="12530768-1" SupplierRoomCategoryCode="19-1" SupplierRoomTypeCode="5140022">
<RoomDescription Name="Suite| 2 Bedroom Suite + Breakfast Flex| One Bed Requested">
<Text>Suite| 2 Bedroom Suite + Breakfast Flex| One Bed Requested</Text>
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="4-0">
<Text>Breakfast Buffet</Text>
<MealsIncluded Breakfast="true" Dinner="false" Lunch="false" MealPlanCodes="4"/>
<RoomRate AvailabilityStatus="AvailableForSale" BookingCode="10326490" InvBlockCode="1" NumberOfUnits="1" RatePlanCode="4-0" RoomTypeCode="12530768-1">
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="1638.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="1638.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="8" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="0.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="3276.00" AmountBeforeTax="2730.00" CurrencyCode="GBP">
<Tax Amount="546.00" Code="17" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<TimeSpan End="2018-10-25" Start="2018-10-20"/>
<CancelPenalty End="2018-10-20T15:00:00+01:00" Start="2018-10-18T15:00:00+01:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="655.20" CurrencyCode="GBP" NmbrOfNights="1"/>
<CancelPenalty End="2018-10-25T00:00:00+01:00" PolicyCode="NoShow" Start="2018-10-20T15:00:00+01:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="655.20" CurrencyCode="GBP" NmbrOfNights="1"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="3276.00" AmountBeforeTax="2730.00" CurrencyCode="GBP">
<Tax Amount="546.00" Code="17" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<BasicPropertyInfo HotelCityCode="5981" HotelCode="1232470" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode" HotelDistrictCode="16194" HotelDistrictName="Westminster" HotelName="Taj 51 Buckingham Gate - Demo">
<HotelCategory Code="5" CodeDetail="5" GroupCode="Category"/>
<HotelCategory Code="20" CodeDetail="Hotel" GroupCode="Type"/>
<Award Provider="Hotel" Rating="5"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="10" ResGuestRPH="1">
<UniqueID ID="1" Type="1"/>
<CitizenCountryName Code="RU"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="10" ResGuestRPH="1">
<UniqueID ID="2" Type="1"/>
<CitizenCountryName Code="RU"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="8" ResGuestRPH="1">
<UniqueID ID="3" Type="1"/>
<Customer BirthDate="2016-05-14">
<CitizenCountryName Code="RU"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="client" ResID_Value="tour001"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="agent" ResID_Value="tour001"/>
<HotelReservation ResStatus="Requested">
<RoomType RoomTypeCode="12530768-1" SupplierRoomCategoryCode="19-1" SupplierRoomTypeCode="5140022">
<RoomDescription Name="Suite| 2 Bedroom Suite + Breakfast Flex| One Bed Requested">
<Text>Suite| 2 Bedroom Suite + Breakfast Flex| One Bed Requested</Text>
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="4-0">
<Text>Breakfast Buffet</Text>
<MealsIncluded Breakfast="true" Dinner="false" Lunch="false" MealPlanCodes="4"/>
<RoomRate AvailabilityStatus="AvailableForSale" BookingCode="103264f4" InvBlockCode="2" NumberOfUnits="1" RatePlanCode="4-0" RoomTypeCode="12530768-1">
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="1638.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="10" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="1638.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="8" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="0.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<Rate AgeQualifyingCode="8" RateSource="Calculated">
<Total AmountAfterTax="0.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="3276.00" AmountBeforeTax="2730.00" CurrencyCode="GBP">
<Tax Amount="546.00" Code="17" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<TimeSpan End="2018-10-25" Start="2018-10-20"/>
<CancelPenalty End="2018-10-20T15:00:00+01:00" Start="2018-10-18T15:00:00+01:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="655.20" CurrencyCode="GBP" NmbrOfNights="1"/>
<CancelPenalty End="2018-10-25T00:00:00+01:00" PolicyCode="NoShow" Start="2018-10-20T15:00:00+01:00">
<AmountPercent Amount="655.20" CurrencyCode="GBP" NmbrOfNights="1"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="3276.00" AmountBeforeTax="2730.00" CurrencyCode="GBP">
<Tax Amount="546.00" Code="17" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<BasicPropertyInfo HotelCityCode="5981" HotelCode="1232470" HotelCodeContext="supplierCode" HotelDistrictCode="16194" HotelDistrictName="Westminster" HotelName="Taj 51 Buckingham Gate - Demo">
<HotelCategory Code="5" CodeDetail="5" GroupCode="Category"/>
<HotelCategory Code="20" CodeDetail="Hotel" GroupCode="Type"/>
<Award Provider="Hotel" Rating="5"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="10" ResGuestRPH="2">
<UniqueID ID="1" Type="1"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="10" ResGuestRPH="2">
<UniqueID ID="2" Type="1"/>
<CitizenCountryName Code="RU"/>
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="8" ResGuestRPH="2">
<UniqueID ID="3" Type="1"/>
<Customer BirthDate="2015-05-14">
<ResGuest AgeQualifyingCode="8" ResGuestRPH="2">
<UniqueID ID="4" Type="1"/>
<Customer BirthDate="2012-05-14">
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="client" ResID_Value="tour002"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="agent" ResID_Value="tour002"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="6552.00" CurrencyCode="GBP"/>
<HotelReservationID ResID_Source="basket" ResID_Value="tourb001"/>
</OTA_HotelResRS> |